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                                                                                                                                                    Thursday 7 April 2016

Mobile chat apps Line, Kakao flourishing among young Asians 

YOUKYUNG LEE                                                                                                                                                            NUMBERS: 215 million active

AP Business Writers                                                                                                                                                     users globally, 68 million in

YURI KAGEYAMA                                                                                                                                                           Japan. Recorded 120.7 bil-

AP Business Writers                                                                                                                                                     lion yen ($1.1 billion) in sales

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —                                                                                                                                               last year.

Forget Facebook and Twit-                                                                                                                                               HITS: Line has leveraged

ter. businesses such as mer-

Two of Asia’s biggest social                                                                                                                                            chandising of dolls and

media players, Kakao Talk                                                                                                                                               other goods featuring mas-

and Line, are growing by                                                                                                                                                cot-like characters such

making mobile messaging                                                                                                                                                 as Brown the bear. It also

apps an integral part of the                                                                                                                                            rakes in revenue from the

lives of young Asians who                                                                                                                                               sale of emoticon stickers,

prefer to communicate                                                                                                                                                   called “stamps” in Japan,

more privately instead of                                                                                                                                               to use with Line messages.

shouting out in virtual are-                                                                                                                                            Many stamps are free or

nas and risking troubles with                                                                                                                                           cost very little, and Line has

trolls — or disclosing aspects                                                                                                                                          opened stamp designing

of their lives to their parents                                                                                                                                         to the public, enhancing

they’d rather not share.                                                                                                                                                their appeal. Cab drivers,

Kakao Talk is the top mes-                                                                                                                                              for instance, use special

senger app in South Korea,                                                                                                                                              stamps with their indus-

with more users than Face-                                                                                                                                              try jargon handy for quick

book or Twitter. People use       In the April 4, 2016, photo, Kim Do-hee, an employee of Kakao Friends Shop, uses a smartphone                                         communication with other
it to hail cabs and transfer      beside its goods in Seoul, South Korea.                                                                                               drivers in their team. Some
money, advancing toward                                                                                                                                                 2.4 billion such stickers are
a cashless society. Even                                                                                                                              Associated Press  sent each day, with sales
South Korean government                                                                                                                                                 reaching 25.3 billion yen
officials prefer Kakao chat       Here’s a look at Kakao Talk                         like service which was at      company has largely fo-                            ($224 million) last year. Free
rooms for communicat-             and Line, Asia’s top mes-                           one point more popular         cused on developing new                            voice calls among Line us-
ing with colleagues as op-        senger app companies.                               than Facebook among            services for its huge Korean                       ers, including international
posed to email.                   ___                                                 South Koreans. But its user    customer base.                                     calls, are another reason
In Japan, where Line users        KAKAO TALK: Headquar-                               growth has been slowing.       ANALYST TAKE: “They have                           for its popularity.
outnumber those on Face-          tered on the southern is-                           The latest big hit is Kakao    to get a momentum in the                           MAKING MONEY: Line has
book or Twitter, people buy       land of Jeju, South Korea.                          Taxi, an Uber-like taxi hail-  mobile advertisement mar-                          signed up major compa-
cute digital stickers to link to  The app was released in                             ing service.                   ket, but no messenger com-                         nies for advertising such
messages and use the app          2010.                                               MAKING MONEY: The 2012         panies have established                            as Toyota and online re-
to search for music and           OWNED BY: Kakao, South                              launch of Kakao Game           themselves as strong an                            tailer Rakuten. It plans to
                                  Korea’s No. 2 Internet                              proved its first big jackpot.  advertisement platform as
                                                                                      Many mobile games ad-

                                                                                      opted a business model

                                                                                      where users would have

                                                                                      to either invite Kakao Talk

                                                                                      friends or pay to play more

                                                                                      rounds or buy virtual items.

                                                                                      This fueled huge growth in

                                                                                      the mobile game market in

                                                                                      South Korea, helping some

                                                                                      game developers go pub-

                                                                                      lic and amass cash. It also

                                                                                      allowed advertisers like

                                                                                      Uniqlo and mom-and-pop

                                                                                      stores to interact with users


                                                                                      CHALLENGES: Game rev-

In this Thursday, March 24, 2016 photo, Line Corp. President and                      enue has declined since        This Feb. 19, 2014, file photo shows the Facebook app icon on
CEO Takeshi Idezawa speaks during a press conference of Line                          peaking in 2014 as game        an iPhone in New York. 
Conference Tokyo 2016 in Urayasu, near Tokyo.                                         developers began to dis-
                                                                                      tance themselves to save                                                                           Associated Press
                                                                    Associated Press  commission fees. Follow-

jobs.                             search engine, which                                ing a controversy in 2014      Facebook,” said Justin Lee,                        expand its clientele, using
In doing so, the apps are         counts former Naver CEO                             over South Korean authori-     an analyst at BNP Paribas in                       its knowledge of users’ in-
serving as test beds for digi-    Kim Beom-su as the largest                          ties’ seizure of Kakao Talk    Seoul. Earlier expectations                        terests in targeting adver-
tal services, demonstrating       shareholder.                                        user data, many customers      for monetizing messen-                             tising. Such contracts now
ways the latest trends in-        NUMBERS: 48 million active                          have migrated to Berlin-       ger apps may have been                             cost about 50 million yen
technology  and communi-          users globally, including 40                        based competitor Tele-         overly optimistic, he said.                        ($500,000), but will be of-
cation can be integrated          million in South Korea. Sales                       gram. Since then, South Ko-    “Because of the limitations                        fered to small and medi-
with daily life in the 21st       at the owner of Kakao Talk                          reans have become wary         of one-on-one services, its                        um-size businesses at lower
century.                          reached 932.2 billion won                           of what they say on the        appeal as an ad platform                           rates. Line mainly appeals
Above all, they are making        ($808.5 million) last year.                         app, which has not severe-     is not as big as Facebook.”                        to young people, many
money, although some of           HITS: Kakao Talk itself and its                     ly dented its traffic but has  ___                                                of whom don’t have ac-
their products, such as digi-     cute emoticon characters.                           hurt its reputation.           LINE: Headquartered in To-                         cess to credit cards. To get
tal stickers, would be a hard     The company was able to                             EXPANSION: Kakao Talk has      kyo. Founded in 2011.                              around that problem, Line
sell in other markets. Silicon    build on the success of Ka-                         unsuccessfully tried to ex-    OWNED BY: South Korea’s                            has come up with its own
Valley investors and tech         kao Talk when it launched                           pand in Japan and Indo-        No. 1 Internet search en-                          prepaid cards that can be
startups everywhere are           Kakao Story, an Instagram-                          nesia, both countries where    gine company Naver Corp.                           charged at convenience-
watching closely.                                                                     Line is strong. Instead, the                                                      store chains.q
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