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BUSINESSThursday 7 April 2016

US stocks rise as health care and energy companies soar

Trader Glenn Kessler, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday,      stocks will trade much high-      er. Celgene, which makes
                                                                                                 er is if companies are able       treatments for cancer,
April 6, 2016. U.S. stocks broke a two-day losing streak Wednesday as investors bought up drug-  to give optimistic projec-        gained $6.10, or 6 percent,
                                                                                                 tions for the rest of the year.   to $108.22. Vertex Pharma-
makers and other health care companies.		                       (AP Photo/Richard Drew)          “Without an improvement           ceuticals rose $7.15, or 8.5
                                                                                                 in earnings or a projection       percent, to $91.31.
MARLEY JAY                   in a long slide, made their        of the market’s losses from      of earnings growth, our           Biotech stocks are fac-
AP Markets Writer            biggest gains in almost five       a day earlier. Stocks wa-        outlook is kind of tapped         ing pressure from legisla-
NEW YORK (AP) — U.S.         years. That came after Pfiz-       vered in recent weeks as         out,” he said.                    tors over the price of their
stocks broke a two-day los-  er, one of the largest phar-       investors wait for quarterly     The Dow Jones industrial          drugs, and investors fear
ing streak Wednesday as      maceutical companies in            earnings to start pouring in,    average gained 112.73             that their ability to raise
investors bought up drug-    the world, gave up on a            and many are bracing for         points, or 0.6 percent, to        prices will be impeded.
makers and other health      plan to buy Botox maker Al-        another shaky quarter.           17,716.05. The Standard &         Energy companies gained
care companies. Energy       lergan for $160 billion and        Jack Ablin, chief invest-        Poor’s 500 index rose 21.49       ground as benchmark U.S.
companies also jumped as     investors wondered if it will      ment officer of BMO Private      points, or 1.1 percent, to        crude rose $1.86, or 5.2 per-
the price of oil surged.     look elsewhere.                    Bank, said it’s going to be      2,066.66. The Nasdaq com-         cent, to close at $37.75 a
Biotech drug companies,      The gains were only                another weak earnings            posite index picked up            barrel in New York. Brent
which have been mired        enough to wipe out most            period, and the only way         76.78 points, or 1.6 percent,     crude, a benchmark for
                                                                                                 to 4,902.72.                      international oils, added
                                                                                                 Pfizer and Allergan con-          $1.97, or 5.2 percent, to
                                                                                                 firmed Wednesday that             close at $39.84 a barrel
                                                                                                 they are walking away             in London. The price of oil
                                                                                                 from their proposed merger        has skidded in recent days
                                                                                                 after the U.S. Treasury De-       before making small gains
                                                                                                 partment announced new            Tuesday.
                                                                                                 rules that made the deal,         Chevron picked up $2.17,
                                                                                                 and others like it, far less ap-  or 2.3 percent, to $94.84
                                                                                                 pealing. Pfizer rose $1.57, or    and Exxon Mobil added
                                                                                                 5 percent, to $32.93, its big-    $1.10, or 1.3 percent, to
                                                                                                 gest gain since 2011.             $83.31. Hess rose $2.74, or
                                                                                                 Pfizer was ready to make          5.3 percent, to $54.
                                                                                                 one of the largest corpo-         Oilfield services compa-
                                                                                                 rate deals in history for Al-     nies Halliburton and Baker
                                                                                                 lergan as it tried to boost       Hughes also traded higher
                                                                                                 its sales and cut its tax bill.   after the U.S. government
                                                                                                 Biotechnology companies,          sued to block them from
                                                                                                 which make complex and            combining.
                                                                                                 costly drugs, climbed high-

     House For Sale                                             Monsanto misses Wall Street 2Q forecasts
in Washington Gardens
                                                                MATTHEW PERRONE                  Street expectations, with         earnings in the range of
                  Washington Gardens                            AP Business Writer               analysts surveyed by Zacks        $4.40 to $5.10 per share.
     3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom House with pool,                      Monsanto Co. reported            Investment Research ex-           Last month the agricultur-
                                                                weaker-than-expected             pecting earnings of $2.45         al  business  giant slashed
            on 586 m2 of Property land for                      earnings Wednesday as            per share.                        its prior guidance due to a
                                                                the company offered price        Sales tumbled more than           combination of headwinds
  $324.000 or AWG 575.000,00                                    discounts to try and revive      12 percent during the pe-         affecting both its seed and
                                                                flagging sales of its biotech-   riod to $4.53 billion, which      chemical business units.
                              Our o ce is located at:           enhanced seeds.                  also missed Street fore-          The company said Wednes-
                  The Shops at Sand., #1, Palm Beach, Aruba     Monsanto has struggled           casts. Three analysts sur-        day that “extreme cur-
Tel: +297 280-0339 or +297 561-1108  with falling prices for crops    veyed by Zacks expected           rency headwinds” are ex-
                                                                like corn, soy beans and         $4.78 billion.                    pected to lower results by
                                                                wheat, which have re-            The company said results          90 cents to $1 per share in
                                                                duced farmers’ spending          were negatively impacted          fiscal 2016. Monsanto seeds
                                                                on Monsanto’s genetically        by discounted seed prices         have specially engineered
                                                                enhanced seeds. At the           offered to U.S. farmers and       traits such as protection
                                                                same time, the strong dol-       reduced planting of soy-          against certain insects.
                                                                lar has made its products,       beans.                            They are more expensive
                                                                including chemical weed          The discounts and reduced         but help farmers increase
                                                                killer, more expensive over-     demand contributed to an          their crop yield.
                                                                seas.                            8.6 percent decline in seed       The company began the
                                                                The St. Louis-based compa-       sales, which fell to $3.82 bil-   year by announcing it
                                                                ny reported a second-quar-       lion from $4.18 billion.          would eliminate another
                                                                ter profit of $1.06 billion, or  Sales of the company’s            1,000 employees, increas-
                                                                $2.41 per share, compared        chemical products, primar-        ing its planned layoffs to
                                                                with $1.43 billion, or $2.92     ily the weed killer Roundup,      3,600 for the next two years.
                                                                per share, in the prior-year     fell nearly 30 percent to         Monsanto shares rose 29
                                                                period. Earnings, adjusted       $715 million amid competi-        cents to $86.39 in morning
                                                                for one-time gains and           tion from generic competi-        trading Wednesday. The
                                                                costs, were $2.42.               tors. The company con-            stock has declined 26 per-
                                                                The results fell short of Wall   tinues to expect full-year        cent in the last 12 months.
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