Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210118
P. 29

                                                                                         world news Dialuna 18 Januari 2021

                         Israel OKs hundreds of settlement homes in last-minute push

            (AP) — Israeli authorities  Now, Israel approved or ad-   The Palestinians claim all of
            on Sunday advanced plans  vanced  construction  of  over  the  West  Bank,  captured  by
            to build nearly 800 homes  12,000  settlement  homes  in  Israel  in  the  1967  Mideast
            in West Bank settlements,  2020, the highest number in  war, as part of a future inde-
            in  a  last-minute  surge  a single year since it began re-  pendent  state.  They  say  the
            of  approvals  before  the  cording statistics in 2012.   growing  settler  population,
            friendly  Trump  adminis-                                 approaching  some  500,000
            tration  leaves  office  later  “By  promoting  hundreds  people,  makes  it  increasing-
            this week.                   of  settlement  units,  Prime  ly  difficult  to  achieve  their
                                         Minister  Netanyahu  is  once  dream of independence.
            COGAT,  the  Israeli  defense  again putting his personal po-
            body  that  authorizes  settle-  litical interests over those of  Nabil  Abu  Rdeneh,  spokes-
            ment    construction,   con-  the country,” the group said.  man  for  Palestinian  Presi-
            firmed  the  approvals,  which  “Not  only  will  this  settle-  dent  Mahmoud  Abbas,  said
            drew  swift  condemnations  ment activity erode the pos-  Sunday's  decision  marked  a
            from the Palestinians.       sibility  for  a  conflict-ending  “preemptive  attempt  by  the
                                         resolution with the Palestin-  Israeli government to under-
            The  anti-settlement  moni-  ians  in  the  long-term,  but  mine any effort that the U.S.
            toring group Peace Now said  in  the  short-term  it  need-  President-elect  Joe  Biden’s  tions,  along  with  the  rest  of
            that over 90% of the homes  lessly sets Israel on a collision  administration  might  make  the  international  commu-  As  a  result,  Israel  approved
            lay  deep  inside  the  West  course  with  the  incoming  to relaunch the stalled peace  nity, opposed settlement con-  plans  for  over  27,000  settler
            Bank, which the Palestinians  Biden administration.”      process.”                    struction.  But  Trump,  sur-  homes during Trump's four-
            seek as the heartland of a fu-                                                         rounded by a team of advisers  year  term,  more  than  2.5
            ture  independent  state,  and  Netanyahu’s  office  said  last  Jordan,  which  borders  the  with  close  ties  to  the  settler  times  the  number  approved
            over 200 homes were located  week he would seek approv-   West Bank, and the European  movement,  took  a  different  during  the  Obama  admin-
            in unauthorized outposts that  als  for  the  latest  construc-  Union  also  condemned  the  approach.  His  administra-  istration’s  second  term,  ac-
            the government had decided  tion  projects.  They  include  Israeli  announcement.  The  tion  did  not  criticize  Israeli  cording to Peace Now.
            to legalize.                 100  homes  in  Tal  Menashe,  EU said it is “contrary to in-  settlement  announcements,
                                         a settlement where an Israeli  ternational  law  and  further  and  in  a  landmark  decision,  Biden  is  expected  to  return
            Israel  has  stepped  up  settle-  woman was killed last month  undermines the prospects of  announced in 2018 that it did  to  the  traditional  U.S.  posi-
            ment  construction  during  in an attack for which a Pales-  a viable two-state solution.”  not  consider  settlements  to  tion of opposing settlements,
            President  Donald  Trump’s  tinian man has been charged.                               be illegal under international  setting the stage for a possible
            term.  According  to  Peace                               A string of U.S. administra-  law.                        clash with Netanyahu.

                             Kremlin critic Navalny detained after landing in Moscow

                                                                                    conviction  for  embezzlement.  The  reported Sunday that several Navalny
                                                                                    prison  service  has  asked  a  Moscow  supporters in St. Petersburg had been
                                                                                    court  to  turn  Navalny’s  3  1/2-year  removed from Moscow-bound trains
                                                                                    suspended sentence into a real one.  or  been  prevented  from  boarding
                                                                                                                        flights late Saturday and early Sunday,
                                                                                    After boarding the Moscow flight in  including the coordinator of his staff
                                                                                    Berlin on Sunday, Navalny said of the  for  the  region  of  Russia’s  second-
                                                                                    prospect  of  arrest:  “It’s  impossible;  largest city.
                                                                                    I’m an innocent man.”
                                                                                                                        Navalny  fell  into  a  coma  while
                                                                                    The  Kremlin  has  repeatedly  denied  aboard a domestic flight from Siberia
                                                                                    a role in the opposition leader’s poi-  to Moscow on Aug. 20. He was trans-
                                                                                    soning.                             ferred from a hospital in Siberia to a
                                                                                                                        Berlin hospital two days later.
                                                                                    Navalny  supporters  and  journalists
                                                                                    had come to Moscow's Vnukovo Air-   Labs  in  Germany,  France  and  Swe-
                                                                                    port, where the plane was scheduled  den, and tests by the Organization for
                                                                                    to  land,  but  it  ended  up  touching  the  Prohibition  of  Chemical  Weap-
                                                                                    down at Sheremetyevo airport, about  ons, established that he was exposed
                                                                                    40 kilometers (25 miles) away. There  to a Soviet-era Novichok nerve agent.
                                                                                    was no immediate explanation for the
                                                                                    flight diversion.                   Russian  authorities  insisted  that  the
                                                                                                                        doctors  who  treated  Navalny  in  Si-
            (AP) — Russian opposition lead-     blamed on the Kremlin. Navalny de-  The OVD-Info group, which moni-     beria before he was airlifted to Ger-
            er  Alexei  Navalny  was  detained  cided to leave Berlin of his own free  tors  political  arrests,  said  at  least  37  many found no traces of poison and
            at a Moscow airport after return-   will  and  wasn’t  under  any  apparent  people  were  arrested  at  Vnukovo  have  challenged  German  officials  to
            ing from Germany on Sunday, the  pressure to leave from Germany.        Airport,  although  their  affiliations  provide proof of his poisoning. They
            prison service said.                                                    weren't immediately clear.          refused to open a full-fledged crimi-
                                                The  prison  service  made  the  an-                                    nal inquiry, citing a lack of evidence
            The  prison  service  said  he  was  de-  nouncement after the flight carrying  Vnukovo  banned  journalists  from  that Navalny was poisoned.
            tained for multiple violations of pa-  Navalny landed in the Russian capi-  working inside the terminal, saying in
            role and terms of a suspended prison  tal, though at a different airport than  a statement last week that the move  Last  month,  Navalny  released  the
            sentence and would be held in cus-  had been scheduled. It was a possible  was due to epidemiological concerns.  recording of a phone call he said he
            tody until a court makes a decision in  attempt to outwit journalists and sup-  The airport also blocked off access to  made to a man he described as an al-
            his case.                           porters  who  wanted  to  witness  Na-  the international arrivals area.  leged member of a group of officers
                                                valny's return.                                                         of  the  Federal  Security  Service,  or
            Navalny,  who  is  President  Vladimir                                  Police  prisoner-detention  vehicles  FSB, who purportedly poisoned him
            Putin’s  most  prominent  and  deter-  Russia’s  prison  service  last  week  is-  stood outside the terminal on Sunday.  in August and then tried to cover it
            mined  foe,  had  spent  the  previous  sued a warrant for his arrest, saying                               up. The FSB dismissed the recording
            five  months  in  Germany  recover-  he had violated the terms of suspend-  The independent newspaper Novaya  as fake.
            ing from a nerve agent attack that he  ed  sentence  he  received  on  a  2014  Gazeta  and  opposition  social  media
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