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Thursday 7 April 2016
Winners in multiple categories revealed:
Historic Photo Competition Concludes at the Hilton Aruba Resort!
PALM BEACH - The Hilton for two at the Sunset Grille
Aruba Caribbean Resort or Sunday Champagne
& Casino, announced a Brunch for two at Laguna.
historic photo competition Nancy Maceachen is the
mid-February in an effort winner of a weekend’s stay.
to uncover images of the And the Competition Win-
hotel in the early days, any- ners by category are:
thing dated before the Mil-
lennium, to be digitalized, -HISTORIC: Belinda de
and then artfully and Veer, for her photograph of
proudly displayed through- an original detail of the fa-
out the property. mous Delft Blue lobby wall.
The response by guests, lo- The detail of the wall de-
cals and visitors was enthu- picts the First Salute to the
siastic, as many individu- United States of America,
als came forward to share by the Netherlands. Made
their treasured memories. in Delft, for Jeffrey De Veer,
The Aruba National Ar- the company’s president
chives and the Biblioteca at the time, the artwork
Arubiana Caribbiana also was designed to show him
welcomed resort represen- in the form of a maquette,
tatives who went through what the commissioned
their archival materials in mural at the Aruba Carib-
search of interesting finds. bean Hotel would look like.
A committee set up at the The maquette is a family
resort picked the winning heirloom piece at the de
images in several catego- Veers.
ries. Among committee
members: Owners’ repre- -PEOPLE: Vivian Wever, for
sentative Rene Kan, Gen- the lovely photograph of brochures. ben worked at the ho- the window. The resort can
eral Manager Olivier Mau- herself as a child, playing tel for many years – until be seen beyond a cactus
maire, Director of Sales and in the surf, circa 1958. The -PROFESSIONAL: Jossy 2008, when he retired. He fence, and the photo brings
Marketing Arianne Valen- photo was taken by Viv- brought about 50 images together nicely those two
tino, Director of HR Glenn ian’s father Lucio R Wever Lacle for uncovering the of the resort as Aruba Ca- worlds, the hotel and the
Farro, and PR & Marketing and is part of his slide col- ribbean, the Golden Tulip locals. Thieleman’s parents
Manager Nunette Maduro. lection which was digi- collection of albums made and the Radisson, to the moved to Aruba in 1952. His
The competition was open talized in 2014. competition. father joined the Camera
to both amateur and pro- by historian Dr. J. Hartog, in Club of Aruba in 1953. The
fessional photography and -ADVERTISING: Bibi Bikker, -DEEPER MEANING: Frank slides shared by Thieleman
uncovered more than 350 Archivo National. Bibi for 1962. The albums are safe- Thieleman for finding an in the competition were
images. Winners on the list uncovering several official image of his mother and taken after the opening of
below are kindly requested pictures of the resort taken guarded at the Biblioteca grandmother, sitting in a the hotel in 1959.
to contact Nunette Mad- by professional photogra- period car with the fam-
uro for their prize, dinner phers for postcards and Arubiana Caribbiana. ily dog’s head sticking out Continued on page 16
Boekhoudt for delivering a
spectacular image of the
Aruba Caribbean lobby,
with columns in blue. Ru-