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                                                                                                                                                          Thursday 7 April 2016

Allergan, Pfizer call off proposed $160B mega-merger 

The Pfizer logo appears on a screen above its trading post on                    dress there on paper, are a     cent to $32.87, while Aller-    Those include mergers and
the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, April                       hot issue in the presidential   gan shares jumped 7.7 per-      acquisitions, buying rights
6, 2016. The biggest U.S.-based drugmaker, Pfizer Inc., will stay                race. President Obama on        cent to $244.20 Wednes-         to experimental drugs,
put thanks to aggressive new Treasury Department rules that                      Tuesday called them “one        day afternoon.                  share repurchases and
succeeded in blocking Pfizer from acquiring rival Allergan and                   of the most insidious tax       “We can pivot very quickly      paying down part of Al-
moving to Ireland, on paper, to reduce its tax bill.                             loopholes out there,” add-      from combination planning       lergan’s $40 billion in debt,
                                                                                 ing that Treasury’s new rules   to independent planning,”       Saunders told The AP.
                                                        (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  are meant to make wealthy       Allergan CEO Brent Saun-        Best known for its Botox
                                                                                 corporations shoulder their     ders told The Associated        anti-wrinkle injections and
LINDA A. JOHNSON               day. Pfizer, which is based                       tax responsibility like work-   Press, adding that both         Restasis drops for dry eye
AP Business Writer             in New York, will pay Aller-                      ing-class Americans.            companies were prepared         disease, Allergan had a
Top U.S. drugmaker Pfizer      gan $150 million as reim-                         Pfizer and Allergan re-         for a Treasury move to          profit of $3.7 billion on rev-
and Irish rival Allergan are   bursement for its deal-relat-                     grouped Wednesday and           block their deal but consid-    enue of $15 billion last year.
charting independent fu-       ed expenses.                                      began touting their pros-       ered it a small risk.           The company is the result
tures after scrapping a re-    It was Pfizer’s third, and                        pects as solo companies.        Saunders already is fo-         of multiple inversions, and
cord $160 billion deal tor-    most expensive, failed at-                        They are far from being in      cused on closing Allergan’s     despite its Dublin address
pedoed by new Treasury         tempt at an inversion, leav-                      dire straits as they contem-    $40.5 billion deal to sell its  operates from offices in
Department rules meant         ing analysts to speculate                         plate their next moves: Both    generic drug  business  to      Parsippany, New Jersey.
to block American compa-       Pfizer will drop the strat-                       are highly profitable, have     Israel’s Teva Pharmac-          “Allergan will continue to
nies from moving their cor-    egy for good. The merger                          multiple lucrative medicine     ueticals Industries Ltd., the   invest in the United States,”
porate addresses overseas      would have moved Pfizer’s                         franchises and strong pipe-     world’s top generic drug-       Saunders said, with a focus
— on paper — to avoid U.S.     address, but not its opera-                       lines of experimental drugs,    maker. He expects that to       on jobs creation, expand-
taxes.                         tions or headquarters, to                         and each have enough            close by the end of June,       ing factories and research
The rules issued Monday,       Ireland, where it would                           cash to quickly do another      bringing Allergan about         facilities, and doing re-
aimed at stopping the          have paid hundreds of mil-                        deal.                           $36 billion after taxes to in-  search on cures for diseas-
companies’ “tax inversion”     lions of dollars less in annual                   Shares of Pfizer rose 4.8 per-  vest in “opportunities.”        es with huge unmet need.
deal, wiped out its financial  U.S. corporate taxes.
incentives and rationale for   Tax inversions, in which a
Pfizer Inc., though they had   big U.S. company buys
no impact on Allergan PLC.     a smaller one in another
That led Pfizer and Allergan   country with a lower tax
to walk away “by mutual        rate, and then moves the
agreement” on Wednes-          combined company’s ad-

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              Date:Sunday April 10 Time : 2pm-4pm.
                       Price USD $ 550,000.00.

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