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                                                                      OBITUARIO/U.S. NEWS Diahuebs 21 OctOber 2021

                                                                                                                Jan. 6 panel votes to

                                                                                                               hold Steve Bannon in


             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada           Aum Dasharathaaya Vidmahay,
             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.             Sita Vallabhaaya Dhimahi,
             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                              Tanno Raamah Prachodayaat
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
             Salmo: 23                                              May we realise the son of Dasharatha.
                                                                Let us mediate on the beloved of Sita and may
             Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                         Lord Ram guide us on the right path
                                                                        Sunrise December 4th 1954
                                                                        Sunset October 19th 2021

                                                                                                             (AP)  —  A  House  committee  investigating
                                                                                                             the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection voted unani-
                                                                                                             mously  to  hold  former  White  House  aide
                                                                                                             Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress after
                                                                                                             the longtime ally of former President Don-
                                                                                                             ald Trump defied a subpoena for documents
                                                                                                             and testimony.

                                                                                                             Still defending his supporters who broke into the
                 Johannes Maria Boekhout                                                                     Capitol that day, Trump has aggressively tried to
                                                                                                             block the committee’s work by directing Bannon
                       *01-04-1940 - †19-10-2021                                                             and others not to answer questions in the probe.
                                                                                                             Trump  has  also filed a lawsuit to try to prevent
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.                                                    Congress  from  obtaining  former  White  House
                                                                The death is announced of Teeka Persaud,
                                                                                                             But lawmakers have made clear they will not back
                                                             Son of the Late Bikhari and Kowsillia           down  as  they  gather  facts  and  testimony  about
                                                                                                             the attack involving Trump’s supporters that left
                                                             Husband of Nandani Gobind                       dozens of police officers injured, sent lawmakers
                                                                                                             running for their lives and interrupted the certifi-
                                                             Father  of  Anita  Persaud-Rattan,  Roy  Persaud,   cation of Joe Biden’s presidential election victory.
                                                             Harrychan Persaud
                                                                                                             The committee’s chairman, Rep. Bennie Thomp-
                                                             Father-in-law of Sonjeeb Rattan                 son, D-Miss., said Tuesday that Bannon “stands
                                                                                                             alone in his complete defiance of our subpoena”
             Ki alegria, ora nan a bisa mi:                  Brother of Rohit Bikhari, Lekhram Bikhari, Sundat   and the panel will not take no for an answer.
             “Ban cas di Señor!”                             Bikhari and wife Shaheeda, Damantie Bikhari, the
             I awor, ata mi aki para na bo porta Señor.      late Kaysho Bikhari, Dataleen                   He said that while Bannon may be “willing to be
             Salmo 122                                                                                       a martyr to the disgraceful cause of whitewashing
                                                             Cousins;  Sandra,  Louti,  Savitri,  Rajo,  Sunalal,   what happened on January 6th — of demonstrat-
             Cu  dolor  na  nos  curason,  nos  ta  participa   Kishore, Leelo, Ileen                        ing his complete loyalty to the former president,”
             fayecimento di nos ser stima:                                                                   the contempt vote is a warning to other witnesses.
                                                             Nephews and Nieces; Stevan, Manoj, Remy, Vinood,
                                                             Neel, Prem, Shaki, Rocky, Merlien               “We  won’t  be  deterred.  We  won’t  be  distracted.
                                                                                                             And we won’t be delayed,” Thompson said.
                                                             Close Family Friends; Ohab, Anoop, Wever
                                                                                                             The  Tuesday  evening  vote  sends  the  contempt
                                                             Rest  of  relatives  from  Guyana,  Suriname,  USA,   resolution to the full House, which is expected to
                                                             Canada, England, India, The Netherland, Trinidad  vote  on  the  measure  Thursday.  House  approval
                                                                                                             would send the matter to the Justice Department,
                                                             Date of condolences: Friday October 22nd 2021 19:00   which  would  then  decide  whether  to  pursue
                                                             – 21:00 PM                                      criminal charges against Bannon.

                                                             Date of Funeral: Saturday October 23rd 2021 13:00-  The contempt resolution asserts that the former
                                                             16:00 PM (follow by a Hindu ritual)             Trump aide and podcast host has no legal standing

                                                               FOR ALL YOUR FLYER                            to rebuff the committee — even as Trump’s law-
                                                                                                             yer has argued that Bannon should not disclose
                       Maria M. Dubero                                                                       information because it is protected by the privilege
                      Cariñosamento yama “Rubia”               DISTRIBUTIONS                                 of the former president’s office. The committee
                       *25-10-1923 - †14-10-2021                                                             noted that Bannon, fired from his White House
                                                                                                             job in 2017, was a private citizen when he spoke
                 Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues                                                    to Trump ahead of the attack. And Trump has not
                                                                                                             asserted any such executive privilege claims to the
                                                                                                             panel itself, lawmakers said.

                                                                                                             Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney — one of just two Re-
                                                                                                             publicans on the committee, and a rare GOP critic
                                                                                                             of Trump — said Bannon and Trump’s privilege
                                                                                                             arguments suggest the former president was “per-
                                                                      Call: 582-7800                         sonally involved” in the planning and execution of
                                                               email:                   the day’s events.
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