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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 21 OctOber 2021

                           Spanish court rules to extradite Venezuela spy chief to US

            (AP)  —  A  Spanish  court  tion to the U.S. when he was  smuggling  of  approximately
            on Wednesday ordered the  picked  up  in  Aruba  in  2014  5,600  kilograms  of  cocaine
            extradition  of  a  former  on the same New York indict-  from Venezuela to Mexico in
            Venezuelan  spy  chief  to  ment  that  Spanish  authori-  2006.
            the  United  States  where  ties acted on. He returned to
            he is wanted on charges of  Venezuela  after  slipping  the  Carvajal  also  allegedly  pro-
            drug  trafficking  and  be-  grasp  of  authorities  and  was  vided  weapons  to  armed
            longing to a terror organi-  received as a hero.          FARC  guerrillas  in  Colom-
            zation.                                                   bia,  according  to  the  U.S.
                                         But he eventually broke with  Treasury  Department,  and
            Retired  Maj.  Gen.  Hugo  Venezuelan  President  Nico-   helped  fund  the  group’s  ac-
            Carvajal, who for more than  lás  Maduro,  throwing  his  tivities  by  facilitating  ship-
            a decade advised the late Ven-  support  behind  the  opposi-  ments  of  large  amounts  of
            ezuelan leader Hugo Chávez  tion to Maduro’s Socialist re-  U.S.-bound cocaine through
            before breaking with his suc-  gime. He then left Venezuela  Venezuela.
            cessor,  had  been  resisting  for good.
            extradition  since  he  was  ar-                          Spain’s  National  Court  said  date was given.           Chávez’s former nurse, who
            rested in Spain in April 2019.  Prosecutors in New York al-  police  and  Spain’s  peniten-                         is  charged  in  Miami  with
                                         lege  that  Carvajal  used  his  tiary services will be in charge  Last week the National Court  money laundering.
            Carvajal had avoided extradi-  high office to coordinate the  of his transfer to the U.S. No  ordered  the  extradition  of

                          Flooding in Venice worsens off-season amid climate change

            (AP) — After Venice suffered the  mate  scientists  and  global  leaders  floods at 80 centimeters (around 30  scandal, is still officially in the testing
            second-worst flood in its history  meeting  in  Glasgow,  Scotland,  at  a  inches), and water passes the narthex  phase.
            in  November  2019,  it  was  inun-  U.N. climate conference that begins  into  the  church  at  88  centimeters
            dated with four more exceptional  Oct. 31.                              (34.5  inches),  which  has  been  rein-  Following  the  devastation  of  the
            tides  within  six  weeks,  shocking                                    forced up from a previous 65 centi-  2019  floods,  the  Rome  government
            Venetians  and  triggering  fears  Venice’s  worse-case  scenario  for  sea  meters (25.5 inches).          put the project under ministry con-
            about  the  worsening  impact  of  level  rise  by  the  end  of  the  century  “Conditions are continuing to wors-  trol to speed its completion, and last
            climate change.                     is a startling 120 centimeters (3 feet,  en  since  the  flooding  of  November  year start activating the barriers when
                                                11 inches), according to a new study  2019. We therefore have the certainty  floods of 1.3 meters (4 feet, 3 inches)
            The  repeated  invasion  of  brackish  published  by  the  European  Geosci-  that in these months, flooding is no  are imminent.
            lagoon water into St. Mark’s Basilica  ences  Union.  That  is  50%  higher  longer an occasional phenomenon. It
            this summer is a quiet reminder that  than  the  worse-case  global  sea-rise  is an everyday occurrence,” said Tes-  The  barriers  have  been  raised  20
            the threat hasn’t receded.          average  of  80  centimeters  (2  feet,  7  serin,  whose  honorific,  First  Procu-  times since October 2020, sparing the
                                                1/2 inches) forecast by the U.N. sci-  rator of St. Mark’s, dates back to the  city a season of serious flooding but
            “I  can  only  say  that  in  August,  a  ence panel.                   ninth century.                      not from the lower-level tides that are
            month when this never used to hap-                                                                          becoming more frequent.
            pen,  we  had  tides  over  a  meter  five  The city’s interplay of canals and ar-  In  the  last  two  decades,  there  have
            times. I am talking about the month  chitecture, of natural habitat and hu-  been  nearly  as  many  inundations  in  The  extraordinary  commissioner,
            of  August,  when  we  are  quiet,”  St.  man ingenuity, also has earned it rec-  Venice over 1.1 meters — the official  Elisabetta Spitz, stands by the sound-
            Mark’s chief caretaker, Carlo Alberto  ognition as a UNESCO World Heri-  level for “acqua alta,” or “high water,”  ness of the undersea barriers, despite
            Tesserin, told The Associated Press.  tage site for its outstanding universal  provoked  by  tides,  winds  and  lunar  concerns by scientists and experts that
                                                value, a designation put at risk of late  cycles — as during the previous 100  their  usefulness  may  be  outstripped
            Venice’s  unique  topography,  built  because  of  the  impact  of  over-tour-  years: 163 vs. 166, according to city  within  decades  because  of  climate
            on log piles among canals, has made  ism and cruise ship traffic. It escaped  data.                         change. The project has been delayed
            it  particularly  vulnerable  to  climate  the endangered list after Italy banned                           yet  again,  until  2023,  with  another
            change. Rising sea levels are increas-  cruise ships from passing through St.  Exceptional  floods  over  140  centi-  500  million  euros  ($580  million)  in
            ing the frequency of high tides that  Mark’s Basin, but alarm bells are still  meters (4 feet, 7 inches) also are ac-  spending,  for  “improvements”  that
            inundate  the  1,600-year-old  Italian  ringing.                        celerating. That mark has been hit 25  Spitz  said  will  ensure  its  long-term
            lagoon  city,  which  is  also  gradually                               times  since  Venice  starting  keeping  efficiency.
            sinking.                            Sitting  at  Venice’s  lowest  spot,  St.  such records in 1872. Two-thirds of
                                                Mark’s Basilica offers a unique posi-  those have been registered in the last  “We can say that the effective life of
            It is the fate of coastal cities like Ven-  tion to monitor the impact of rising  20 years, with five, or one-fifth of the  the Moses is 100 years, taking into ac-
            ice that will be on the minds of cli-  seas  on  the  city.  The  piazza  outside  total, from Nov. 12-Dec. 23, 2019.  count the necessary maintenance and
                                                                                                                        interventions that will be implement-
                                                                                    “What  is  happening  now  is  on  the  ed,” Spitz said.
                                                                                    continuum  for  Venetians,  who  have
                                                                                    always lived with periodic flooding,”  Paolo  Vielmo,  an  engineer  who  has
                                                                                    said Jane Da Mosto, executive direc-  written  expert  reports  on  the  proj-
                                                                                    tor of We Are Here Venice. “We are  ect, points out that the sea level rise
                                                                                    living with flooding that has become  was  projected  at  22  centimeters  (8
                                                                                    increasingly frequent, so my concern  1/2 inches) when the Moses was first
                                                                                    is that people haven’t really realized  proposed more than 30 years ago, far
                                                                                    we are in a climate crisis. We are al-  below  the  U.N.  scientists’  current
                                                                                    ready living it now. It is not a question  worse-case  scenario  of  80  centime-
                                                                                    of plans to deal with it in the future.  ters.
                                                                                    We need to have solutions ready for
                                                                                    today.”                             “That puts the Moses out of conten-
                                                                                                                        tion,” he said.
                                                                                    Venice’s  defense  has  been  entrusted
                                                                                    to  the  Moses  system  of  moveable  According to current plans, the Mo-
                                                                                    underwater  barriers,  a  project  cost-  ses barriers won’t be raised for floods
                                                                                    ing around 6 billion euros (nearly $7  of 1.1 meters (3 feet, 7 inches) until
                                                                                    billion)  and  which,  after  decades  of  the  project  receives  final  approval.
                                                                                    cost  overruns,  delays  and  a  bribery  That leaves St. Mark’s exposed.
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