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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 16 november 2022
            CEDE Aruba presents Strategic Compass

            Acting Governor, Mr. Vrolijk unveiled new logo for CEDE Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  –  With  great  formed.
            enthusiasm,  CEDE  Aruba  In  19856,  CEDE  Aruba  be-
            presented  their  “strategic  came  independent  and
            compass”, a wide plan for  was  working  with  funds  of
            the  development  of  the  KABNA  (Cabinet  for  Neth-
            Aruban  community.  In  the  erlands  Antilles  and  Aruba
            presence of His Excellency,  Affairs). Since the year 2000,
            Acting Governor Mr. Agus-    CEDE Aruba was financed
            tin  Vrolijk,  minister  of  Jus-  by  the  Development  Fund
            tice  and  Social  Affairs  Mr.  of Aruba (FDA) and began
            Rocco Tjon, representatives  collaborating  with  Samen-
            from  the  board  of  CEDE  werkende  Fondsen  Cari-
            Aruba and a lot of founda-   ben (Caribbean Coopera-
            tions and social institutions  tion Funds).
            in our community, the new  Together  they  supported
            logo  was  presented,  and  many  programs  and  valu-
            an  explanation  was  given  able  projects  that  are  still
            on  the  strategic  pillars  of  functioning to this day.
            CEDE Aruba.
                                         In 2017, the Government of
            In  the  beginning  of  the  Aruba signed a collabora-
            event  they  went  through  tion agreement in the long  of the Netherlands, the only  the logo seeing how CEDE  of the organization in each
            a  journey  of  the  42  years  term with CEDE Aruba and  CEDE remaining after CEDE  Aruba  is  helping  find  a  di-  pillar and the possible sup-
            of  work  that  CEDE  Aruba  Samenwerkende  Fondsen  Antiyas.                          rection  for  the  develop-  port for organizations.
            has  carried  out  support-  Cariben. This made it possi-                              ment of the community.
            ing working initiatives in our  ble for CEDE Aruba to grow  After  this  journey  through                           The  second  part  of  the
            community.  A  history  be-  and  reach  more  interna-   history,  the  new  logo  was  The  strategic  compass  is  event  consisted  on  work-
            ginning in 1980 when Aruba  tional  partners.  CEDE  Aru-  presented,  which  is  differ-  based  on  four  pillars:  em-  shops  and  giving  informa-
            was part of the Netherlands  ba is the only organization  ent and colorful, a symbol  powering  the  citizens;  pre-  tion  on  procedures  and
            Antilles, and in this constel-  operating in such a way on  for  the  different  roles  of  vention  in  the  community  application  for  funds  from
            lation,  CEDE  Antiyas  was  the islands in the Kingdom  CEDE Aruba. The roles that  and  increase  in  solidarity;  Samenwerkende       Fond-
                                                                      CEDE  Aruba  has  include  reduce      intergenerational  sen  Cariben;  explanations
                                                                      awarding and intermediat-    poverty  and  support  vul-  regarding  the  new  vol-
                                                                      ing for funds, working to im-  nerable groups; help orga-  unteering  program  www.
                                                                      prove organization capac-    nizations  become  stronger;  and
                                                                      ity,  advocate  for  minority  and align with the necessi-  explanations regarding the
                                                                      groups,  work  in  collabora-  ties of the community.     Erasmus Plus and European
                                                                      tion   between    initiatives                             Solidarity  Corps  programs
                                                                      and help develop new ini-    Mr. Daniel Tecklenborg, di-  to stimulate volunteer work
                                                                      tiatives.                    rector of CEDE Aruba, gave  internationally  among  the
                                                                      The  compass  is  central  in  an explanation of the work  youth. q

            Workshop Marine Spatial Planning starts the conversation on

            marine resource planning

            ORANJESTAD  –  Last  Tues-   erlands  in  collaboration  ning. A first stap was to insti-
            day,  November  15th,  a  with  UNESCO.  This  expert  tute  watersports  inventory.
            workshop  of  Marine  Spa-   came  to  Aruba  pro  bono  The  ministry  is  also  working
            tial  Planning,  organized  and  provided  all  materials  on  a  sustainable  fishing
            by  the  Ministry  of  Nature  without any additional cost  policy, creating the begin-
            took place. The goal of the  to guide those in charge of  ning of a national platform
            workshop is to highlight the  creating policy.            of fishermen, and adjusting
            importance  of  sustainable                               laws that govern spearfish-
            planning for our natural re-  During  the  workshop,  par-  ing.
            sources,  namely  the  sea  ticipants  gained  a  better
            surrounding our island.      understanding  of  the  im-  Minister  Arends  also  ex-
                                         portance  of  Marine  Spa-   pressed his voluntary com-
            During  the  workshop,  min-  tial  Planning.  The  topics  of  mitment  in  the  name  of
            isters and members of Par-   marine  economy,  energy  Aruba and with the support                                   Aruba,  and  the  Depart-
            liament  had  the  opportu-  transition and the effects of  of the entire Cabinet to ex-  Today  there  will  be  an-  ment  of  Nature  and  Envi-
            nity to come together and  climate  change  were  dis-    pand the Marine Park so it  other, wider workshop with  ronment (DNM).
            open  dialogue  on  future  cussed.                       becomes     “island-round”,  different  local  stakehold-
            national policy for Aruba.                                meaning all around Aruba.  ers  on  the  topic  of  marine  Minister Arends thanked all
                                         According  to  a  press  re-  Through the Marine Spatial  policy, with participation of  participants  and  experts
            The Marine Spatial Planning  lease,  the  workshop  is  a  Planning workshop, the ne-  among others Department  from  the  Netherlands  who
            workshop was designed by  continuation  of  the  efforts  cessity for more change in  of  Agriculture  and  Fishing  came  to  assist  in  the  cre-
            an expert of the Ministry of  of  minister  Ursell  Arends  to  the direction of responsible  (Santa  Rosa),  Aruba  Tour-  ation of a sustainable mari-
            Infrastructure  of  the  Neth-  reorganize  marine  plan-  planning was emphasized.    ism Authority, National Park  time policy for Aruba. q
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