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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 6 augustus 2021

                           Israeli defense minister threatens Iran with military action

            (AP)  —  Israel’s  defense  against  Iran,”  Gantz  said.  an  ongoing  shadow  war  be-
            minister  warned  Thurs-     “The world needs to take ac-  ing waged in Mideast water-
            day  that  his  country  is  tion against Iran now.”      ways since 2019 that has seen
            prepared  to  strike  Iran,                               both  Iranian  and  Western-
            issuing  the  threat  against  From  Tehran,  Iran’s  for-  linked ships attacked.
            the Islamic Republic after  eign  ministry  spokesman
            a fatal drone strike on a oil  Saeed Khatibzadeh described  The  latest  provocation  oc-
            tanker  at  sea  that  his  na-  Gantz’s  threat  as  “another  curred  earlier  this  week,
            tion blamed on Tehran.       brazen violation of Int’l law”  when  hijackers  stormed  an
                                         and  “malign  behavior”  that  asphalt  tanker  off  the  coast
            The  comments  by  Benny  allegedly  stems  from  Israel’s  of the United Arab Emirates
            Gantz  come  as  Israel  lob-  blind support for the West.  in the Gulf of Oman, briefly
            bies  countries  for  action  at                          seizing the vessel before de-
            the United Nations over last  He  tweeted:  “We  state  this  parting  on  Wednesday.  No
            week’s attack on the oil tanker  clearly:  ANY  foolish  act  one  claimed  responsibility
            Mercer Street that killed two  against Iran will be met with  for the incident, although re-
            people. The tanker, struck off  a DECISIVE response. Don’t  corded radio communication
            Oman in the Arabian Sea, is  test us.”                    from  the  ship  shared  with  nians were doing at this time,  2020 before becoming a team
            managed by a firm owned by                                The  Associated  Press  re-  or  why  they  would  impede  leader.
            an Israeli billionaire.      On Wednesday, in a letter to  vealed one of the crew mem-  the  transit  of  this  legitimate
                                         the  U.N.  Security  Council,  bers saying that armed Irani-  commercial vessel.”      “We continue to be in contact
            The  U.S.  and  the  United  Iran’s  deputy  ambassador  ans had boarded the Asphalt                                with Adrian’s family to offer
            Kingdom  also  blamed  Iran  to  the  United  Nations  de-  Princess.                  Iran has denied involvement  support at this sad and diffi-
            for the attack, but no coun-  scribed  Israel  as  “the  main                          in the incident, calling all the  cult time,” said John Thomp-
            try  has  offered  evidence  or  source of instability and inse-  In  response  to  a  request  for  recent  maritime  escalations  son,  Ambrey’s  management
            intelligence  to  support  the  curity in the Middle East and  comment, the United States  in the region as “completely  director.
            claim. Iran, which along with  beyond for more than seven  Central  Command,  known  suspicious.”
            its  regional  militia  allies  has  decades.”            as  CENTCOM,  put  the                                    The attacks began a year af-
            launched  similar  drone  at-                             blame  squarely  on  Iran  on  Last  week’s  attack  on  the  ter  then-President  Donald
            tacks,  has  denied  being  in-  “This regime has a long dark  Thursday.               Mercer Street killed the ves-  Trump unilaterally withdrew
            volved.                      record in attacking commer-                               sel’s  Romanian  captain  as  from Iran’s nuclear deal with
                                         cial  navigation  and  civilian  “We are troubled by the tem-  well as a British crew mem-  world  powers,  which  saw
            Speaking  to  the  news  web-  ships,” Zahra Ershadi wrote.  porary forcible seizure of the  ber who worked for Ambrey,  Iran  limit  its  enrichment  of
            site Ynet, Gantz responded to  “In  less  than  two  years,  this  M/V Asphalt Princess by Ira-  a  maritime  security  firm.  In  uranium in exchange for the
            whether  Israel  was  prepared  regime  has  attacked  over  10  nian gunmen,” said U.S. Air  a  statement  Thursday,  Am-  lifting of economic sanctions.
            to  attack  Iran  with  a  blunt  commercial  vessels  carrying  Force  Maj  Nicole  Ferrara,  brey identified the victim as  President Joe Biden has said
            “yes.”                       oil  and  humanitarian  goods  a  CENTCOM  spokesman.  Adrian Underwood, a former  he’s willing to rejoin the ac-
                                         destined to Syria.”          “We are looking into the inci-  soldier  in  the  British  Army  cord, but talks over salvaging
            “We are at a point where we                               dent, but do not have an un-  who  started  at  the  firm  as  a  the  deal  have  stalled  in  Vi-
            need  to  take  military  action  Ershadi’s  comments refer to  derstanding of what the Ira-  maritime  security  officer  in  enna.

                        Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

            (AP)  —  Wildfires  rekindled  outside  Athens  A heat wave baking southeast Europe for a second  the armed forces would expand their role in fire
            and  forced  more  evacuations  around  south-  week has also triggered deadly fires in Turkey and  prevention, with ground patrols, drones, and air-
            ern  Greece  Thursday  as  weather  conditions  Albania and blazes across the region.           craft over areas vulnerable to wildfires.
            worsened  and  firefighters  in  a  round-the-
            clock  battle  stopped  the  flames  just  outside  North Macedonia’s government on Thursday de-  Outside Athens, a forest fire that broke out Tues-
            the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.         clared the country in a state of crisis for the next 30  day  and  damaged  or  destroyed  scores  of  homes
                                                            days due to wildfires.                          rekindled, triggering fresh evacuations in the area
            As additional support arrived from Greece’s mili-                                               and sending thick smoke over the capital.
            tary and European Union countries, water-drop-  The  EU  Commissioner  for  the  environment,
            ping  planes  and  helicopters  swooped  over  blazes  Virginijus Sinkevicius, said the fires and extreme  The  EU  Atmosphere  Monitoring  Service  said
            near the capital, on the island of Evia and near An-  weather globally over the summer were a clear sig-  smoke  plumes  from  the  region’s  wildfires  were
            cient Olympia to the south.                     nal for the need to address climate change.     clearly  visible  in  satellite  images,  adding  that  the
                                                                                                            estimated intensity of the wildfires in Turkey was
            “The  country  is  facing  an  unprecedented  envi-  “We are fighting some of the worst wildfires we’ve  at the highest level since records started in 2003.
            ronmental crisis, with multiple large fires,” Prime  seen in decades. But this summer’s floods, heat-
            Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said after visiting the  waves and forest fires can become our new nor-  On the island of Evia, a major fire that broke out
            site where the Olympics were held in antiquity ev-  mality,” he wrote in a tweet.               Tuesday was ravaging forests, leading to the evacu-
            ery four years from 776 B.C. for more than a mil-                                               ation of villages. More than 160 firefighters, three
            lennium. More than a dozen villages were evacu-  “We must ask ourselves: Is this the world we want  planes and three helicopters, as well as five ground
            ated in the area.                               to live in? We need immediate actions for nature  teams and 57 vehicles, were deployed.
                                                            before it’s too late.”
                                                                                                            The fires have not caused any deaths or serious in-
                                                            The EU bolstered assistance to fire-stricken coun-  juries. But Greek scientists said the total destruc-
                                                            tries, sending 40 French firefighters and eight tons  tion in just three days this month in Greece exceed-
                                                            of material to help Greece.                     ed 50% of the average area burned in the country in
                                                                                                            previous years. An Athens Observatory report said
                                                            Greece’s Civil Protection Agency said the risk of  an estimated 6,000 hectares (14,800 acres) went up
                                                            fires  across  southern  Greece  would  increase  fur-  in smoke between Sunday and Wednesday, com-
                                                            ther Friday, despite an expected slight dip in tem-  pared to 10,400 hectares in the whole of last year.
                                                            peratures  that  reached  45  C  (113  F)  earlier  this
                                                            week.  The  heat  wave  was  described  as  Greece’s  The causes of the Greek wildfires were unclear, but
                                                            worst since 1987.                               authorities  say  human  error  and  carelessness  are
                                                                                                            most frequently to blame.
                                                            Defense  Minister  Nikolaos  Panagiotopoulos  said
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