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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 6 augustus 2021

                              Lawmakers give Cuomo deadline in impeachment probe

            (AP)  —  State  lawmakers  vide any additional  evidence  available  to  reporters  since
            told Gov. Andrew Cuomo  or  written  submissions  that  the report’s release Tuesday.
            on  Thursday  that  their  you  would  like  the  Com-
            ongoing impeachment in-      mittee to consider before its  District attorneys in Manhat-
            vestigation is almost done  work concludes.”              tan,  suburban  Westchester,
            and  gave  him  a  deadline                               Oswego,  and  Nassau  coun-
            of  Aug.  13  to  provide  ad-  The letter was released pub-  ties  and  the  state  capital  of
            ditional evidence.           licly  by  Assembly  Judiciary  Albany  said  they  asked  for
                                         Committee  Chair  Charles  investigative  materials  from
            Since March, the Assembly’s  Lavine, a Long Island Demo-  the  inquiry  to  see  if  any  of
            judiciary committee has been  crat.                       the allegations could result in
            investigating  whether  there                             criminal charges.
            are  grounds  to  impeach  the  The  committee  has  sched-
            Democratic  governor  over  uled its next meeting on the  Oswego  County  District
            sexual  harassment  allega-  matter for Monday.           Attorney  Greg  Oakes  told
            tions,  misleading  the  public                           WSYR-TV  that  he  will  be-
            about  COVID-19  outbreaks  Findings  from  an  indepen-  gin  investigating  an  incident  ments.                  wrap up its probe “as quickly
            at  nursing  homes  and  using  dent  investigation  overseen  involving a woman who tes-                           as possible” before the cham-
            state  resources  and  staff  for  by  state  Attorney  General  tified  that  Cuomo  ran  two  That’s more then the simple  ber  votes  on  articles  of  im-
            his $5 million book deal.    Letitia James released earlier  fingers  across  her  chest  and  majority  needed  for  an  im-  peachment.
                                         this week said Cuomo sexu-   grazed the area between her  peachment vote.
            In  a  letter  sent  Thursday,  ally harassed at least 11 wom-  shoulder  and  breasts  at  an                      But  it’s  far  from  clear  how
            the  law  firm  leading  the  in-  en,  and  that  his  administra-  upstate conservation event in  Assemblymember   Sarah  long  that  will  take:  Several
            vestigation,  Davis  Polk  &  tion retaliated against at least  May 2017.              Clark,  a  Democrat  from  judiciary  committee  mem-
            Wardwell,  reminded  Cuo-    one of them for going public                              Rochester,  said  colleagues  bers  estimate  weeks  or  even
            mo’s  legal  team  that  it  has  with her allegations.   One  of  Cuomo’s  accusers  who  were  once  hesitant  to  a month.
            subpoenaed  certain  docu-                                said  he  groped  her  breast.  call  for  Cuomo  to  leave  of-
            ments and expects “full com-  Cuomo  has  denied  making  Others  have  said  he  gave  fice are now all calling for his  Clark  has  asked  legislative
            pliance  from  the  governor,”  any  inappropriate  sexual  ad-  them  unwanted  kisses  or  resignation or impeachment.  leaders  whether  the  Assem-
            but that his time to respond  vances  and  insists  the  find-  touched parts of their bodies                       bly  could  submit  articles  of
            was almost up.               ings  don’t  reflect  the  facts.  in ways that made them un-  “There  are  not  that  many  impeachment on harassment
                                         He’s resisted numerous calls  comfortable.                more  questions  in  anyone’s  first  and  add  more  findings
            “We write to inform you that  for his resignation from most                            mind that he has truly broken  later.  But  committee  mem-
            the  Committee’s  investiga-  of New York’s top Democrats  Nearly 60% — at least 89 —  state laws, and the state sexu-  ber Tom Abinanti, a Demo-
            tion  is  nearing  completion  and from national figures like  of the Assembly’s 150 mem-  al harassment laws he signed  crat, said he supports waiting
            and  the  Assembly  will  soon  President Joe Biden.      bers said they would impeach  into law,” Clark said.      to end the probe and drawing
            consider  potential  articles  of                         Cuomo if he doesn’t resign,                               up  comprehensive  articles
            impeachment  against  your  The  governor  had  no  pub-  according  to  a  tally  by  The  Assembly   Speaker   Carl  that  could  hold  up  to  legal
            client,” they wrote. “Accord-  lic events planned Thursday,  Associated  Press  based  on  Heastie  said  the  Assembly’s  scrutiny.
            ingly,  we  invite  you  to  pro-  and  has  not  made  himself  interviews  and  public  state-  judiciary committee will first

                          At least 10 dead as van carrying migrants crashes in Texas

            (AP)  -  An  overloaded  in  Encino,  Texas,  about  50  slammed into a metal utility  ing  the  border  illegally  has  group  of  migrants  seeking
            van  carrying  29  migrants  miles  (80  kilometers)  north  pole and a stop sign.     brought  about  an  uptick  in  safe  passage  across  the  bor-
            crashed  Wednesday  on  a  of  McAllen.  Sgt.  Nathan                                  the  number  of  crashes  in-  der  for  a  reduction  of  their
            remote South Texas high-     Brandley  of  the  Texas  De-  The van was not being pur-  volving  vehicles  jammed  smuggling  fee,  Manjarrez
            way, killing at least 10 peo-  partment  of  Public  Safety  sued,  said  Brooks  County  with migrants who pay large  said. They’re told to follow a
            ple,  including  the  driver,  says the van, designed to hold  Sheriff Urbino Martinez.  amounts  to  be  smuggled  scout vehicle.
            and injuring 20 others, au-  15  passengers,  was  speeding                            into the country. The Dallas
            thorities said.              as the driver tried to veer off  The  sheriff  said  he  believed  Morning News has reported  “It’s not bad for a few hours’
                                         the  highway  onto  Business  all  of  the  passengers  were  that the recruitment of young  work,” Manjarrez said.
            The  crash  happened  short-  Route  281.  He  lost  control  migrants.  Brandley  said  the  drivers  for  the  smuggling
            ly  after  4  p.m.  on  U.S.  281  of the top-heavy van, which  death  toll  was  initially  an-  runs,  combined  with  exces-  One of the deadliest crashes
                                                                      nounced as 11 but was later  sive speed and reckless driv-  came  on  March  3,  when  13
                                                                      revised.  He  also  said  the  20  ing by those youths, have led  people  were  killed  when  a
                                                                      who survived the initial crash  to horrific crashes.      semitrailer  truck  slammed
                                                                      all have serious to critical in-                          into  a  sport  utility  vehicle
                                                                      juries.                      Victor  M.  Manjarrez  Jr.,  containing  25  migrants  near
                                                                                                   director  of  the  Center  for  Holtville,  California,  about
                                                                      The  identities  of  the  30  in  Law  &  Human  Behavior  at  125  miles  (200  kilometers)
                                                                      the van were being withheld  the  University  of  Texas  at  east of San Diego.
                                                                      until relatives can be notified,  El  Paso,  told  the  newspaper
                                                                      Brandley  said.  No  informa-  that  criminal  organizations  On March 17, eight migrants
                                                                      tion  about  the  van,  includ-  recruit  drivers  from  Austin,  were killed when the pickup
                                                                      ing where it was registered or  Dallas and Houston. Others  truck  carrying  them  crashed
                                                                      who owned it, was immedi-    come from the El Paso area,  into another truck while be-
                                                                      ately released.              while others come from parts  ing pursued by police nearly
                                                                                                   of  Latin  America  rife  with  30  miles  (50  kilometers)
                                                                      Encino  is  a  community  of  police corruption.          north  of  the  border  city  of
                                                                      about  140  residents  about  2                           Del  Rio,  Texas.  The  driver
                                                                      miles (3.22 kilometers) south  “They’re  told,  ‘If  you’re  faces a possible life sentence
                                                                      of  the  Falfurrias  Border  Pa-  caught, it’ll go bad for you,’”  after pleading guilty to mul-
                                                                      trol checkpoint.             he said.                     tiple federal charges on May
                                                                                                                                24.  No  sentencing  date  has
                                                                      A  surge  in  migrants  cross-  They’ll  be  picked  out  of  a  been set.
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