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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 5 sepTember 2023

            Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!

            (Oranjestad)—If     you’ve  faculty  at  the  University  of  to fluctuating sea levels or  These findings can certainly  This  research  is  also  im-
            been to the northern coast  Bremen,  Prof.  dr.  Alessio  extreme  weather,  like  hur-  put things into perspective.  portant  for  the  future  of
            of  Aruba  already,  you’ve  Rovere  from  the  Ca'  Fosc-  ricanes and tsunamis.      The  ground  on  which  we  coral  reefs  on  the  island.
            probably  noticed  how  the  ari University of Venice and                              have  walked  many  times  By  studying  rising  sea  lev-
            ground differs entirely from  Prof.  dr.  Gianfranco  Scic-  Through  underwater  and  in  the  northern  part  of  the  els and climate impact on
            the sandy beaches on the  chitano, from the University  land  surveillance,  and  3D  island hold such rich history,  these  coral  reefs,  we  are
            southern part of the island.  of Bari Aldo Moro, present-  models  of  the  reefs,  they  history  that  dates  back  to  able to take concrete ac-
            These  hard  surfaces,  with  ed their research on these  were able to narrow down  a time that most of us can-     tion in protecting and pre-
            sharp  bumps  and  holes  fossilized coral reefs at the  when     these   formations  not  even  imagine.  As  the  serving our coral reefs. So, if
            are actually fossilized coral  University of Aruba.       started to take place. They  scientists  themselves  have  you are ever visiting one of
            reefs,  of  which  its  growth                            were also able to track the  pointed out, these fossilized  the bocas or driving along
            and    changes    can   be  Their  focus  for  their  re-  fluctuation  of  sea  levels  reefs on the windward side  the northern part of the is-
            traced back to the last gla-  search  included  studying  during the past hundred or  are truly an incredible and  land,  please  be  conscious
            cial period.                 the  health  and  formation  even  thousands  of  years,  rare  remnant  of  geologi-  to help protect our natural
                                         patterns  of  these  coral  and  the  effects  that  this  cal history, as they provide  historical remnant. Oh, and
            On  May  30  2023,  geosci-  reefs,  and  to  investigate  fluctuation has had on the  a clear view of how these  wear  (coral-friendly)  sun-
            entists,  Dr.  Patrick  Boyden  how  these  reefs  have  re-  coral reefs of the windward  reefs have formed.       screen! q
            from  the  Marum  research  sponded and can respond  side of Aruba.

            Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!

            (Oranjestad)—Located  in  That’s  right,  the  iconic
            the  middle  of  downtown  5-story, squared tower was
            Oranjestad,  situated  right  not  part  of  the  original
            next  to  the  government  structure  of  the  fort,  and
            building “Cocolishi”, is one  is  actually  called  “Willem
            of  the  oldest  buildings  of  III  Toren”.  Constructed  in
            Aruba:  Fort  Zoutman.  First  1867, this tower was named
            constructed  in  1796,  this  after the then-reigning king
            site  has  been  used  (or  left  of The Netherlands, Willem
            unused) in many ways and  III. Willem III Toren was origi-
            have  survived  eras  of  war  nally a light tower, but after
            and  attempted  disman-      a  request  from  Lieutenant
            tling.                       Governor  Jan  Helenus  in
                                         1866, it also became a bell
            When anyone refers to Fort  tower.
            Zoutman,  they  are  actu-   The fort itself was originally
            ally  referring  to  two  sepa-  constructed   to   protect
            rate buildings that, over the  the  commerce  bay  of  characters  roaming  the  office. For some time these  social  culture  of  the  town
            years, have been merged:  Paardenbaai  from  pirates  Caribbean  Sea.  Unlike  the  two  buildings  also  housed  came  to  be.  If  you  are  in-
            the  fort  and  the  tower.  and    other   disreputable  Willem  III  Toren,  Fort  Zout-  a  police  precinct  and  jail,  terested in history and want
                                                                      man  had  a  more  tumul-    and   even    experienced  to learn more about Aruba,
                                                                      tuous  past,  including  the  abandonment until the Cul-  then  Fort  Zoutman  should
                                                                      on-and-off  reception  of  tural Center Aruba Founda-     definitely  be  included  into
                                                                      unwanted members of the  tion (CCA) petitioned for its  your itinerary.
                                                                      English military several times  renovation  in  1964,  turning
                                                                      (The  Netherlands  was  at  the site into the Historic Mu-  The museum is open Mon-
                                                                      constant war with England  seum it currently is.          day  to  Friday  from  9am-
                                                                      back in the colonial era).   Despite  its  small  size,  The  6pm,  and  Saturday  from
                                                                      Over  the  years,  both  the  Historic  Museum  guards  a  10am-2pm.
                                                                      fort  and  the  tower  had  rich depository of the com-
                                                                      functioned   as   different  mercial, military and social    Source: The Old Fort of Aruba
                                                                      government  center  points,  history of Oranjestad, offer-             by Jan Hartog.
                                                                      including a tax and stamps  ing a glance into how the
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