Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210118
P. 28

A28    u.s. news
                    Dialuna 18 Januari 2021

                       Democrats build impeachment case, alleging 'dangerous crime'

                                                                                                                        No president has ever been convict-
                                                                                                                        ed in the Senate, and it would take a
                                                                                                                        two-thirds vote against Trump, a high
                                                                                                                        hurdle. But conviction is not out of
                                                                                                                        the  realm  of  possibility,  especially
                                                                                                                        as  corporations  and  wealthy  politi-
                                                                                                                        cal donors distance themselves from
                                                                                                                        Trump's brand of politics and the Re-
                                                                                                                        publicans who stood by his attempts
                                                                                                                        to overturn the election.

                                                                                                                        Rudy  Giuliani,  Trump's  personal
                                                                                                                        attorney,  was  spotted  at  the  White
                                                                                                                        House Saturday and told ABC he was
                                                                                                                        likely going to join Trump’s impeach-
                                                                                                                        ment defense team. He suggested he
                                                                                                                        would  continue  to  spread  baseless
                                                                                                                        claims of election fraud on the Sen-
                                                                                                                        ate floor.

                                                                                                                        Trump campaign spokesman Hogan
                                                                                                                        Gidley  moved  to  distance  Trump
                                                                                                                        from Giuliani’s comments, tweeting:
                                                                                                                        “President Trump has not yet made a
                                                                                                                        determination as to which lawyer or
                                                                                                                        law  firm  will  represent  him  for  the
                                                                                                                        disgraceful  attack  on  our  Constitu-
                                                                                                                        tion  and  democracy,  known  as  the
                                                                                                                        'impeachment  hoax.'  We  will  keep
                                                                                                                        you informed.”

                                                                                                                        There  was  not  widespread  fraud  in
            (AP) — The lead prosecutor for  reckoning with the Capitol attack at  impeachment, but said he is undecid-  the  election,  as  has  been  confirmed
            President  Donald  Trump's  his-    the same time that Biden takes office  ed on how he would vote. He con-  by a range of election officials and by
            toric second impeachment began  and  tries  to  move  the  country  for-  tinues to hold great sway in his party,  William Barr, who stepped down as
            building  his  case  for  conviction  ward. They say the Congress can do  even though convening the trial this  attorney  general  last  month.  Nearly
            at trial, asserting on Sunday that  both, balancing a trial with confirma-  week could be among his last acts as  all of the legal challenges put forth by
            Trump's  incitement  of  the  mob  tions of the new president's Cabinet  majority leader as Democrats prepare  Trump and his allies have been dis-
            that stormed the U.S. Capitol was  and  consideration  of  his  legislative  to take control of the Senate with the  missed by judges.
            “the most dangerous crime" ever  priorities.                            seating of two new Democratic sena-
            committed by a president against                                        tors from Georgia.                  Trump  is  the  only  president  to  be
            the United States. A Senate trial  Raskin  said  Congress  cannot  estab-                                   twice impeached, and the first to be
            could begin as soon as this week,  lish a precedent where “we just want  For Republican senators, the trial will  prosecuted  as  he  leaves  the  White
            just  as  Democrat  Joe  Biden  is  to  let  bygones  be  bygones”  just  be-  be perhaps a final test of their loyalty  House,  an  ever-more-extraordinary
            sworn in as the 46th president.     cause Trump has left office.        to the defeated president and his le-  end to his tenure. A precedent set by
                                                                                    gions of supporters in their states back  the  Senate  in  the  1800s  established
            Rep.  Jamie  Raskin,  D-Md.,  did  not  Yet  it's  clear  that  Democrats  do  not  home. It will force a further reevalua-  that  a  trial  can  proceed  even  after  a
            say when House Speaker Nancy Pe-    want  the  Senate  trial  to  dominate  tion of their relationship with Trump,  federal  official  leaves  office.  Trump
            losi, D-Calif., will send the single ar-  Biden's opening days. Pelosi on Fri-  who lost not only the White House  was first impeached by the House in
            ticle of impeachment against Trump  day  said  that  Democrats  intend  to  but  majority  control  of  the  Senate,  2019 over his dealings with Ukraine,
            —  for  “incitement  of  insurrection”  move quickly on Biden’s $1.9 trillion  and  a  broader  discussion  about  the  but the Senate voted last year to ac-
            —  to  the  Senate,  which  will  trigger  COVID  aid  and  economic  recovery  future of the Republican Party as he  quit.
            the beginning of the trial. But Raskin  package to speed up vaccinations and  leaves office.
            said “it should be coming up soon” as  send Americans relief, calling it “mat-                              Ten Republicans joined all Democrats
            Pelosi organizes the formal transfer.  ter of complete urgency.”        Some  GOP  senators  are  already  in the 232-197 impeachment vote on
                                                Ron  Klain,  Biden's  incoming  White  standing by Trump, despite their crit-  Wednesday, the most bipartisan mod-
            The House voted to impeach Trump  House  chief  of  staff,  said  he  hopes  icism of his behavior. South Caroli-  ern presidential impeachment.
            last  Wednesday,  one  week  after  the  Senate leaders, on a bipartisan basis,  na Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of the
            violent insurrection that interrupted  “find a way to move forward on all of  president's most loyal allies, said im-  When  his  second  trial  does  begin,
            the  official  count  of  electoral  votes,  their responsibilities. This impeach-  peachment was a "bad, rushed, emo-  House  impeachment  managers  say
            ransacked the Capitol and left Con-  ment trial is one of them, but getting  tional move” that puts the presidency  they  will  be  making  the  case  that
            gress deeply shaken. Before the mob  people into the government and get-  at risk and will cause further division.  Trump’s  incendiary  rhetoric  hours
            overpowered police and entered the  ting action on coronavirus is another                                   before the attack on the Capitol was
            building, Trump told them to “fight  one of those responsibilities.”    He  said  he  hopes  every  Senate  Re-  not isolated, but directly intended to
            like  hell”  against  the  certification  of                            publican    rejects   impeachment.  interrupt the electoral count as part of
            Biden's election win.               It is unclear how many Senate Repub-  “Please do not justify and legitimize  his  escalating  campaign  to  overturn
                                                licans — if any — would vote to con-  what the House did,” Graham said.  the November election.
            “We're  going  to  be  able  to  tell  the  vict Trump. Republican leader Mitch
            story  of  this  attack  on  America  and  McConnell of Kentucky is telling his  A  handful  of  Republican  senators  A Capitol Police officer died from in-
            all  of  the  events  that  led  up  to  it,”  caucus that their decision on whether  have  suggested  they  will  consider  juries suffered in the attack, and po-
            Raskin  said.  “This  president  set  out  to convict the outgoing president will  conviction. Two of them, Alaska Sen.  lice shot and killed a woman. Three
            to  dismantle  and  overturn  the  elec-  be a “vote of conscience.” His stance,  Lisa  Murkowski  and  Pennsylvania  other people died in what authorities
            tion results from the 2020 presiden-  first  reported  by  Business  Insider,  Sen. Pat Toomey, have said he should  said were medical emergencies.
            tial  election.  He  was  perfectly  clear  means the GOP leadership team will  resign.  Murkowski  said  the  House
            about that.”                        not work to hold senators in line one  responded  “appropriately”  with  im-  Raskin  and  Klain  were  on  CNN's
                                                way or the other.                   peachment and she will consider the  “State  of  the  Union,”  and  Graham
            Democrats and the incoming admin-                                       trial arguments.                    appeared  on  Fox  News  Channel's
            istration  are  facing  the  challenge  of  McConnell  is  open  to  considering                            “Sunday Morning Futures.”
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