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  LOCALThursday 7 April 2016

Historic Photo Competition Concludes at the Hilton Aruba Resort!

                                                                                   sures, a sculpture at the Bali
                                                                                   Bar and next to the Logo of
                                                                                   the Hotel, against the cut
                                                                                   stone wall at the entrance
                                                                                   to the lobby. The pictures
                                                                                   tell the story, of how proud
                                                                                   the islanders were of their
                                                                                   first upscale hotel.

Continued from page 13        -EVENT: Evert Bongers, a       -SOCIAL SCENE: Nancy           locals, in period swim suits   playing steel pans at the
                              tourism historian, for sub-    Maceachen, for submitting      and beach wear, against        Aruba Caribbean Hotel in
-NATURE: Mario Ridderstap     mitting a picture of Princess  a great number of pictures     the backdrop of the beach      1963.
for submitting a breathtak-   Beatrix, admiring the mod-     and documents, having          and the resort. The picture
ing image of the pristine     el of the future hotel, dur-   worked at the hotel as di-     is hanging in Belva’s house    -NOSTALGIA: Watty Hey-
coast line of Palm Beach,     ing her historic visit to the  rector of marketing for five   in Savaneta.                   liger for submitting a group
with very few swimmers/       island. Evert also submitted   years. Her image of Carni-                                    picture of himself with col-
sunbathers.                   an original sketch by archi-   val at the Klompen Club        -MOST FUN: Bert Hagelen,       league waiters, in the din-
                              tect Morris Lapidus, and       reflects her dedication to     for submitting the picture of  ing room on Christmas
-MOVING: Arlette Oduber       an aerial shot of the Aruba    the resort, organizing and     the San Fernando brothers      1962. q
for submitting a picture      Caribbean.                     promoting the new prop-
of her parents and their                                     erty, the first one to open
friends lounging on the       -EDITORIAL: Jocky Tromp        in Aruba. During the sixties,
beach of the resort, look-    a former bell man & Pe-        Nancy went to Venezuela
ing young and gorgeous,       dro Henriquez, a former        and Puerto Rico to pro-
reflecting a popular activ-   bellman and engineer for       mote the resort. She later
ity at the time: Relaxing at  submitting images of them-     also became the reserva-
the Carib.                    selves standing next to the    tions manager.
                              Goddess of Seven Plea-
                                                             -RETRO CHIC: Karin Swiers,
                                                             for she submitting an im-
                                                             age of Belva Henriquez &
                                                             Nancy Maceachern, two
                                                             fashionable and elegant
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