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WORLD NEWSThursday 7 April 2016

   Russia’s National           France passes law punishing prostitutes’ clients 
 Guard to be tasked
                               S. CORBET                           rently illegally in France —       ists and a sponsor of the       France’s parliament start-
    to suppress riots          T. ADAMSON                          to acquire a temporary res-        legislation, told The Associ-   ed debating the bill in 2013,
                               Associated Press                    idence permit if they enter        ated Press.                     but the final vote was de-
V. ISACHENKOV                  PARIS (AP) — French law-            a process to get out of the        Olivier said that many of       layed due to sharp divisions
Associated Press               makers on Wednesday ap-
MOSCOW (AP) — The Na-          proved a bill against pros-         Sex workers hold signs reading ‘Prostitutes are angry. Don’t touch to our customers’ during a pro-
tional Guard being formed      titution and sex trafficking        test against new bill against prostitution and sex trafficking, in Paris, Wednesday, April 6, 2016.
in Russia will be given        that bans buying sex, not
broad powers to suppress       selling it. Customers will          prostitution business.             the sex workers who arrive      between the lower parlia-
riots, according to a presi-   face fines and be made to           Supporters of the bill argue       in France have their pass-      mentary chamber and the
dential decree released        attend awareness classes            that it will help fight traffick-  ports confiscated by pimps.     Senate.
Wednesday.                     on the harms of the sex             ing networks.                      “We will provide them with      Written by a group of law-
Analysts said President        trade.                              “The most important as-            documents on the condi-         makers from both right and
Vladimir Putin’s decision to   The legislation, which              pect of this law is to ac-         tion they commit to leave       left and backed by the So-
create the National Guard      passed 64-12 in the parlia-         company prostitutes, give          prostitution behind,” she       cialist government, the leg-
could reflect Kremlin fears    ment’s lower house, the             them identity papers be-           added. But opponents            islation has been inspired
of possible anti-govern-       National Assembly, makes            cause we know that 85              fear that cracking down         by Sweden, which passed
ment protests — or even a      French law one of the               percent of prostitutes here        will push prostitutes to hide,  a similar measure in 1999.
coup attempt — amid an         toughest against sex buy-           are victims of trafficking,”       leaving them even more          Norway and Iceland also
economic downturn. The         ers in Europe.                      Maud Olivier, a lawmaker           at the mercy of pimps and       followed the Swedish mod-
Russian economy last year      Prostitution in itself is legal in  with the governing Social-         violent clients.                el. q
was dragged into reces-        France — though brothels,
sion by plummeting oil pric-   pimping and the sale of
es and Western economic        sex by minors are illegal.
sanctions over the crisis in   The new measure does
Ukraine.                       away with a 2003 law that
Putin’s popularity has re-     banned passive soliciting
mained high, but living        by sex workers on the street
standards have dropped         and thus put the legal onus
sharply and the prospect       on prostitutes.
of unrest looms. Parliamen-    This new bill focuses the
tary elections set for Sep-    punishment on the client,
tember will test the Krem-     introducing a 1,500-euro
lin’s ability to maintain a    ($1,700) fine that would
tight grip on political life.  rise to 3,750 euros for a sex
Putin announced the            buyer’s second offense.
creation of the National       The convicted client will be
Guard on Tuesday, when         obliged to attend classes
he said it would focus on      highlighting the dangers
the fight against terrorism    associated with prostitu-
and organized crime.           tion. The measure will also
Putin appointed his former     make it easier for foreign
chief bodyguard, Viktor Zo-    prostitutes — many cur-
lotov, to oversee the force.
Zolotov, who previously        Ireland fails to elect new leader for second time 
led the Federal Protective
Service and served as a        S. POGATCHNIK                       ago left the two traditional       to win the leadership vote,     liament.
deputy interior minister, has  Associated Press                    enemies of political life —        Kenny and Martin con-           A glum-faced Kenny, who
been one of Putin’s closest    DUBLIN (AP) — Ireland re-           caretaker Prime Minister           firmed that they would          has been Ireland’s leader
lieutenants. He will have a    mained mired in political           Enda Kenny’s Fine Gael             meet Wednesday night to         since 2011, said he would
ministerial rank and answer    limbo Wednesday after               and Micheal Martin’s Fian-         open discussions on form-       try to form a government
directly to the president as   lawmakers overwhelmingly            na Fail — virtually neck and       ing a possible coalition.       with Fianna Fail that could
the National Guard chief.      rejected all three candi-           neck in a fractured parlia-        Kenny received all 51 votes     survive a full five-year term.
Wednesday’s presidential       dates to lead the country’s         ment.                              from his own party, Martin      “I hope the discussions that
bill said the law enforce-     next government.                    Their center-right parties         43 from his own party. A        I hope to initiate with Dep-
ment agency also would         It was the second time that         trace their origins to the         third candidate, socialist      uty Martin will lead us very
be used to quell mass dis-     lawmakers tried and failed          opposite sides of Ireland’s        Ruth Pottinger, received 10     much in that direction,” he
turbances and would be         to select a prime minister          1922-23 civil war and have         votes. A winner would have      said. Members of Irish par-
provided an arsenal of         following Ireland’s Feb. 26         never shared power.                required at least 79 votes in   liament are called depu-
non-lethal weapons, in-        election. That poll 40 days         But after both men failed          Ireland’s 158-member par-       ties. q
cluding stun grenades,
and newly designed anti-
riot vehicles.q
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