Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9

                                                                                                           local Tuesday 12 March 2024

            Aruba Tourism Authority honors a loyal visitor at Divi Dutch Village!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  re-  The honoree was:
            cently  had  the  great  pleasure  of  Emerald Ambassador
            recognizing an Emerald Ambassa-     Ms. Christl Schirpke from New York,
            dor of Aruba. This Ambassador was  United States.
            respectively  honored  with  a  cer-
            tificate  acknowledging  her  years  Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  representing
            of  visits,  loyalty,  and  love  for  the  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  and
            island of Aruba.                    staff members of Divi Dutch village
                                                bestowed  the  honor  certification
            The honor certification is presented  to the honoree, presented her with
            on behalf of the Minister of Tourism  gifts,  and  thanked  her  for  choos-
            as a token of appreciation and to  ing Aruba as her favorite vacation
            say “Masha Danki” to guests who  destination,  as  her  home  away
            have  visited  Aruba  10,  20,  or  35  from home.
            years or more consecutively.
                                                Top reasons for returning to Aruba,
            The  three  honoring  levels  are  as  provided by the honoree were:
            follows:                            •   Aruba`s great weather.
            Distinguished Visitor (10>years con- •   Aruba`s  wonderful  food  op-
            secutively visiting Aruba)              tions.
            Goodwill  Ambassador  (20>years  •      Aruba is a beautiful island.
            consecutively visiting Aruba)       •   Aruba`s friendly people.        On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-  to  the  honoree  for  his  continued
            Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years  •       “Its  our  home  away  from     thority, we would like to express our  visits to the “One Happy Island”.q
            consecutively visiting Aruba)           home”                           sincere gratitude and appreciation

            Visit the island’s hidden natural pools

            (Oranjestad)—Amongst the count-     mission  from  park  management
            less  beaches  surrounding  the  is-  to  enter.  You  would  have  to  pur-
            land that are well-known and fre-   chase a day pass, and receive a
            quently visited, there are an addi-  wristband  as  proof  of  payment.
            tional  two  “hidden”  natural  pools  Once you’ve completed that, you
            that  are  situated  in  the  northern  are set!
            coast of the island, two ideal stops
            in your tour itinerary.             If you decide to hike from the en-
                                                trance of the Arikok National Park,
                   Conchi (Natural Pool)        this is also possible: do bring plenty
            For  many  years,  Conchi  was  the  of protective clothing and enough
            only natural pool that we had on  water and food—it could take you
            the  island.  Located  in  the  Arikok  up to three hours to hike there!
            National  Park,  near  Boca  Keto
            and the Daimari Ranch, Conchi—      However, when you eventually do
            also  known  “Cura  di  Turtuga  (Tur-  get there, you will be greeted with
            tle’s Cove) or just Natural Pool—is  crystal  blue  water  surrounded  by
            reachable with any 4x4 vehicle or  a natural rock formation that pro-
            by foot if you’re up for a long hike.  tects you from the wild waves on
            However, since it is part of the Na-  the  other  side.  Though  the  pool  the island (where the sea is largely  come a regular stop for touring visi-
            tional Park, you must first get per-  is located on the northern side of  rough  and  largely  no  suitable  for  tors.
                                                                                    swimming),  the  pool  itself  is  very
                                                                                    calm. It’s also relatively deep, and  When  you  get  there,  maybe  you
                                                                                    you  can  climb  up  the  rocks  and  won’t be able to spot the pool im-
                                                                                    jump in!                            mediately, because you will prob-
                                                                                                                        ably  notice  the  moon-shaped  la-
                                                                                                Cave Pool               goon  where  wild  northern  waves
                                                                                    This relatively new pool appeared  crash  into  each  other.  Sounds
                                                                                    just a few years ago, when a part  scary,  but  if  you  look  down  on
                                                                                    of the dried up coral floor broke off  your right, you’ll see a calm, crys-
                                                                                    and  created  a  partition  between  tal blue little pool in the corner. To
                                                                                    the  ocean  and  what  is  now  the  get there, you have to climb down
                                                                                    natural  pool  that  is  hidden  there.  some stairs. Be careful when climb-
                                                                                    Because it’s still so new, there is no  ing  down  and  follow  the  instruc-
                                                                                    official name for it, but most peo-  tions of your tour guide if you have
                                                                                    ple just call it the cave pool.     one.

                                                                                    Just like the Conchi, the new natu-  And just like Conchi, this pool also
                                                                                    ral pool is situated on the northern  has a jumping spot, and a rope to
                                                                                    coast of Aruba. However, this pool  climb back up the boulder.q
                                                                                    is  much  easier  to  reach  with  any
                                                                                    type of vehicle, and there is no hik-    Picture of cave pool is credited to
                                                                                    ing needed. This spot has also be-                    RockaBeach Tours
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