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                                                                                                                  Thursday 7 April 2016

European Union ponders better way to deal with migrants 

RAF CASERT                     already caused serious fric-    A disabled migrant holds a banner reading “Human rights don’t apply here” during a demonstra-
ELENA BECATOROS                tion with many EU nations.      tion at the border crossing at the northern Greek border point of Idomeni, Greece, Wednesday,
Associated Press               Migratory pressures over        April 6, 2016. About hundreds migrants gathered in camp Idomeni demanding opening the bor-
BRUSSELS (AP) — The Eu-        the past year drove a           ders for migrants.
ropean Union took its first    stream of hundreds of thou-
steps Wednesday toward         sands of people up from                                                                                                                     (AP Photo/Amel Emric)
a fundamental reform of its    the Mediterranean toward
defective migration policy,    northern nations like Ger-      offered only “options” on       decision-making once the         refugee crisis.
which has heaped huge          many and Sweden in cha-         which the member states         refugee crisis hit last year     In an interview in the Ger-
pressure on some nations       otic circumstances which        and the EU parliamentary        have been fodder for crit-       man daily Bild, Hollande
like Greece as over a mil-     turned current EU rules into    groups should build further.    ics who portray the EU as        said “in the end (Europe)
lion migrants and refugees     a mockery.                      And Timmermans insisted         an inefficient, outmoded         always succeeds in finding
surged into the continent      “The current crisis has         that a logical extension of     institution.                     a solution ... but we have to
over the past year.            shown the present system is     common EU policies, like a      Even French President Fran-      pay a high price for the lost
Yet almost immediately,        not working,” EU Vice Presi-    central European system         cois Hollande, a staunch         time.”
the East-West fissure within   dent Frans Timmermans           to deal with asylum claims      defender of the EU, was          More than 53,000 refugees
the EU over migration was      said, adding small nations      was still too controversial.    forced to admit Wednes-          and migrants have been
laid bare. Nations like Ger-   like Greece could never         “In political terms, it is not  day that the bloc’s biggest      stranded in Greece since
many and Greece wel-           have dealt with such a task     realistic to talk about this    problem is its slow decision-    Austria and the Balkan na-
comed the plan by the EU’s     to process so many asylum       today.”                         making process — whether         tions north of Greece —
executive Commission that      claims.                         The bloc’s inefficient rules    in the financial crisis, the     Serbia, Croatia and Mace-
seeks to amend the current     “This is neither fair nor sus-  on how to handle migra-         fight against terrorism or a     donia — closed their land
principle under which the      tainable.”                      tion along with its slow        common response to the           borders last month.q
first nation where a migrant   The Commission said in a
arrives is forced to process   document to EU institutions
their asylum request and       that “significant structural
temporarily shelter them.      weaknesses and shortcom-
The Czech Republic, which      ings” in the current system
chairs the Visegrad group      were rife, which placed “a
of four eastern EU nations,    disproportionate respon-
voiced opposition to any       sibility” on some nations,
plan that would mean           while others, mostly east-
each EU nation has to take     ern European members,
a set number of asylum-        sought to shield their coun-
seekers.                       tries from having to carry
The Commission is propos-      much of the refugee bur-
ing a reform in which a        den.
“distribution key” to spread   In the face of such short-
asylum applicants around       comings, nations like
the EU would be a key el-      Greece and Germany
ement, either as part of a     quickly welcomed the
whole new system or as an      Commission’s proposals.
addition to the current one.   Showing the sensitivity of
But efforts to distribute the  the issue though, the Com-
recent influx of refugees      mission said its proposals

Syria army launches counteroffensive south of city of Aleppo 

BEIRUT (AP) — The Syrian       confirmed on Wednesday          mascus-Aleppo highway.          pletely derail the agree-        Meanwhile, the SITE Intelli-
army and its allies have       the death of Abu Firas al-      The village was captured        ment, which greatly re-          gence Group, which moni-
launched a counteroffen-       Souri, a senior figure in the   on Monday by rebels allied      duced overall violence in        tors militant websites said
sive to recapture a village    group, in a U.S. airstrike in   with al-Qaida’s affiliate in    Syria. The fighting pits Syrian  the Nusra Front posted on
south of the city of Aleppo    the northern province of        Syria, the Nusra Front.         government forces and al-        social media Wednesday
that was overrun by al-        Idlib on Sunday.                The fighting outside Alep-      lied Lebanese Hezbollah          a statement in which it ac-
Qaida-allied militant a few    Syrian activist groups said     po, the country’s second-       militiamen against mili-         cused the U.S. of “blatant-
days earlier, activists said   the push near Aleppo,           largest city, has been the      tants, including the Nusra       ly” helping the Syrian gov-
Wednesday.                     which started late Tuesday      worst since a partial cease-    Front. The al-Qaida branch       ernment with the airstrike
The development came           night, is aimed at retak-       fire agreement came into        is excluded from the truce       that killed Abu Firas al-Souri
as Syria’s al-Qaida branch,    ing the village of Tel al-Ais,  effect in late February and     along with its rival the Islam-  in the northern province of
known as the Nusra Front,      which overlooks the Da-         has threatened to com-          ic State group.                  Idlib.q
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