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Monday 27 May 2024 locAl
Alto Vista chapel and its link to Aruba’s origins
According to Etnia Nativa, ger see much of the town
in the 18th century most of of Alto Vista from 1750. With
the inhabitants of Aruba a lot of work they found
were indigenous who lived the old foundations of the
on the north coast, one of Church of the Queen of
the largest communities the Holiest Rosary to build
lived in Alto Vista. a new chapel on the same
place. The entire surround-
As they were very religious, ing area was empty and
they had a chief with the desolated, making it hard
name of Antonio Silvester to imagine that Alto Vista
who guided them in the was a town at all. A hun-
Christian life and it was he dred years later, people
who decided to build a can see the remains of About 200 meters from the
stone chapel with a roof around twenty houses, chapel there is a water
of corn rods, which would some made of stone and tank which the locals call
serve as a place of prayer. others of clay. Nowadays, Tanki Cacique. In the past
In 1750 it was blessed by Fa- only around six of these this tank was closed. But
ther Algamesi who came vester came to Aruba from that the Alto Vista area was houses remain. mostly water was brought
from Coro-Venezuela and Venezuela. The elders be- the most infected, they be- out from the Poz di Noord,
appointed Domingo Anto- lieve Antonio was a Span- gan to build their homes South of the chapel in the a well dug in the sand.
nio Silvester as the island’s iard. In 1780, father Joseph further south within the yard two graves can be
first prosecutor in the name Antonio de la Vegal called Noord area, so the town of observed, there was the The chapel can be viewed
of the Spanish crown and Bernardino Silvester, one of Noord began to grow into cemetery which father from basically any point in
Rome. In 1752 the prosecu- Antonio’s sons with his wife a community till getting its Pablo de Algemesi blessed. the north side, even from
tion passed into the hands Anna Cathalina Tromp, own Church. However re- It is not certain, but it is be- Paradera and Sero Plat.
of Antonio Silvester’s son- “neighbors and naturals of ligious festivals continued lieved that the two graves All the historical remains
in-law, Miguel Álvarez, who the island Aruba” and thus to be celebrated at this sa- belong to Antonio Silvester around the chapel provide
continued to guide the pa- they became natives. cred native place, with the and Miguel Alvares, ac- us with an idea on how the
rishioners in their prayers. custom of arriving in pro- cording to Nooyen. About old people of Alto Vista
At the end of the eighteen cession to Alto Vista. 50 meters near the chapel used to live. Don’t miss the
According to the book, century many inhabitants there are still the markings opportunity to visit a place
The History of Alto Vista by the island died as a result of Two-hundred years after of an old house, where of historical significance
R.H. Nooyen, it is not known the black fever epidemic the beautiful time of Alto Antonio and Bernardino with a window to Aruba’s
when Domingo Antonio Sil- and since people believed Vista, people can no lon- Silvester would have lived. past.q
Craving a late-night snack? We got you covered!
(Oranjestad)—After a night out it’s ferent parts on the island. One of
custom to grab yourself a late- its main locations is in Palm Beach,
night snack on the road. Here in near the hotel area. Chalo offers
Aruba, there are dozens of food a variety of fast-food meals, like
trucks that you can visit to enjoy a hamburgers, hotdogs, loaded fries
late-night bite. Here are a few that and more! A popular dish among
can be found in the down town/ locals is the Salchipapa: loaded
hotel area. fries with sausages, cheese and
a mix of sweet and savory sauce. huge menu comprised of different
Chalo burger Perfect for those late-night crav- dishes and snacks, all made with a fill your stomach (and heart) with a
ings! Venezuelan twist! From arepa’s to variety of options like shawarmas,
chicken wings, to pizzas and burg- doners, kapsalons and more, all
Chalo is open Wednesdays ers, Julio’s Corner has it all to satisfy 100% halal. When asked, the chef
through Mondays from 7pm to 12 your taste! Editor’s choice for what there recommends all foodies to
am (Fridays till 1am), and is locat- to get at Julio’s Corner is the que- try their lamb shawarma, as it’s a
ed at Palm Beach 178 (a little past sadilla, which comes with a side of favorite among guests.
the roundabout near the Piazza fries.
Gianni’s). Other Locations include Habibi Express is open every day
Tanki Leendert and Savaneta. Julio’s Corner is open Mondays from 5pm to 12am. While you’re
through Saturday from 6pm to 2am there, how about a picture with
Julio's Corner
(Fridays and Saturdays up to 4am), the genie? q
and is located in the parking lot of
the Eagle Bowling Palace, right on
the other side of the road from the
Sasaki gas station.
Habibi Express
Habibi Express is a Lebanese food
truck stand, one of very few food
trucks on the island to sell Mediter-
Chalo burger is a favorite among ranean food. Located right at the
locals, and it’s due to its popular- Situated in a nice little corner off entrance of The Local Market near
ity that it has branched out to dif- the highway, Julio’s Corner has a the cruise ship port, here you can