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P. 6

                        Friday 28 June 2024
            After failed coup attempt, many Bolivians rally behind president,

            though some are wary

            By PAOLA FLORES and                                                                                                 The influx of soldiers sent Bo-
            ISABEL DEBRE                                                                                                        livians into a frenzy, throng-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing  ATMs,  queuing  outside
            LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — Sup-                                                                                         gas  stations  and  ransack-
            porters of Bolivia’s president                                                                                      ing  grocery  stores.  By  one
            rallied outside his palace on                                                                                       count, Bolivia has had more
            Thursday after a failed coup                                                                                        than 190 coup attempts and
            attempt a day earlier, giv-                                                                                         revolutions since its 1825 in-
            ing  some  political  breath-                                                                                       dependence.
            ing room to the embattled                                                                                           The  country’s  fragmented
            leader of this economically                                                                                         opposition  rejected  the
            troubled  country  as  they                                                                                         coup before it was clear it
            chanted    pro-democracy                                                                                            had  failed.  Former  interim
            slogans.                                                                                                            President  Jeanine  Áñez,
            The  South  American  na-                                                                                           detained for her role in Mo-
            tion  of  12  million  watched                                                                                      rales’ 2019 ouster, said that
            in shock and bewilderment                                                                                           soldiers  sought  to  “destroy
            Wednesday as military forc-                                                                                         the constitutional order,” but
            es appeared to turn on the                                                                                          appealed to both Arce and
            government of President Luis                                                                                        Morales not to run in the 2025
            Arce, seizing control of the                                                                                        elections.
            capital’s  main  square  with                                                                                       Santa Cruz Gov. Luis Fernan-
            armored vehicles, crashing a                                                                                        do Camacho, also detained
            tank into the presidential pal-  Bolivian police hold the detained Juan Jose Zuniga, former general commander of the Army, in   for  allegedly  orchestrating
            ace and unleashing tear gas   La Paz, Bolivia, Wednesday, June 26, 2024.                                            a coup in 2019, demanded
            on  protesters.  Three  hours                                                                      Associated Press  answers from Arce’s govern-
            later, the army general who  without providing evidence  by the end of the business  of Morales running again has  ment on Thursday.
            led the attempted coup was  that Arce had ordered the  day.  Arce  named  a  new  rattled  Arce,  whose  popu-      “Was it a media spectacle
            in custody.                  general  to  carry  out  the  army commander, who im-     larity  has  plunged  as  the  put on by the government
            On  Thursday,  riot  police  coup  attempt  in  a  ruse  to  mediately ordered troops to  country’s  foreign  currency  itself,  as  General  Zúñiga
            guarded the palace doors  boost  the  president’s  pop-   retreat.                     reserves dwindle, its natural  says? Was it just some mili-
            and Arce  who has struggled  ularity. That fueled a frenzy  “Here  we  are,  firm,  in  the  gas exports plummet and its  tary madness? Was it simply
            to  manage  the  country’s  of speculation about what  presidential palace, to con-    currency peg to the U.S. dol-  another example of lack of
            shortages  of  foreign  cur-  really  happened,  and  op-  front  any  coup  attempt,”  lar collapses.              control?” he wrote on social
            rency and fuel  condemned  position senators and gov-     Arce  said  after  facing  The cash crunch has ramped  media platform X.
            the  now-ousted  Bolivian  ernment critics echoed the  down  Zúñiga.  Hundreds  of  up pressure on Arce to scrap  Zúñiga’s answer came as a
            army chief, Gen. Juan José  accusations, calling the mu-  the  president’s  supporters  food and fuel subsidies that  shock, telling reporters that
            Zúñiga.                      tiny a “self-coup”  a claim  surged into streets surround-  have  put  a  strain  on  state  Arce had asked him direct-
            Analysts say that the surge of  strongly  denied  by  Arce’s  ing the palace Wednesday  finances,  a  combustible  ly to storm the palace and
            public support for Arce, even  government.                night,  singing  the  national  move ahead of elections.  bring armored vehicles into
            if fleeting, provides him with  In La Paz’s main Plaza Murillo,  anthem  and  cheering  for  Defense  Minister  Edmundo  downtown La Paz.
            a  much-needed  reprieve  supporters addressed Arce,  Arce.                            Novillo  said  Wednesday’s  “The president told me: ‘The
            from the country’s economic  yelling “Lucho, you are not  Authorities  swiftly  arrested  turmoil  had  its  roots  in  a  situation is very screwed up,
            quagmire and political tur-  alone!” as fireworks explod-  Zúñiga as his soldiers retreat-  private  meeting  Tuesday  very critical. It is necessary to
            moil. The president is locked  ed overhead. Lucho, a com-  ed from central La Paz.     in which Arce dismissed Zu-  prepare something to raise
            in a deepening rivalry with  mon nickname for Luis, also  The U.S. deputy secretary of  ñiga over the army chief’s  my popularity,’” Zúñiga al-
            the popular former President  means “fight” in Spanish.   state for management, Rich  threats to arrest Morales if he  leged  the  Bolivian  leader
            Evo Morales, his erstwhile ally  Some Bolivians said they be-  Verma,  condemned  Zuni-  proceeded to join the 2025  told him.
            who has threatened to chal-  lieved Gen. Zúñiga’s allega-  ga’s actions and speaking in  race.                      Bolivian officials have denied
            lenge Arce in 2025 primaries.  tions on national TV that the  Paraguay on Thursday noted  Arce has also denied the le-  Zúñiga’s claims, insisting the
            “The  president’s  manage-   coup attempt was a hoax.     that  “democracy  remains  gitimacy  of  Morales’  presi-  general  was  lying  to  justify
            ment  has  been  very  bad,  “They are playing with the  fragile in our hemisphere.”   dential bid.                 his actions. Prosecutors said
            there are no dollars, there is  intelligence of the people,  The  short-lived  mutiny  fol-  In  their  meeting,  Zuñiga  they’d  seek  the  maximum
            no petrol,” said La Paz-based  because  nobody  believes  lowed months of mounting  gave officials no indication  sentence of 15 to 20 years in
            political analyst Paul Coca.  that it was a real coup,” said  tensions between Arce and  he  was  preparing  to  seize  prison for Zúñiga on charges
            “Yesterday’s military move is  48-year-old  lawyer  Evaristo  ex-President Morales, Boliv-  power, Novillo said.    of  “attacking  the  constitu-
            going to help his image a bit,  Mamani.                   ia’s first Indigenous president.  “He admitted that he had  tion.”
            but it’s no solution.”       Lawmakers  and  former  of-  Morales has staged a dra-    committed some excesses,”  Political  experts  struggling
            Some  protesters  gathered  ficials also bolstered the al-  matic  political  comeback  he said of Zuñiga. “We said  to  comprehend  the  rea-
            outside  the  police  station  legations. “This has been a  since  mass  protests  and  a  goodbye in the most friendly  sons  behind  Wednesday’s
            where the former army gen-   setup,” said Carlos Romero,  deadly crackdown prompt-     way, with hugs. Zuñiga said  turmoil.
            eral  was  being  detained,  a former official in the Mo-  ed him to resign and flee in  that he would always be at  “This  is  the  weirdest  coup
            shouting that he should go  rales  government.  “Zúñiga  2019  a military-backed oust-  the side of the president.”  attempt I have ever seen,”
            to  jail.  “It’s  a  shame  what  followed the script as he was  er that his supporters decry  Mere  hours  later,  panic  said Kathryn Ledebur, direc-
            Zúñiga  did,”  said  47-year-  ordered.”                  as a coup.                   gripped  the  capital  of  La  tor of the Andean Informa-
            old Dora Quispe, one of the  Soon after the military action  Morales  has  vowed  to  run  Paz. Tailed by armored ve-  tion Network, a Bolivia-based
            demonstrators. “We are in a  was  underway,  it  became  against  Arce  in  2025  elec-  hicles and supporters, Zuñiga  research  group.  “Bolivia’s
            democracy, not a dictator-   clear  that  any  attempted  tions despite a constitutional  burst into government head-  democracy  remains  very
            ship.”                       takeover  had  no  mean-     court ruling that said he was  quarters and declared the  fragile, and definitely a great
            Before    his   arrest   late  ingful political support. The  ineligible because he had al-  armed forces sought “to re-  deal more fragile today than
            Wednesday, Zúñiga alleged  rebellion ended bloodlessly  ready served. The possibility  store Bolivia’s democracy.”  it was yesterday.”q
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