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          arUba CHaLLeNGes                                 HOLLYWOOD stars                               a baNaNa eXpOrter’s
            DUtCH FiNaNCiaL                                     tUrN OUt FOr                                   battLe aGaiNst

        OVersiGHt measUres                               LiONeL messi’s iNter
                                                         miami Vs. LaFC CLasH                              COCaiNe smUGGLiNG

                                                                   News in English

                                                                     WWW.AWEMAINTA.COM               588-0022         NOTICIA@AWEMAINTA.COM

          LOGOpeDiC serViCes

       NOW COVereD bY aZV

       IN accordance with the national decree establishing general
       measures  as  of  August  29,  2023,  and  outlining  regulations

       regarding the right to speech therapy, starting from September
       2, 2023, logopedic services have been included in the coverage
       of AZV health insurance. This is a significant benefit for both

       children and adults. This means that if your family doctor or
       specialist deems it necessary, they can refer you for treatment
       with a speech therapist. Logopedic therapy aims to recover,
       improve,  or  maintain  the  functioning  of  hearing,  speech,  or
       speech-related organs. Additionally, speech therapy can assist

       with speech impediments and difficulties in eating, drinking,            What’s not covered:
       or swallowing.                                                           According to AZV regulations, treatment cannot be approved
                                                                                if  it  is  unnecessarily  expensive,  complicated,  or  ineffective.
       Procedure:                                                               Additionally,  therapy  for  dyslexia,  language  development

       Your  family  doctor  or  specialist  (as  those  authorized  to         related to dialects or other languages, and music therapy is
       prescribe  speech  twill  make  the  request  for  treatment  with       not covered.
       the medical advisor of AZV. The medical advisor of AZV can
       approve the request for a maximum of 15 sessions in one year             Personal Contribution:

       of treatment (1 year of treatment = 12 months after the first            For speech therapy, there is a personal contribution of 10% of
       session). In exceptional cases, an additional 10 sessions may            the fee. This 10% contribution is paid directly to the speech
       be granted.                                                              therapist at each session. Currently, the fee is 75 florins per

                                                                                session, lasting 30 minutes.
       Treatment  can  be  requested  for  conditions  such  as  hearing        Wait Times:
       impairment and deterioration of hearing function, voice disor-           The  expansion  of  AZV  to  cover  speech  therapy  is  a  new
       ders, language disorders, reading and writing disorders, artic-          process  that  requires  careful  organization.  AZV  is  working

       ulation disorders, nasal sounds, fluency and speech rhythm               closely with speech therapists to ensure the smooth imple-
       disorders, and abnormal oral behaviors. For example, individ-            mentation of these services. This might mean there could be a
       uals with conditions like Parkinson’s disease, autism spectrum           waiting period of several weeks or months. We kindly request

       disorder, or those who have suffered a stroke and need assis-            the collaboration and patience of all insured individuals during
       tance with speech or swallowing may be eligible for treatment.           this process.
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