Page 15 - AHATA
P. 15

                      Tuesday 12 June 2018
            Ingrid Todd completes her 35th year with Playa Linda

            PALM BEACH – Ingrid Todd
            possesses  a  warm  smile
            and  lively  personality,  but
            it  is  her  talent  for  organi-
            zation,   leadership   skills
            and  her  managerial  abili-
            ties  that  has  truly  kept  her
            at  the  top  of  her  game
            for  an  impressive  35-year
            career  at  the  Playa  Linda
            Beach Resort. As executive
            housekeeper she leads the
            resort’s  largest  and  most
            diverse  department  with
            seeming  ease.  Her  suc-
            cessful  career  is  reflected
            not  only  in  the  high  marks
            her  department  continues
            to  garner,  but  also  in  the
            amount of respect and af-
            fection  demonstrated  by
            her  colleagues,  whom  she
            refers to as family.

            “I am proud of what I have
            been able to accomplish in
            my career. It is my goal that                                                                                       from  the  start,  “  she  re-
            the  resort  always  reaches                                                                                        marks.  “Through  the  years,
            the  highest  standards  in                                                                                         we  have  provided  a  high
            housekeeping,”  she  ex-                                                                                            level  of  service,  dedica-
            plains  as  her  ongoing  mo-                                                                                       tion and love to guests. As
            tivation. “It is a pleasure to                                                                                      a  result,  our  guests  come
            see our guests satisfied with                                                                                       back year after year, bring-
            the  work  we  accomplish,                                                                                          ing with them their families,
            and in guiding and encour-                                                                                          and  different  generations,
            aging my staff and person-                                                                                          and it is what makes Playa
            nel to offer their best each                                                                                        Linda special.”
            day.”  Ingrid  found  her  ca-
            reer  path  early,  starting  as                                                                                    Playa  Linda  General  Man-
            a  housekeeper  for  a  short                                                                                       ager  Peter  van  Grinsven
            time at the Divi before be-                                                                                         describes  Ingrid  as  a  role
            ginning her long history with                                                                                       model,  and  an  essential
            the  Playa  Linda.  Her  dili-                                                                                      member  of  the  Playa  Lin-
            gence  on  the  job  brought                                                                                        da  team.  “She  embodies
            her  recognition  and  later                                                                                        dedication,  and  is  part  of
            promotions    to   supervi-                                                                                         the reason the Playa Linda
            sor,  and  finally  to  her  cur-                                                                                   is so popular. She has been
            rent  position  as  executive                                                                                       invaluable  in  maintaining
            housekeeper. “I have seen                                                                                           the  resort’s  ISO-14001  cer-
            the  resort  through  seven                                                                                         tification,  and  helping  us
            GMs,” she comments of the                                                                                           exceed our guests’ expec-
            different  changes  she  has                                                                                        tations.”
            witnessed. “But the feeling
            of family at the Playa Linda                                                                                        Ingrid  looks  back  on  her
            remains the same.”                                                                                                  35  years  with  fondness,  as
                                                                                                                                well  as  looks  to  future  ac-
            When  Ingrid  was  first  hired                                                                                     complishments. “I am hap-
            in  June  1983,  the  Playa                                                                                         py  and  grateful,  beyond
            Linda  was  only  in  its  first                                                                                    words.  It  has  been  a  long
            phase of construction, and                                                                                          road and time has passed
            the  concept  of  timeshare                                                                                         quickly,  but  it  has  been  a
            was  new  to  Aruba.  How-                                                                                          wonderful  journey.  It  has
            ever,  the  intimate  charm                                                                                         brought  many  wonderful
            of the resort, and the con-                                                                                         people  into  my  life,  from
            tinuing emphasis on creat-                                                                                          different    backgrounds,
            ing  a  home  environment                                                                                           and through all the various
            as much for members and                                                                                             changes, it has brought me
            guests  as  well  as  for  em-                                                                                      to  where  I  am  today.  But
            ployees, proved successful.                                                                                         there is still more to do,” she
                                                                                                                                adds,  flashing  her  trade-
            “The Playa Linda had con-                                                                                           mark smile.q
            fidence in my abilities, right
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