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LOCALThursday 7 April 2016
Saturday, April 9, 10am - 2pm:
International School of Aruba Set for Annual Open House
WAYACA - The Internation- in Grade 1. Come meet winning Makerspace pro- and universities around the gram has to offer students.
al School of Aruba will host our Dutch department gram has developed proj- world. The Class of 2016 has This is just a little bit of what
its annual Open House on teachers and see what our ects aimed to make a posi- already been accepted to makes the International
campus at Wayaca 238A, students are learning. tive difference in the lives Purdue University (US), Uni- School of Aruba a unique
on Saturday, April 9, 2016. ISA also offers a Montessori of others. Come by Open versity of Massachusetts- and great place to study.
We welcome and invite the Program for children ages House to learn more about Boston (US), University of During our Open House on
community to experience 18 months (Toddler House these- and other- service Glasgow (UK), University of April 9, classrooms will be
first-hand what ISA has to program) through early el- programs. South Carolina (US), Uni- open for visits, teachers will
offer. Families, prospec- ementary years. The Mon- ISA graduates continue to versity of South Florida (US), be available to discuss cur-
tive students, and guests tessori trained head teach- be accepted at colleges Texas Christian University riculum and course offer-
can spend the day visiting ers and their assistants will (US), Arizona State Univer- ings, a BBQ/Food sale will
classrooms, participating in be available at the Open sity (US), Florida Institute of be available, and educa-
sports tournaments, touring House to share program in- Technology (US), Santa Fe tional demonstrations will
the campus, and browsing formation and answer any College (US), Suffolk Univer- be ongoing. Please bring
new books at our Book Fair- questions. sity (US), EU Business School- your family and friends for a
just to name a few of the ISA has new and improved
activities going on. programs this year aiming Geneva, Switzerland, and great day of activities! The
ISA offers a standards- to help our students em- Georgia Tech University staff, students, and families
based curriculum for stu- brace the world around (US). The college counsel- of ISA look forward to see-
dents in grades K-12 culmi- them. The Kiwanis Key Club or/advisor will be available ing everyone there!
nating in a US High School was chartered this year and during the Open House to For more information, call
Diploma. ISA is accredited already has had an impact answer questions and share 583-5040, or visit www.isa-
by AdvancEd from the on the community through more about what that pro-
United States. High school their various service ac-
students have the option tivities. Our National Honor
of taking Advanced Place- Society continues to strive
ment classes in English, to lead by example and
Spanish, Art, History, and through service. Our award
Mathematics- where upon
successful completion, stu-
dents can earn university
credit accepted around
the world. All students in
grades 1-6 have opportuni-
ties to take classes in art, PE,
and music; while students
in grades 7-12 also have
art, PE, and music PLUS the
opportunity to take classes
in drama, Makers Space,
and various student cho-
sen learning activities. Stop
by the Open House to hear
all about the exciting things
students at ISA are partici-
pating in.
The ISA Dutch program
(Nederlands Onderwijs in
het Buitenland accredited)
follows the NOB approved
Dutch curriculum, monitors
student achievement with
the Cito tests, and prepares
students for the landsexa-
men for VWO, HAVO, or
MAVO certificates. Dutch
classes are offered for both
the native and foreign lan-
guage speaker beginning