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                                                                                                                           Wednesday 14 February 2018

              Valentine Vibes

                    ORANJESTAD - Aruba Today offered the op-                                                                 ‘This  is  to  our  Mom  and
                    portunity  to  readers  to  surprise  their  loved                                                       Dad who are here in Aru-
                    one with a picture of her/him or both in our                                                             ba  with  us  on  vacation.
                    newspaper,  accompanied  by  a  personal                                                                 Ron  and  Gloria  Brandt
                    message.  We  are  thankful  for  the  wonder-                                                           have  been  coming  to
                    ful  and  lovely  messages  and  pictures  we                                                            Aruba every year for over
                    received and are happy to share them with                                                                25 years, We wish them a
                    you.  Enjoy  this  festive  day  where  you  can                                                         wonderful valentine’s day
                    emphasize  the  importance  of  this  special                                                            and  want  to  say  we  love
                    person in your life. Celebrate love!q                                                                    them very much’ ~
                                                                                                                                      love Don & Laurie

                  ‘John  and  Joan  Lademann  from  Cutchogue,
                  Long Island, NY love Aruba and after 65 years of
                  marriage, it’s the perfect place to say “I love you”
                  as they have done for 23 consecutive years’

                                                                                                       ‘I’m the happiest valentine married to you
                                                                                                       for 39 years.  I love you.’

                                                                                                                                    Wendy Webb

                                                                                             ‘Linda, all my Love on Val-
                                                                                             entine’s Day and Always,

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