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                        Friday 28 June 2024
            One Tech Tip:

            What to do when you have too many passwords to remember

            By KELVIN CHAN                                                                                                      cally fill in the details if the
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  web address doesn’t match
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Everyone                                                                                           the one linked to the saved
            has  too  many  passwords.                                                                                          password.
            The  credentials  we  need                                                                                          Many also support passkeys,
            to  remember  to  navigate                                                                                          a new technology that com-
            online life keep multiplying,                                                                                       panies  like  Google  have
            not just for frequently used                                                                                        been rolling out as a safer
            email,  banking,  social  me-                                                                                       alternative to passwords.
            dia, Netflix and Spotify logins,                                                                                    How  do  I  choose  the  best
            but also, say, the little-known                                                                                     one to use?
            e-commerce site you’re not                                                                                          There  are  dozens  of  pass-
            sure you’ll buy from again.                                                                                         word managers on the mar-
            According  to  some  unsci-                                                                                         ket, so it can be hard to fig-
            entific studies, the average                                                                                        ure out what’s best for you.
            person  has  hundreds  of                                                                                           Better-known  platforms  in-
            passwords.  That’s  a  lot  to                                                                                      clude 1Password, Bitwarden,
            keep track of. You might be                                                                                         Dashlane, Bitdefender, Nor-
            tempted  to  recycle  them,                                                                                         dpass, Keeper and Keepass.
            but it’s one of the bad pass-                                                                                       Check  out  the  many  tech
            word habits that cybersecu-                                                                                         review  websites  that  have
            rity experts warn against.                                                                                          conducted  in-depth  test-
            Instead,  use  a  password                                                                                          ing and compiled rankings
            manager.  They’ve  been      A visitor looks at his phone at the Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 27, 2024.   of the most popular services.
            around for a while and can                                                                         Associated Press  If you want to nerd out, us-
            be  useful  tools  to keep  on  ily guessed information like  securely in a digital vault.   ager  should  also  be  able  ers  on  Reddit  have  drawn
            top of your credentials. But  birthdays,  names  of  fam-  When you need to access  to generate complex pass-       up spreadsheets with side-
            they can also be intimidat-  ily members, favorite sports  an  online  service,  it  auto-  words with letters, numbers  by-side  comparisons.  Brit-
            ing  for  those  who  aren’t  teams, or simple phrases like  fills the login and password  and symbols, for whenever  ain’s National Cyber Security
            tech-savvy. Here’s a guide  abc123.                       fields.  The  only  thing  you’ll  you’re setting up a new ac-  Centre has a buyer’s guide.
            on how to use them:          The  best  strategy,  experts  need to remember is a sin-  count.  And  it  should  also  Most services have free and
            Why should I use a password  say, is to use a different pass-  gle  password  to  open  the  recognize that you’re sign-  paid versions. The paid op-
            manager?                     word for each account, the  password manager.             ing into an online service for  tions  typically  cost  a  few
            Many  people  just  use  the  longer  and  more  complex  Most  password  managers  the first time and ask if you  dollars  a  month  while  the
            same password for all their  the  better,  backed  up  by  have  a  smartphone  app  want to save the credentials  free offerings tend to have
            online accounts, mainly be-  two-factor  authentication  that  works  with  mobile  you’ve entered.                 restrictions like allowing only
            cause it’s the most conve-   where possible.              browsers  and  other  apps  Password  managers  can  one  device  to  be  logged
            nient thing to do.           But it’s impossible to remem-  and can be opened with a  also  help  you  avoid  fall-  in  at  a  time  or  limiting  the
            Don’t!                       ber all those various codes.  thumbprint or facial ID scan.  ing prey to phishing scams.  number  of  passwords  you
            If  your  credentials  are  So let a password manager  If you’re using a computer,  Those deceptive emails from  can store.
            caught in a cyber breach,  do the job.                    you can also log in to your  fraudsters trying to trick you  If cost is a factor, Bitwarden’s
            the hackers could try using  How does a password man-     password  vault  through  a  into clicking a link to a phony  free service gets top marks
            the stolen passwords to get  ager work?                   browser plug-in or by going  website designed to harvest  from  reviewers,  though  it’s
            into other services.         The basic concept is simple:  to a website.               login  details?  A  password  less polished and not as im-
            Other  no-nos:  Using  eas-  Your  passwords  are  stored  A  good  password  man-     manager  won’t  automati-    mediately intuitive to use. q

            NASA taps Elon Musk’s SpaceX to bring International Space Station

            out of orbit in a few more years

                                                                      WASHINGTON (AP) — NASA has awarded SpaceX an $843 million contract to build the
                                                                      vehicle that will bring the International Space Station out of its longtime orbit of Earth
                                                                      when its operating lifespan ends in a few more years.
                                                                      SpaceX, a privately held company controlled by technology mogul Elon Musk, will build
                                                                      the vehicle that will bring down the space station, but NASA will still oversee the even-
                                                                      tual mission.
                                                                      The International Space Station, launched in 1998, is expected to be needed to be
                                                                      brought out of orbit by 2030. The station is operated by space agencies from the U.S.,
                                                                      Europe, Japan, Canada and Russia. All the countries involved have pledged to oper-
                                                                      ate the station until 2030 except Russia, which has only committed to participate until
                                                                      Crews of astronauts have been occupying the space station since 2000.
                                                                      “The orbital laboratory remains a blueprint for science, exploration, and partnerships
                                                                      in space for the benefit of all,” said Ken Bowersox, NASA’s associate administrator for

             This  photo  provided  by  NASA  shows  the  International  Space   space operations mission directorate.
             Station from the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour during a fly   The contract is another vote of confidence in the technological prowess of SpaceX, a
             around of the orbiting lab that took place following its undocking   rocket maker based in Hawthorne, California, that Musk founded in 2002 to explore new
             from the Harmony module’s space-facing port, Nov. 8, 2021.   frontiers in space. Musk, 52, then became the driving force behind in Tesla, the electric
                                                     Associated Press  car maker that accounts for most of his estimated fortune of $220 billion.q
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