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                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 28 June 2024
            Age is just a number in drag racing, where older drivers like John

            Force excel at high speed

            By PETE IACOBELLI                                                                                                   somewhere  around  11,000
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    horsepower  more than 10
            Tony  Schumacher  has  a                                                                                            times that seen in an F1 car,
            ready  answer  when  fans                                                                                           for example.
            wonder  how  much  longer                                                                                           The love of the sport, Brown
            the 54-year-old, three-time                                                                                         believes, is the fuel to keep
            world  champion  will  keep                                                                                         going in a sport where en-
            climbing drag racing’s lad-                                                                                         gines can burst into flames
            der in the National Hot Rod                                                                                         or a tiny wobble can send
            Association.                                                                                                        a  car  airborne  or  hurtling
            “About  10  years,”  Schum-                                                                                         into a wall.
            acher  said.  “That’s  what                                                                                         “I  think  this  drag  racing,
            I’ve told them for the past                                                                                         the people that are in the
            20 years.”                                                                                                          sport, they’re consumed by
            Age  is  just  a  number  in                                                                                        it, I think,” he said.
            drag  racing,  where  cars                                                                                          That  had  to  be  the  case
            hurtle down the track for a                                                                                         for  Chris  Karamesines,  the
            quarter-mile  at  more  than                                                                                        “Golden  Greek,”  who  ad-
            300  mph  (483  kph),  a  blur                                                                                      vanced in a Top Fuel event
            of speed and roaring noise                                                                                          at  age  86  with  a  then-re-
            that  is  over  in  a  few  sec-                                                                                    cord  run  of  305  mph  (491
            onds  before  a  parachute                                                                                          kph).  Karamesines  retired
            helps bring the vehicles to a                                                                                       in 2020 with granddaughter
            stop. Such terrifying speeds   Funny Car driver John Force looks to get back on track for the last day of qualifying at the NHRA   Krista  Baldwin  taking  over
            are  far  above  those  seen   Kansas Nationals at Heartland Park, May 21, 2016, in Topeka Kansas.                  his ride.
            in Formula 1, NASCAR and                                                                           Associated Press  “It’s  been  63  years  of  fun,
            IndyCar,  but  those  races                                                                                         and  I  have  loved  every
            last  far  longer.  That  is  part  Funny  Car  event  for  15  Force  was  involved  in  a  fi-  in drag racing, from the roll  minute  of  it,”  Karamesines
            of the reason drivers in their  straight  years  starting  in  ery  crash  last  week  at  an  cages and padding within  said at his retirement.
            70s  and  even  80s  can  rely  2009. Antron Brown, 48, has  event  in  Virginia.  He  was  the  chassis  to  the  firesuits,  Irvin Johns made history at
            on  their  talent  and  experi-  75 career Top Fuel victories,  talkative with rescue works  helmets  and  restraints  for  age  79  last  year  when  he
            ence  to  safely  pilot  a  Top  winning  titles  in  2012,  2015  before going to a hospital,  the  drivers.  Deaths  in  the  won  the  Super  Stock  title
            Fuel or Funny Car for a few  and 2016. Matt Hagan, 41,  where  he  remains  under  NHRA are rare but not un-        at  the  Route  66  Nationals
            moments and keep on win-     picked  up  his  50th  Funny  observation.                heard of.                    in Joliet, Illinois, to become
            ning  long  after  traditional  Car victory in April and the    Force  is  now  in  a  neuro-  Brown,   competing   this  the NHRA’s oldest national
            drivers  on  ovals  and  road  reigning champ was nomi-   logical  intensive  care  unit  week  in  Norwalk,  Ohio,  event winner.
            courses call it a career.    nated  as  “Best  Driver”  for  to  focus  on  a  head  injury,  said  accidents  like  Force’s  “Seriously,  I  feel  like  you
            “In our sport, unlike many of  an ESPY.                   a switch viewed as a “wel-   are  in  the  back  of  every  can  do  this  for  as  long  as
            them,  it’s  mental,”  Schum-  Of  course,  all-time  great  come positive” in a recov-  racer’s  mind.  The  success-  you  like,”  said  Johns,  who
            acher explained. “I feel like  John  Force,  75,  has  won  ery his team will take a long  ful ones know how to block  stepped away from racing
            I got better with age.”      157  times  in  a  career  that  time. As in all racing series,  out the worries while focus-  for  more  than  30  years  as
            He is not alone. Ron Capps,  began  in  1978    46  years  safety  improvements  have  ing  on  their  driving  skills.  A  he built a towing business in
            59,  has  won  at  least  one  ago.                       been made over the years  Top  Fuel  or  Funny  Car  has  Louisville, Kentucky. q

            Steve Gleason to receive Arthur Ashe Courage Award at The ESPYS for his

            work on ALS awareness

            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Re-   son Act, which ensures the  butions  to  ALS  awareness.
            tired NFL safety Steve Glea-  availability of life-sustaining  Earlier this year, he released
            son, who has been fighting  communication  devices  in  his memoir.
            ALS since 2011, will receive  the U.S.                    During  his  eight  years  with
            the  Arthur  Ashe  Award  for  “Over  the  past  13  years,  the  New  Orleans  Saints,
            Courage  at  The  ESPYS  on  I’ve  been  documenting  Gleason’s memorable punt
            July 11.                     our  journey  with  ALS.  My  block  in  the  team’s  first
            The  47-year-old  Gleason  aim has always been to see  game back after Hurricane
            spent  eight  years  in  the  if we can discover peace,  Katrina  became  a  symbol
            NFL before retiring in 2008.  freedom,  and  a  love  of  of recovery in the city.
            Three  years  later,  he  went  life, even in the midst of ex-  The  Ashe  award  is  given
            public with his diagnosis of  treme  adversity,”  Gleason  to a sports person who has
            amyotrophic lateral sclero-  said  in  a  statement  Thurs-  made a difference beyond
            sis, also known as Lou Geh-  day.                         the field of play by fighting
            rig’s disease.               “Being  recognized  at  The  for  what  they  believe  in.
            Gleason  established  his  2024  ESPYS  is  not  just  an  Among the past recipients
            nonprofit,  Team  Gleason,  honor, but a powerful plat-   are  the  USA  Gymnastics    Former  NFL  football  player  and  ALS  patient  Steve  Gleason,
            to help people with ALS live  form  to  further  help  and  sexual  abuse  survivors,  Bill   second from right, and Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready, left,
            purposeful  lives  by  provid-  serve others.”            Russell,  Kevin  Love,  Maya   participate in ceremonies in commemoration of Lou Gehrig Day
            ing programming and sup-     In   2019,   Gleason   was  Moore,  Vitali  Klitschko  and   before a baseball game between the Seattle Mariners and the
            port services. It successfully  awarded  a  Congressional  the  U.S.  women’s  national   Los Angeles Angels, Sunday, June 2, 2024, in Seattle.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            lobbied for The Steve Glea-  Gold  Medal  for  his  contri-  soccer team.q
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