Page 7 - aruba-today-20240628
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Friday 28 June 2024
            Ministry of Nature reminds that the use of plastic balloons in the

            open air is prohibited

                                                                                        tances and bring them into our
                                                                                        world and beaches.
                                                                                    •   They  release  harmful  chemi-
                                                                                        cals  during  their  decomposi-
                                                                                        tion  process.  This  can  affect
                                                                                        the quality of our soil and water
                                                                                        through contamination.
                                                                                    •   The Ministry of Nature urges the
                                                                                        entire  population  of  Aruba  to
                                                                                        stop  using  plastic  balloons  in
                                                                                        the  open  air  so  we  can  take
                                                                                        care  of  our  environment.  The
                                                                                        responsibility  to  safeguard  our
                                                                                        nature falls on all of us who live
            Through  a  publication,  the  Minis-  been  considered  during  the  sec-  on this island, not just a few.
            try  of  Nature  wants  to  remind  all  ondary  school  graduation  season
            citizens and visitors that since 2019,  and  a  soccer  championship  cel-  Similarly,  it  should  be  noted  that
            the  use  of  plastic  balloons  in  the  ebration.                     the use of helium balloons also rep-
            open  air  is  not  allowed.  It  is  also                              resents a danger given the various
            important to inform that they cause  Plastic  balloons  can  easily  cause  incidents that have occurred with
            a negative impact on the environ-   negative  impacts  on  our  environ-  power lines due to the use of these
            ment.                               ment because:                       balloons.  For  this  reason,  ELMAR
                                                •   They can cause serious harm to  N.V.  sent  a  message  to  the  peo-
            The  Ministry  of  Nature  reminds  all   our animals, both on land and  ple  of  Aruba  in  late  May  to  raise  Nature and the state company EL-
            citizens that since December 2019,      in  water,  as  they  can  mistake  awareness  that  helium  balloons  MAR N.V are calling on the com-
            the use of balloons in the open air,    them for food. This can cause  are made of aluminum material.       munity to, when using balloons or
            meaning outside, is not permitted.      them  significant  harm  and  Aluminum  is  a  conductive  metal,  plastic  balloons,  not  let  them  fly
            The Environmentally Harmful Prod-       even death.                     and  when  these  balloons  come  away  considering  the  dangers
            ucts Ordinance specifically names  •    They contribute to pollution on  into contact with power lines, they  they  can  cause  to  the  environ-
            plastic balloons and confetti. Note     land and in the sea. The wind  can cause a short circuit.           ment, animals, and even the com-
            has  been  taken  that  this  has  not   can  carry  them  over  long  dis-  For this reason, both the Ministry of  munity itself.q

            The Bali Restaurant: a touristic hot spot and lost gem on the island

            (Oranjestad)—Once  locat-                                                              expansion;  this  time  com-  reminisce  its  legacy,  and
            ed  in  what  is  now  the  Re-                                                        plete  with  a  long  bar  and  it’s  now  considered  a  lost
            naissance  Marina,  the  Bali                                                          dance  floor,  where  guests  monument.
            Restaurant was once both a                                                             enjoyed  live  music  from
            touristic and local hot spot,                                                          legendary Aruban musician  Be  apart  of  the  conversa-
            and  nowadays  it’s  consid-                                                           and composer, Toti Arends.  tion:  if  you  or  any  family
            ered  a  forgotten  gem  on                                                                                         member  of  yours  have  a
            the island.                                                                            After  1989,  the  restaurant  memory of the Bali restau-
                                                                                                   was  again  handed  over  rant,  whether  it  be  a  pic-
            Known as “the floating res-                                                            to other owners, and since  ture or just a story, share it
            taurant”,  Bali  first  opened                                                         then suffered from unstable  with  us!  We  would  love  to
            in  1955  by  Willem  “Bill”                                                           pillars underneath the foun-  see this legendary hot spot
            Strijland,  who  had  experi-                                                          dation,  resulting  in  various  through the lens of our visi-
            ence  in  Javanese  cuisine.                                                           leaks  and  overflowing  of  tors!
            At the time, the restaurant                                                            water  into  the  restaurant.
            was    pretty   exclusive—   renovations  and  rebrand-   official (re)opening in 1972.   And  as  most  great  things  Source and pictures credit
            with space to host only 25  ing.                                                       come to an end, so did the  to: “De Kolibrie op de Rots
            guests. Yet, 4 years later, it                            After  1972,  when  Ronny  survival  and  maintenance  (en meer over de geschie-
            was  named  the  best  res-  In 1964, the restaurant was  Schmand  took  over,  the  of  the  Bali  Restaurant.  denis van Aruba)” by Evert
            taurant  in  the  Caribbean  taken over by Karel “Carl”  restaurant saw yet another  However,  folks  today  still  Bongers.q
            by  the  Caribbean  Tourist  Schmand.  Over  the  years,
            Association.                 the restaurant needed con-
                                         stant renovation and repair,
            The  restaurant  was  prob-  mainly due to its vulnerabil-
            ably  most  iconic  for  its  ity  to  leaks  and  the  unsta-
            Javanese-inspired  exterior  ble  pillars  underneath  the
            with its pointy, slanted roofs.  foundation.  However,  the
            However, the first version of  biggest  change  made  to
            Bali did not look like that at  the  restaurant  happened
            all  but  was  still  considered  in the year 1970—still under
            as  one  of  the  most  popu-  the ownership of Schmand,
            lar restaurants on the island  when it got its iconic pointy
            at the time. The restaurant  roofs.  The  restaurant  was
            saw three different owners  also  expanded  to  host  a
            during its existence, during  total of 85 guests. This was
            which it underwent various  “The New Bali”, who had its
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