Page 38 - ARUBA BANK
P. 38
a26 condolencia
Diamars 3 aPriL 2018
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall
not want. He makes me to lie
down in green pastures; He
Drenta su portanan cu gradicimento, leads me beside the still waters.
drenta su tempel cu cantica di alabansa, Psalm 23:1-2
glorific’e, bendiciona su Nomber. It is with much sorrow that we
Salmo 100:4 announce the sudden passing of
our beloved mother,
A fayece den paz di Señor, conforme cu boluntad di grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin
Dios: †Ninita y †Tilo Henriquez and friend:
y yiunan
†Albertina y †Shonfi
Maduro y yiunan
Reynaldo Modesto Wever Rita y Archie Maduro y Constance Albertha Gibbs
miho conoci como “Chonay” Rufina Gonzalez y yiunan Better known as “Conny”
* 13-11-1936 - †28-03-2018 †Mundo Gonzalez y yiunan Sunrise: January 18th, 1945
Sunset: March 27th, 2018
Na nomber di Su swanan y cuñanan: Predeceased by:
Su esposa: Sra. Vda Mary Wever- Jansen †Rufina y †Chen Croes y Father: Archer Gibbs
yiunan Mother: Florencia Gibbs-Cooper
Su yiunan: Shirley Wever y yiunan Fransisco Jansen y yiunan Brothers: Alfredo Cooper and Antonio Gibbs
Reyntje Wever y yiunan †Julietta y Tico Quilotte Left to mourn are her:
Reggy Wever Lourens y Dita Jansen y Son: Franklin Gibbs and Aaf Bongaardt
Wendy Laclé yiunan Daughter: Cassandra and Donald Hooker-Gibbs
Su nietonan: Beatrix y Gemmy de Freitas Stepchildren: Vanessa Gibbs
Joshua, Brandon y Adrian Silva y nan yiunan Marcial Jansen y yiunan Louise Thompson
Zack y Zhyon Pinzon Vda. Theresita Angela y Jacqueline Cole-Thompson
Tur su bisa-nietonan y bisanietanan yiunan Elvia Mitchell
Andres y Vilma Jansen y Grandchildren: Xandro Hooker
Su mayornan: †Zepp Wever yiunan Xandré Hooker
†Laura Maduro Jaisy Gibbs
Su ihanan: Brother: Frederick Gibbs
Su rumannan: †Titichi y †Chica Wever y Danila Petit y TJ Ahlip Sisters: Regina and Joe Paulina-Gibbs
yiunan Bernice and Cito York-Gibbs
†Dodo y Betty Wever y yiunan Su amigonan di semper: Florencia and Lesley Willems-Gibbs
Rigo y Alicia Wever y yiunan Ruffo de Cuba, Banchi Christina Gibbs
†Yolanda y Eugene Maduro Schwengle, Dr. Emille Sister in law: Yvette Cooper-Boasman
Westrate, Lee de Windt, Nieces and nephews: Minerva, Ricardo, Anselmo,
Dennis Canhigh, Sichi Jacqueline, Carlos, Charlene,Cecil, Ryan,
Wong, Emilio Diaz, Felipe Soraya, Norvin and Vanessa.
Ras, Paulito Dirksz, Erwin Great nieces and nephews too numerous to mention.
Maduro, Johnny Falconi, Cousins: Veronica Cooper, Irona Cooper, Daniela,
Ireno Winterdaal, Antonio Hyacint Leo-Lejuez, Hector Wallace , Felipe
Gibbs and brothers, Hubert Gibbs brothers and sisters,
Petit Descendants of the late aunt Ernestine
Tur bon bisiñanan tanto
na Rooi Koochi y Sero Godchildren
Colorado y tur demas Also left to mourn are:
amistades ta invita na e Funari Foundation
anochi di condolencia Wescet group
diamars dia 3 di april ‘18, The Community of The Seed of Life Ministries
entre 7pm y 9pm. Ultimo Close friends and family: Jeanette and Watty Heyliger
and family, Sister Carmen,
despedida lo tuma luga Ingrid,Norma, Sheila,Annaluisa, Brenda, Bernadette,
diaranson 4 di april’18 Maggie,Winny, Veena, Ernesto, Iris, Lena,
entre 2pm y 4pm. Ambos lo Sunshine, Richard, Oldine, Fam James, Sylvia James
tuma luga na Royal Funeral and fam, Ann, and Sulema.
Home. She was an ex employee of the Tamarijn Beach Resort.
She was also related to the families: Gibbs, Cooper,
Nos ta lamenta cu despues Ellis, Nisbet, Bongaardt, Hooker, Paulina,
nos lo no ricibi bishita di York, Willems, Thompson, Cole, Lejuez, Thode,
condolencia na cas. Nos Bryson, Marlin, Neal, and Eights.
disculpa si den nos tristesa We apologize that after the funeral we cannot receive
nos por a lubida algun famia condolences at home.
y demas sernan stima. The funeral will take place on thursday april 5, 2018 at
4:00pm at the Seed of Life
Donacion na OPA Ministries and from there to the Sabana Basora
(Organisacion Parkinson’s Cemetery. The body of Constance Gibbs
Aruba), envez di areglo will be laid out from 2:00pm – 4:00pm at the church.
floral, lo ta altamente Opportunity for condolences Ad Patres Funeral Home
Wednesday April 4 th , 2018 from 7:00-9:00pm
We apologize if during our time of grief we forgot to
mention any name or family.