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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 16 november 2022

            Catch the Exhilarating and Exciting

            Cinema Stars Live Show at Paseo Herencia

            ORANJESTAD - Rhythm Cir-     Herencia  ballroom  on  No-
            cus Company Aruba (RCC  vember  18,  25,  and  De-
            Aruba)  presents  their  new  cember  2  at  7:00pm.  The
            live  show  with  dance  and  show  has  a  duration  of  1
            acrobatic    performances  hour  and  15  min  and  in-
            after  competing  in  the  cludes dance performanc-
            America’s Got Talent show.  es on the popular celebrity
            RCC Aruba will be perform-   tracks from Elvis Presley, The
            ing  in  the  Paseo  Herencia  Phantom of the Opera, Mi-
            Ballroom for a limited time  chael  Jackson  and  more.
            on  Fridays  till  December  General  ticket  price  is  $35
            2nd.                         and VIP seating is $40. Tick-
                                         ets  can  be  purchased  via
            RCC  Aruba  has  over  10  whatsapp at +297 744 4059
            years of experience in ac-   or at the door entrance.
            robatic  stunts  and  dance
            performances. In 2019 RCC  Upgrade  the  show  experi-
            Aruba did their very first in-  ence with a Dinner & Show
            ternational  show  in  China  package  at  TGI  Fridays.
            in three different cities, rep-  Dine  in  at  TGI  Fridays  for
            resenting Aruba during the  a  3-course  menu  and  re-
            opening  ceremony  and  ceive  your  show  ticket  for
            during different gala shows  a total price of $75 per per-
            in  China  Wuguiao  Inter-   son. The food menu offers a
            national  Circus  Festival.  In  selection of Cajun Chicken
            January  2022  RCC  Aruba  & Shrimp, Fajitas or Ribs with
            participated  in  one  of  the  your favorite appetizer and
            three  biggest  circus  com-  a non-alcoholic beverage.
            petitions  in  the  world,  win-
            ning  the  bronze  award.  In  The Cinema Stars Live Show
            May  2022  they  competed  will  take  place  in  Paseo
            in the America’s Got Talent  Herencia  mall,  located  on
            (AGT) receiving a standing  the  high-rise  strip  across
            ovation from all the celeb-  from  the  Holiday  Inn;  just
            rity judges.                 walking  distance  from  the
                                         high-rise  hotels.  For  more
            Catch the exciting act per-  information  visit  the  Face-
            formed  in  the  America’s  book page from RCC Aru-
            Got  Talent  in  the  Paseo  ba and Paseo Herencia.q
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