Page 14 - ata 27 juni 2015
P. 14


LOCALSaturday 27 June 2015

Unique Bourbon Tasting With Jason Brauner at Sidebar Bistro

--Sidebar Bistro is bringing  Aruba’s largest selection of      pre-mixed, aged Bourbon        batch bourbon and whe-          The event will be compli-
Bourbon Country to Aruba      Bourbon. You can chose            cocktails; the bartender       ated bourbon. During Side-      mented by Sidebar’s Chef
                              from 64 different bottles.        can tap your favorite cock-    bar’s bourbon tasting, held     Ricky Croes, with matching
ORANJESTAD - On Thursday      Once you try the various          tail from the barrel! Imagine  Thursday July 2nd from 7pm      menu teasers. The price
July 2nd, the new restau-     Bourbons or Bourbon cock-         your Mint Julep, your Man-     till 9pm he will let you taste  for an evening of bour-
rant in Renaissance Mar-      tails, you will be lost. This is  hattan or Kentucky Derby       three high end bourbons,        bon tasting is US$ 32.50 per
ketplace, Sidebar Bistro,     another world, unknown            on tap!                        two barrel aged cocktails       person. Since availability
is introducing a unique       on Aruba, where your taste        Jason Brauner is the foun-     like the Mint Julep and         is limited reservations are
Bourbon Tasting, hosted       buds will be partying and         der of Louisville’s hottest    Kentucky Maid, and will dis-    needed. Contact Sidebar
by Bourbon authority Ja-      the lingering aftertaste of       bourbon establishment,         close all secrets to fully en-  at 5885511 or email info@
son Brauner from Louisville,  a premium Bourbon will be         Bourbon Bistro. Years of ex-   joy this whiskey from Ken- to reser-
Kentucky.                     a cherished memory for a          perience with serving this     tucky. As they say in Bour-     ve your seat. Sidebar Bistro
Sidebar Restaurant in the     long time to come. Sidebar        precious spirit and dealing    bon County: “All bourbon is     is located at Renaissance
Renaissance Marketplace       is specialized in Bourbons,       with world’s most famous       whiskey, but not all whiskey    Marketplace across from
does not only stand out       so expect a wall filled with      and impressive bourbon         is bourbon.” The unique         Ocean Suites and is open
because of its high end An-   the best brands from Ken-         brands like Angel’s Envy,      character of bourbon and        daily from 8am till midnight
gus Beef gourmet burgers      tucky. Next to that wall          Evan Williams and Town         the preciously preserved        (weekends till 1am).
and wide variety of draft     will be an intriguing line-       Branch, Brauner will make      distill process have made       For press information,
beers, but also because of    up of wooden barrels with         his way to Aruba to enligh-    bourbon one of the most         please call Kim d’Hont at
                                                                ten us on characteristic       popular spirits in the world.   594-5265.q
                                                                differences between sin-
                                                                gle barrel bourbon, small

Carol Bellamy Honored at the Divi Village Beach Resort

DRUIF BEACH - Recently the    an who is a loyal and friend-     The symbolic honorary title    Oaks, California. Carol         her on this trip. The certifi-
Aruba Tourism Authority       ly visitor of Aruba as Ambas-     is presented in the name of    loves Aruba very much for       cate was presented by Mr.
had the great pleasure of     sador of Goodwill at the          the Minister of Tourism as a   the climate, beaches, res-      Ernest Giel representing
honoring a very nice wom-     Divi Village Beach Resort.        token of appreciation to       taurants and nightlife. She     the Aruba Tourism Author-
                                                                guests who visit Aruba for     loves to be with her Aruban     ity together with Ms. Gloria
                                                                20-to-34 consecutive years.    friends when she visits, and    Defoe representing the Divi
                                                                The honoree was Mrs. Car-      she brought some family         Village and Carol’s family
                                                                ol Bellamy from Thousand       members and friends with        and friends.q
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