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                                                                                                                                  Thursday 7 April 2016

Pacquiao, Roach fondly recall 15 years at the Wild Card 

GREG BEACHAM                       nurtured his growth into an      In this Monday, April 4, 2016, photo, boxer Manny Pacquiao, of the Philippines works out in front of
AP Sports Writer                   eight-division champion          reporters and photographers at the Wild Card gym in Los Angeles. 
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Man-            and the Philippines’ most
ny Pacquiao was all kinds          famous man.                                                                                                                                          Associated Press
of hungry when he first            Pacquiao has repeatedly
walked into the Wild Card          said he could be forced out      to and Pacquiao, whose          complex home life in Asia,     once a year (after retir-
Boxing Club 15 years ago.          of boxing if the congress-       logo is emblazoned on the       he kept coming back to         ing),” Pacquiao said. “Bring
An undernourished and              man is elected to a Senate       ring.                           the Wild Card for work.        my boxers. I have other
largely unknown Filipino           position later this year, but    Roach is modest about his       Los Angeles embraced           boxers in the Philippines.”
fighter wanted to learn,           he might not have consid-        contributions to Pacquiao’s     Pacquiao during his rise, but  Roach believes Pacquiao’s
to grow — to take on the           ered the finality of it all un-  formidable talent, but he       its love has faded in recent   skills and athleticism are still
world.                             til he actually arrived at his   knows what role the Wild        years. The anti-gay politi-    sharp, and he doesn’t see
When he walked out of              last workout in Hollywood.       Card played in that devel-      cal rhetoric that ended his    any slowdowns that would
the Wild Card for perhaps          His eyes narrowed while          opment.                         relationship with Nike also    prompt him to encour-
the final time this week,          he methodically wrapped          “It forced him to maybe         hasn’t played well in this     age retirement. Although
Pacquiao stepped onto              his hands with brisk move-       grow up a little bit faster     progressive town, getting      he still sees the hunger in
an enormous bus with his           ments.                           than being home,” Roach         him ceremonially banned        Pacquiao, he developed a
glowering face plastered           “I’m thinking about it,” Pac-    said. “I look at pictures from  from a popular mall and        slight doubt Monday when
across its length. He took a       quiao said. “I love it here.     when he first came, and he      prompting the LA Weekly        Pacquiao did something
four-hour drive to Las Ve-         It’s my second home. It’s        only had a couple of guys       newspaper to ask, “Should      he never does after a work-
gas with his entourage of          been a long time since I         with him. He was almost by      Manny Pacquiao Be Run          out.
dozens, stopping only to           started training at the Wild     himself.”                       Out of Los Angeles?”           The fighter gathered Roach
buy mountains of snacks            Card.”                           A loss finally allowed Roach    But inside the Wild Card,      and their closest confi-
at a convenience store,            Pacquiao has spilled years       to get the superstitious Pac-   Pacquiao’s oldest Ameri-       dantes for a group prayer.
on the way to a luxury suite       of sweat and blood on the        quiao out of the run-down       can friends are still at his   “We’ll see what happens,”
and his pay-per-view fight         well-worn canvas in this liv-    Vagabond, which was torn        side, even if they disagree    Roach said. “I still can see
against Timothy Bradley on         ing monument to the en-          down in 2013. The fighter       with his pronouncements.       Senator Manny Pacquiao
Saturday.                          during charms of the sweet       moved to houses in near-        And even if he’s really done   winning a world title, or
Pacquiao found everything          science.                         by Beverly Hills or Hancock     fighting, Pacquiao doesn’t     President Manny Pacquiao
he sought from boxing in           Roach remembers the ear-         Park, his properties growing    think he’ll leave the Wild     winning a world title. He
this gloriously dilapidated        liest months of their rela-      along with his entourage.       Card entirely.                 would like to do that.”q
Hollywood gym run by train-        tionship with fondness. Pac-     Even with an increasingly       “I might come back here
er Freddie Roach. They’ve          quiao lived next door at the
been together since 2001,          Vagabond Inn, and Roach
forming a tenacious part-          would go back to the hum-
nership that might get its         ble hotel to relax while Pac-
final test this weekend.           quiao sang and learned to
“I don’t think this is it, so I    play the guitar. The Beatles’
don’t think I’m going to           “Let It Be” was the first song
have to get sad or anything        he mastered — to a point.
like that,” Roach said. “If it is  “I don’t know if he’s a great
it, I will miss him, and we’ll     singer,” Roach said. “But he
be friends forever. But he’s       practiced, and he tried re-
always been a great guy            ally hard to be entertaining
to me. It would be different       at that. He was just a really
not having him around, for         good kid.”
sure, but life goes on. It’s       The Wild Card has grown
OK.”                               along with Roach’s career:
If Pacquiao retires into poli-     The second-floor gym has
tics after this bout, he has       also taken over the ground
already thrown his final           floor of the battered strip
punch at the Wild Card, his        mall on Vine Street. The
training home since 2001.          former laundromat is now
He’ll never again take di-         used for Roach’s top cli-
rection from Roach, who            ents, including Miguel Cot-
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