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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Diahuebs 1 Juli 2021

                      Charges expected Thursday for Trump's company, top executive

            (AP)  -  Donald  Trump’s  subpoenaing documents and  berg, who is 73.
            company and his longtime  interviewing  witnesses,  in-
            finance chief are expected  cluding  Trump  insiders  and  Trump, who’s been critical of
            to  be  charged  Thursday  company executives.            President Joe Biden’s immi-
            with  tax-related  crimes                                 gration policies, was in Texas
            stemming  from  a  New  A  grand  jury  was  recently  visiting  the  U.S.-Mexico
            York  investigation  into  empaneled to weigh evidence  border on Wednesday. He did
            the  former  president’s  and New York Attorney Gen-      not respond to shouted ques-
            business  dealings,  people  eral Letitia James said she was  tions about the charges as he
            familiar  with  the  matter  assigning two of her lawyers  participated in a briefing with
            told The Associated Press.   to  work  with  Vance  on  the  state officials.
                                         criminal  probe  while  she
            The  charges  against  the  continues a civil investigation  Trump had blasted the inves-
            Trump Organization and the  of Trump.                     tigation in a statement Mon-
            company’s chief financial of-                             day,  deriding  Vance’s  office
            ficer,  Allen  Weisselberg,  ap-  Messages  seeking  comment  as  “rude,  nasty,  and  totally  the Trump Organization, told  turned over reams of tax re-
            pear to involve non-monetary  were left with a spokesperson  biased”  in  their  treatment  the  AP  this  week  that  there  cords  and  other  documents
            benefits the company gave to  and  lawyers  for  the  Trump  of  Trump  company  lawyers,  was  no  indication  Trump  to investigators.
            top  executives,  possibly  in-  Organization.  Weisselberg’s  representatives,  and  long-  himself  was  included  in  the
            cluding  use  of  apartments,  lawyer,  Mary  Mulligan,  de-  term employees.          first batch of charges.      “We  have  been  working
            cars and school tuition.     clined  to  comment.  The                                                              with  prosecutors  for  many
                                         Manhattan district attorney’s  Trump,  in  the  statement,  “There is no indictment com-  months  now  as  part  of  this
            The people were not autho-   office declined to comment.  said  the  company’s  actions  ing  down  this  week  against  tax  and  financial  investiga-
            rized to speak about an ongo-                             were  “things  that  are  stan-  the former president,” Fisch-  tion  and  have  provided  a
            ing  investigation  and  did  so  Trump’s  spokesperson  did  dard practice throughout the  etti said. “I can’t say he’s out  large volume of evidence that
            on  condition  of  anonymity.  not  immediately  respond  to  U.S.  business  community,  of the woods yet completely.”  allowed them to bring these
            The Wall Street Journal was  a  request  for  comment,  but  and in no way a crime” and                             charges,”  Jen  Weisselberg’s
            first  to  report  that  charges  Jason Miller, a longtime for-  that Vance’s probe was an in-  Weisselberg,  a  loyal  lieuten-  lawyer,  Duncan  Levin,  said
            were expected Thursday.      mer senior adviser to the Re-  vestigation was “in search of  ant  to  Trump  and  his  real  Wednesday. “We are gratified
                                         publican,  spun  the  looming  a crime.”                  estate-developer father, Fred,  to hear that the DA’s office is
            The charges against Weissel-  charges as “politically terrible                         came under scrutiny, in part,  moving forward with a crim-
            berg and the Trump Organi-   for the Democrats.”          Trump Organization lawyers  because  of  questions  about  inal case.”
            zation would be first criminal                            met  virtually  with  Manhat-  his  son’s  use  of  a  Trump
            cases to arise from the two-  “They  told  their  crazies  and  tan prosecutors last week in a  apartment at little or no cost.  Allen Weisselberg has worked
            year  probe  led  by  Manhat-  their supplicants in the main-  last-ditch attempt to dissuade                       for  the  Trump  Organization
            tan  District  Attorney  Cyrus  stream media this was about  them from charging the com-  Barry  Weisselberg  managed  since 1973. The case against
            Vance  Jr.,  a  Democrat  who  President  Trump.  Instead,  pany.  Prosecutors  gave  the  a Trump-operated ice rink in  him  could  give  prosecutors
            leaves office at the end of the  their Witch Hunt is persecut-  lawyers  a  Monday  deadline  Central Park.         the means to pressure the ex-
            year.                        ing  an  innocent  80  year-old  to make the case that criminal                        ecutive into cooperating and
                                         man  for  maybe  taking  free  charges shouldn’t be filed.  Barry’s ex-wife, Jen Weissel-  telling them what he knows
            Prosecutors  have  been  scru-  parking!” Miller tweeted, ap-                          berg,  has  been  cooperating  about Trump’s business deal-
            tinizing Trump’s tax records,  parently referring to Weissel-  Ron  Fischetti,  a  lawyer  for  with  the  investigation  and  ings.

                                 Federal judge blocks Indiana ‘abortion reversal’ law

            (AP)  —  A  federal  judge  which  involves  taking  a  dif-  similar   requirements   in  clinics  in  Indianapolis  and  several Republican-led states
            on Wednesday blocked an  ferent medication rather than  place,  while  laws  in  North  South Bend.                 to further restrict medication
            Indiana  law  that  would  the second of the two drugs  Dakota, Oklahoma and Ten-                                   abortion  and  ban  telemedi-
            require  doctors  to  tell  involved in the procedure.    nessee have been blocked by  Hanlon issued the ruling af-  cine abortions.
            women undergoing drug-                                    legal challenges, according to  ter holding a June 21 hearing,
            induced  abortions  about  Abortion-rights  group’s  that  the  Guttmacher  Institute,  a  where  Dr.  George  Delgado,  Indiana’s Legislature has ad-
            a  disputed  treatment  for  filed the lawsuit argued that  research group that supports  a  San  Diego-area  physi-  opted  numerous  abortion
            potentially  stopping  the  the law’s requirement would  abortion rights. A similar law  cian who is a founder of the  restrictions  over  the  past
            abortion process.            confuse patients and increase  is set to take effect in July in  Abortion Pill Reversal group,  decade,  with  several  later
                                         the  stigma  associated  with  West Virginia.             testified that the treatment is  blocked by court challenges.
            The ruling came just before  obtaining an abortion, while                              safe. He cited “50 to 75 suc-
            the so-called abortion rever-  also  forcing  doctors  to  pro-  The  Indiana attorney  gener-  cessful  reversals”  he’s  over-  Among  those  challenges,  a
            sal law adopted by Indiana’s  vide what they regard as du-  al’s office, which is defending  seen directly.         federal  judge  in  2019  ruled
            Republican-dominated  Leg-   bious  medical  information.  the law, said it was reviewing                           against  the  state’s  ban  on  a
            islature  was  to  take  effect  Medical groups maintain the  the  ruling  to  determine  its  Hanlon  wrote  that  Indiana  common   second-trimester
            Thursday.  The  temporary  abortion  pill  “reversal”  pro-  next steps.               officials  had  the  option  to  abortion  procedure  that  the
            injunction  issued  by  U.S.  cess is not supported by sci-                            include  information  about  legislation  called  “dismem-
            District  Judge  James  Patrick  ence  and  that  there  is  little  The office has argued that the  the reversal process on a state  berment abortion.”
            Hanlon  in  Indianapolis  puts  information about its safety.  Legislature was acting to pro-  health  department  website,
            the  law  on  hold  while  the                            tect  “fetal  life  and  women’s  which  abortion  clinics  must  The U.S. Supreme Court in
            lawsuit  challenging  it  makes  Republican legislators argued  health.”               already tell patients about.  2019  also  rejected  Indiana’s
            its way through court.       the  requirement  would  en-                                                           appeal of a lower court ruling
                                         sure that a woman had infor-  The  lawsuit  maintains  the  Medication  abortions  ac-  that  blocked  the  state’s  ban
            Hanlon  ruled  that  the  abor-  mation about halting a med-  requirement  wrongly  sin-  counted  for  44%  of  the  on abortion based on gender,
            tion-rights  groups  had  a  ication-induced  abortion  if  gles  out  doctors  providing  roughly 7,600 abortions per-  race or disability. However, it
            “reasonable  likelihood”  of  she changes her mind. GOP  abortion drugs and their pa-  formed  in  Indiana  in  2019,  upheld a portion of the 2016
            proving that the requirement  Gov. Eric Holcomb signed it  tients. The plaintiffs include  according to the state health  law  signed  by  then-Gov.
            would  violate  free  speech  into law in April.          Planned  Parenthood,  which  department’s  most  recent  Mike  Pence  requiring  the
            rights  of  abortion  providers.                          operates  abortion  clinics  in  statistics.              burial  or  cremation  of  fetal
            He also found that the state  Six states — Arkansas, Idaho,  Indianapolis,   Merrillville,                          remains after an abortion.
            had not proven the effective-  Kentucky,  Nebraska,  South  Bloomington  and  Lafayette,  The Indiana law is part of a
            ness  of  the  reversal  process,  Dakota  and  Utah  —  have  and groups that operate other  wave of legislation pushed in
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