Page 30 - MIN.ON AUG 24,2015
P. 30

                                                                                                                                                                      Monday 24 August 2015

Warm ‘Dutch’ Welcome in Amsterdam for Students from Aruba!

AMSTERDAM - On Thursday,   part of the Dutch Kingdom.   Among the students, 25     Many had just finished their  Aruba in The Hague. The
August 20, 2015, Deputy-   The happening took place     Aruban youngsters who      HAVO or VWO on the is-        welcome ceremony was
Mayor Simone Kukenheim     in the City Hall of Amster-  had arrived beginnings of  land.                         warm and took place in
(Youth, Diversity, Educa-  dam; around 60 students      these month to study at a  Prime Minister Eman           the same week as the nau-
tion) presented a warm     were greeted by Kuken-       Hogeschool or University.  brought a surprise visit to   tic event SAIL in Amster-
welcome for the new stu-   heim and by several rep-                                the event, together with his  dam.
dents arriving in Amster-  resentants of educational                               colleague Benny Sevinger.     Hundreds of tallships and
dam from the Caribbean     institutes in the city.                                 Resident Minister Boek-       little boats passed by in
                                                                                   houdt was also present        the Amstel River near the
                                                                                   as well as Shandra John,      City Hall. A very Dutch
                                                                                   director of the Kabinet of    setting!’q
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