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                                                                                                                                      Thursday 7 April 2016

GOP senators seek to block proposal on Iran dollar rules 

MATTHEW LEE                     ing system for transactions
AP Diplomatic Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) Two             involving the government
Republican senators op-
posed to the Iran nuclear       of Iran or an Iranian per-
deal are trying to block an
Obama administration pro-       son” or “provide United
posal that would ease rules
on using U.S. dollars in trade  States dollars for any off-
transactions with Iran.
Marco Rubio and Mark Kirk       shore United States dollar
introduced legislation on
Wednesday that would            clearing system conduct-
bar the Treasury from per-
mitting foreign banks to        ed or overseen by a for-
conduct foreign currency
trades in U.S. dollars for      eign government or a for-
transactions involving Iran.
A copy of the bill was ob-      eign financial institution for
tained by The Associated
Press.                          transactions involving the
The bill would expressly for-
bid Treasury from issuing       government of Iran or an
any license that would al-
low anyone                      Iranian person.”

 “to conduct an offshore        Administration    officials
United States dollar clear-
                                have denied they are con-

                                sidering giving Iran direct

                                access to dollars or to the

                                U.S. financial system as part

                                nuclear sanctions relief,       Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., right, speaks with Sen. Marco
                                                                Rubio, R-Fla., on Capitol Hill in Washington, during the committee’s hearing on recent Iranian ac-
                                but have left open the pos-     tions and implementation of the nuclear deal.

                                sibility of easing some rules                                                                                                         (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

                                on the indirect use of dollars

                                for transactions with Iran as   sury has prepared a gen-       support of legitimate  busi-  in July provided Iran with
                                                                eral license that would per-   nesswith Iran.                billions of dollars in sanc-
                                long as they did not involve    mit offshore financial insti-  A pact agreed to by the       tions relief for curtailing pro-
                                                                tutions to conduct foreign     United States,                grams that could lead to
                                U.S. or Iranian banks.          currency trades in dollars in  Iran and five other powers    nuclear weapons. q

                                The Associated Press re-

                                ported last week that Trea-

Kerry breaks record for miles
traveled by secretary of state 

BRADLEY KLAPPER                 cratic presidential nomi-
Associated Press                nee has spent more than
MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) —          2,300 hours — or 96 days —
John Kerry is now the most      in the air since becoming
traveled secretary of state     secretary of state in Feb-
in U.S. history, breaking the   ruary 2013. He has spent
record as he arrived in the     parts of 467 different days
Middle East kingdom of          on his well-worn govern-
Bahrain on Wednesday.           ment plane.
The trip pushed Kerry past      One record eludes Kerry
1.06 million miles as Ameri-    still: Clinton’s 112 countries
ca’s top diplomat, narrow-      visited on the job.
ly beating Condoleezza          Having shuttled regularly
Rice by about 1,000 miles.      between several favorite
Rice, who was secretary         destinations — including
of state under President        Paris, London and Jerusa-
George W. Bush, held the        lem — Kerry had only been
previous mark with 1.059        to 80 countries.
million miles.                  Bahrain makes 81.
Kerry eclipsed Hillary Clin-    Kerry’s visit to the capital
ton’s mileage tally in De-      of Manama is the first by
cember. With 10 months          an American secretary of
left before a new president     state since demonstrations
takes office, Kerry is show-    by the kingdom’s Shiite
ing no signs of tempering       majority in 2011. Saudi and
his hectic travel schedule.     Emirati troops helped put
He flew to the Mideast on       down the protests, though
Tuesday from New York           discontent continues. Hu-
after attending an energy       man rights groups chastise
conference, stopping in         Bahrain’s Sunni rulers for
Ireland to refuel. He plans     repression and discrimina-
to visit Japan later in the     tion. Kerry will raise human
week. With no immediate         rights concerns when he
plans to leave the State        meets top officials from
Department, Kerry could         Bahrain and the Persian
easily pad his new record       Gulf region’s other Sun-
by hundreds of thousands        ni monarchies countries
of miles before departing       Thursday. But the focus will
government.                     be on battling the Islamic
The former Massachusetts        State and shared concerns
senator and former Demo-        over Iran.q
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