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U.S. NEWSThursday 7 April 2016
US emerging as tax haven alongside Switzerland, Caymans
PAUL WISEMAN This photo shows the entrance of the regional head office of Panama-based law firm Mossack proach risks tearing a gi-
MARCY GORDON Fonseca, one of the world’s biggest creators of shell companies, in Hong Kong. The United States is ant hole in international ef-
AP Business Writers emerging as a top tax haven alongside the likes of Switzerland, the Cayman Islands and Panama, forts to crack down on tax
WASHINGTON (AP) — The those seeking reform of the international tax system say. evasion, money laundering
United States is emerging as and financial crime.” It said
a top tax haven alongside (AP Photo/Vincent Yu) foreign elites have “used
the likes of Switzerland, the the United States as a bolt-
Cayman Islands and Pan- Cayman Islands and Lux- But the U.S. doesn’t auto- would need to identify tax hole for looted wealth.”
ama, those seeking reform embourg. matically return the favor. dodgers. Pascal Saint-Amans, head
of the international tax sys- Under a 2010 law, passed More than 90 countries “The banking lobby has of the OECD’s Center for
tem say. And states such as after it was learned that have signed on to a 2014 resisted changes in the Tax Policy and Adminis-
Delaware, Nevada, South the Swiss bank UBS helped information-sharing agree- law that would allow more tration, says the U.S. often
Dakota and Wyoming, in thousands of Americans ment set up by the Organi- sharing of data,” says Pe- makes information avail-
particular, are competing evade U.S. taxes, the Unit- zation for Economic Coop- ter Cotorceanu, a Zurich- able to other countries
to provide foreigners with ed States demands that eration and Development, based lawyer who special- upon request. But that
the secrecy they crave. banks and other financial but the U.S. is among the izes in private banking. means countries can get
“There’s a big neon sign institutions disclose informa- few that haven’t joined. In a report last year, the details only on those they
saying the U.S. is open to tion on Americans abroad American banks don’t Tax Justice Network com- already suspect of tax eva-
tax cheats,” says John to make sure they pay their even collect the kind of in- plained that “Washington’s sion.
Christensen, executive di- U.S. taxes. formation foreign countries independent-minded ap- Christensen says Swiss
rector of the Tax Justice banks report that “many
Network. of their tax-dodging clients
America’s openness to for- are talking about moving to
eign tax evaders is coming the U.S. You go to Switzer-
under new scrutiny after land, and that’s all they’re
the leak this week of 11.5 talking about.”
million confidential docu- Individual states, includ-
ments from a Panamanian ing Nevada, Wyoming and
law firm. The Panama Pa- South Dakota, are making
pers show how some of the things worse, critics say.
world’s richest people hide They compete to make it
assets in shell companies to easier to set up corpora-
avoid paying taxes. tions, with few questions
Christensen’s group, which asked about who’s behind
campaigns for a global the business.
crackdown on tax evad- “We have states that set up
ers, says the United States corporations where there’s
ranks third in the world in no information about own-
financial secrecy, behind ership,” says Jack Blum, a
Switzerland and Hong Washington lawyer who
Kong but ahead of notori- specializes in financial
ous tax havens such as the crime.
Nevada, for instance,
Fed minutes show officials wary of April rate hike makes it easy to incorpo-
rate secretly and charges
M. CRUTSINGER April would be too soon. signal a sense of urgency stability. a $500 annual business li-
AP Economics Writer Minutes of the Fed’s March they did not think appropri- The Fed ended up voting cense fee for corporations
WASHINGTON (AP) — Fed- 15-16 meeting released ate.” 9-1 to leave its key rate and $200 for other business-
eral Reserve policymakers Wednesday showed that That view stood in contrast unchanged. Fed Chair es. The money is earmarked
were split at their last meet- several participants argued with two officials who said Janet Yellen last week sig- for teacher salaries.
ing over how to respond to for “proceeding cautious- they could support a March naled concerns about rais- Many of the businesses are
a slowing global economy, ly” with future rate hikes be- rate hike and expressed ing rates too quickly given mere shells, financial con-
with two officials supporting cause of global risks such concerns that waiting too headwinds facing the U.S. trivances that don’t em-
a rate hike in March even as weaker growth in China. long could force the Fed to economy. Most econo- ploy people or make any
as an opposing group felt This group said that even move more quickly in the mists forecast no rate hike investments.q
that even raising rates in raising rates in April “would future, risking economic in- in April.q