Page 15 - AHATA
P. 15

                                                                                                           local Wednesday 31 July 2024

            Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our “Dorado”

            (Oranjestad)—If you’re ever  for example, comes from Ha-  per week. They can live up
            planning on snorkeling dur-  waii and means "very strong".  to a maximum of 5 years al-
            ing your vacation on Aruba,  Dorado is based on Spanish  though very few reach that
            you may spot fish that you  and refers to the golden yel-  age.  Most  become  adults
            can’t  recognize.  One  of  low color that the fish shines  within 1 year but many be-
            these may be the “Dorado”,  with under the sun. Why it's  come reproductive after just
            a  common  fish  that  swims  called  Dolphinfish  in  Eng-  5 or 6 months and reproduce
            all  year  long  in  the  waters  lish is not well defined and  very quickly too.
            of Aruba. Here’s some infor-  while there are several stories  They live in open water on
            mation  about  the  beloved  around this, none have been  the surface most of the time.
            Dorado.                      confirmed.                   Many fish seek them around
                                                                      sushi lines or floating objects
            Dorado has many different  Dorado is found in all tropi-  on the sea. Often you will find
            names it can be referred to.  cal  to  subtropical  oceans  a  group  landing  together
            Dral, Dorao, Drals, Drado, are  around  the  world.  Dorado  and if you keep a male on
            some of them in Papiamen-    is very popular both for rec-  the line, often the others will
            to. In English, it is also called  reational fishing and for con-  stay close or can keep the  ognizable,  even  with  small  Dorado".
            Mahi Mahi, Dolphinfish, or Do-  sumption. It is known among  group  interested  by  giving  variations in these colors.
            rado. It's a good example to  fishermen  as  an  exciting  shrimp or squid.                                         Dorado can be found in our
            reflect on why there can be  catch and a fish that puts                                Dorado has clear differences  waters around the island all
            many names. The same fish  up a good fight. Its meat is           Description:         between adult females and  year  round,  but  there  are
            becomes known by different  very good for consumption  Dorado  has  a  distinctive  males.  The  male  is  larger  periods when it is easier to
            common names, why? Com-      and it is also commercially  body. It has a large tail and  and can easily reach 50 to  find than others.q
            mon names come only when  fished for that reason.         its long, flat body ends in a  80 pounds and has a much
            a group of people, to under-                              large  blunt  head.  Its  color  flatter  head  compared  to   Source: The Department of
            stand each other, assign a  They  grow  very  fast,  up  to  of yellow and green or blue  the female. Therefore, male   Agriculture, Livestock, and
            name to a fish. Mahi Mahi,  2.7  inches  (almost  7  cm)  makes  it  immediately  rec-  Dorados are also called "bull   Fisheries (Santa Rosa).

            Lessons from our elders:

            Plants and fruits for medicinal use (part 2)

                                                                      circulation  in  the  body,
                                                                      as  well  as  help  those  with
                                                                      hemorrhoids or diarrhea.
                                                                      Many  of  our  elders  opted
                                                                      to  plant  sweet  potatoes
                                                                      themselves,   mostly   be-
                                                                      cause  of  how  easy  it  was  erywhere.  In  Aruba,  there  grow into a tree.
                                                                      to do so. Cut the end of a  are many homes that have  In  terms  of  medicinal  use,
                                                                      sweet potato let it sit in shal-  a tiny or big pomegranate  pomegranate   skins   are
                                                                      low  water  until  it  starts  to  tree. You may be wonder-  said to have a few benefits
                                                                      sprout. Then you may plant  ing  what  the  difference  is  for  our  health.  According
                                                                      it in the ground. Sweet po-  between  a  small  and  big  to  customs,  pomegranate
                                                                      tatoes  need  plenty  of  wa-  pomegranate   tree,   for  skin tea can help those that
                                                                      ter  to  grow,  especially  in  which the answer is based  suffer  from  diarrhea.  Dried
                                                                      the first week in the ground.  on  harvest  time.  Tiny  trees  pomegranate  skin  tea  is
            (Oranjestad)—In        last  ful  for  low  blood  pressure.  It  was  said  that  once  you  produce  tinier  pomegran-  also  good  for  people  who
            week’s  edition,  we  shared  People who suffer from low  start  to  notice  the  ground  ates  that  can  be  harvest-  have worms. Pomegranate
            with our readers some me-    blood  pressure  were  ad-   crack underneath the flow-   ed  early  on.  Contrarily,  flowers  can  be  boiled  to
            dicinal  use  for  plants  and  vised to eat sweet potato 2  ers, it is time to harvest. This  big  trees  produce  bigger  make a drink and this can
            fruits,  passed  down  from  to 3 times a week. Howev-    should   happen    around  pomegranates,  but  they  be  used  for  irritated  gums;
            our elders through genera-   er,  if  you  have  high  blood  month 3.                 need  enough  time  to  fully  just take a swig and let the
            tions. This week, we present  pressure, it is best not to eat                          ripen  before  harvesting,  tea  sit  in  your  mouth  for  a
            two more uses of fruits and  too much sweet potato, as           Pomegranate           otherwise  you  might  end  couple minutes. q
            plants for medicinal use.    this  raises  blood  pressure.  Pomegranates  are  also  up with bitter seeds. Pome-
                                         Sweet  potatoes  are  also  one  of  the  easier  fruits  to  granate trees are also very   Source: Remedi i Kustumber
                   Sweet potato          great for people who work  plant  and  harvest.  Origi-   easy  to  plant.  In  essence,   di nos Bieunan (Medicine and
            According  to  our  elders,  hard  labor  jobs,  and  it’s  nated  from  Persia,  this  if  you  just  throw  the  seeds   Customs of our Elderly) by Di-
                                                                                                                                        nah Veeris
            sweet potato is mostly use-  been said to be aid blood  plant can grow almost ev-      on the ground, they could
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