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A30    world news
                 Diamars 9 November 2021

                              French bishops agree to compensate sex abuse victims

                                                                      They  also  called  on  Pope                              month  described  “systemic”
                                                                      Francis to send “a team of vis-  The study released by an in-  coverup  of  abuses  by  the
                                                                      itors”  to  assess  the  church’s  dependent  commission  es-  Catholic Church, and urged
                                                                      response regarding child pro-  timated  that  some  330,000  the church to respect the rule
                                                                      tection.                     children were sexually abused  of law in France.
                                                                                                   over  70  years  by  priests  or
                                                                      Eric  de  Moulins-Beaufort,  other church-related figures.  It  said  the  tally  of  330,000
                                                                      President  of  the  Bishops’                              victims  includes  an  estimat-
                                                                      Conference,  hailed  a  “deci-  “We  felt  disgust  and  horror  ed  216,000  people  abused
                                                                      sive step” in a speech.      inside  us  when  we  realized  by  priests  and  other  clerics,
                                                                                                   how much suffering so many  and  the  rest  by  church  fig-
                                                                      He stressed that the Church  people  had  lived  and  were  ures  such  as  Scout  leaders
                                                                      has  recognized  its  “institu-  still  living,”  Moulins-Beau-  and  camp  counselors.  The
                                                                      tional responsibility” and de-  fort said.                estimates  were  based  on  a
                                                                      cided to go “on a path of rec-                            broader research by France’s
                                                                      ognition  and  reparation  that  The  bishops  acknowledged  National  Institute  of  Health
            (AP)  —  France’s  Catho-    up an “independent, national  paves the way for victims to  the  church’s  responsibility  and  Medical  Research  into
            lic Church announced on  body”  tasked  with  address-    get the possibility of a media-  that  implies  financial  com-  sexual  abuse  of  children  in
            Monday  that  it  would  fi-  ing  compensation  issues.  tion and a compensation.”    pensation  because  the  com-  the country.
            nancially  compensate  sex  They  committed  to  allocat-                              mission  “strongly  suggested
            abuse  victims  by  selling  ing money to a specific fund  The  Bishops  Conference  that  path”  but  also  because  France  is  a  traditionally  Ro-
            property  assets  or  taking  “in  order  to  compensate  held  its  annual  meeting  a  “worshippers  full  of  shame  man  Catholic  country,  but
            out a loan if needed.        victims,”  notably  by  selling  month after a report revealed  were  expecting  it  from  us,”  adheres  to  a  strict  form  of
                                         property or through a poten-  large-scale  child  sex  abuse  he said.                 secularism  in  public  life
            French bishops said in a writ-  tial loan.                within  the  French  Catholic                             based on a 1905 law separat-
            ten  statement  they  will  set                           Church.                      The  report  published  last  ing church and state.

                      Parties sign power-sharing deal to form new Czech government

            (AP)  —  The  Czech  Republic  liberal coalition made up of the Pirate  18-member government.               position.
            gained  a  new  government  on  Party  and  STAN  -  a  group  of  may-
            Monday after two party coalitions  ors - which came in third place with  Babis narrowly lost the election with  The  five  parties  are  closer  to  the
            that garnered a sizeable chunk of  15.6% of votes.                      27.1%.  Monday’s  signing  takes  the  European  Union  than  Euroskeptic
            votes in the country’s parliamen-                                       populist billionaire a step closer to the  Babis.
            tary election last month signed a  The  new  partnership  will  hold  a  end of his reign in power.
            power-sharing deal.                 108-seat majority in the the 200-seat                                   The  new  parliament  also  convened
                                                lower  house  of  Parliament,  relegat-  President Milos Zeman has indicated  for the first time to elect a new speak-
            A  three-party,  liberal-conservative  ing outgoing populist Prime Minister  that he was willing to swear in Fiala as  er and other parliamentary officials.
            coalition dubbed Together, composed  Andrej  Babis  and  his  centrist  ANO  prime minister, but it wasn’t immedi-
            of the Civic Democratic Party, Chris-  (YES) movement to the opposition.  ately clear when that might happen.  Among  the  new  government’s  im-
            tian Democrats and the TOP 09 par-                                                                          mediate tasks are a new surge of coro-
            ty, led the election with a 27.8% share  “We’re aware there’re no easy times  Zeman, who is currently hospitalized,  navirus infections and high inflation
            of the vote.                        ahead of us,” said Petr Fiala, the co-  had previously said that he wanted to  driven up by soaring energy prices.
                                                alitions’  candidate  for  prime  min-  reappoint his ally Babis who refused
            Together teamed up with a center-left  ister.  The  parties  agreed  to  form  an  the offer, saying he will be in the op-

                            Relative of MH17 victims describes grief, criticizes Russia

            (AP) — The chairman of  He  also  asked  judges  in  the  Piet  Ploeg,  chairman  of  the  Their  statements  have  given  was hit by a Buk missile sys-
            a  foundation  that  repre-  mass  murder  trial  of  three  MH17  Disaster  Foundation  the  court  a  glimpse  of  the  tem  trucked  into  Ukraine
            sents  families  of  people  Russians  and  a  Ukrainian  that was established after the  emotional  anguish  of  rela-  from a Russian military base.
            killed  when  a  passenger  charged for their alleged role  July 17, 2014, downing of the  tives  since  a  Buk  missile
            jet  was  shot  down  over  in downing Malaysia Airlines  Boeing  777,  lost  his  brother  blew  the  jet  out  of  the  sky  “I  invite  your  court  to  talk
            eastern  Ukraine  in  2014  flight  MH17  to  spell  out  in  Alex  along  with  Alex’s  wife,  above  conflict-torn  eastern  explicitly  about  this  in  your
            told  a  Dutch  court  Mon-  clear terms in their final ver-  Edith,  and  their  son  Robert  Ukraine.  All  298  passengers  verdict so that we can know
            day  of  his  grief  at  losing  dict  —  expected  next  year  as they flew from Amsterdam  and crew were killed.  —  so  the  whole  world  can
            his brother — no trace of  — about Russia’s role in the  to  Kuala  Lumpur  on  their                               know  —  what  caused  our
            whom was ever found.         downing of the plane. Russia  way to a vacation in Bali.  While  traces  of  Ploeg’s  sis-  relatives’ pointless deaths and
                                         denies any involvement.                                   ter-in-law and nephew were  what  role  the  Russian  Fed-
                                                                      He  was  one  of  the  last  of  found  at  the  crash  site  and  eration  played  in  downing
                                                                      scores  of  relatives  to  tell  sent back to the Netherlands  MH17,” Ploeg said.
                                                                      judges about his loss as part  for  formal  identification,  no
                                                                      of  the  murder  trial  of  four  part  of  his  brother  was  ever  He  told  judges  he  sums  up
                                                                      suspects, none of whom have  recovered.                   Russia’s  stance  in  the  years
                                                                      been arrested and sent to the                             since  the  plane  was  shot
                                                                      Netherlands to face justice.  “I  find  it  difficult  to  accept  down in a single word: “De-
                                                                                                   that my brother’s mortal re-  spicable.”
                                                                      Under  Dutch  law,  relatives  mains  have  disappeared  or
                                                                      are  allowed  to  make  a  vic-  are somewhere far away and  “Years  of  disinformation,  al-
                                                                      tim impact statements to the  that I will never be able to say  ternative  theories,  denials,
                                                                      court  without  being  asked  farewell  to  what  remains  of  distortions,  and  refusal  to
                                                                      questions.  Starting  in  Sep-  my  brother,”  Ploeg  told  the  face responsibility, noncoop-
                                                                      tember, dozens have done so,  court.                      eration  in  the  investigation
                                                                      some speaking via live video                              and the criminal trial. That is
                                                                      links from other countries.  Prosecutors say the plane was  the  Russian  Federation,”  he
                                                                                                   shattered in mid-air when it  said.
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