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                                                                                                                            Thursday 7 April 2016

‘Girlfriend Experience’ escorts viewer through love for pay 

FRAZIER MOORE                   a manner — buoyant, girl-                                                                                               “Magic Mike.”
AP Television Writer                                                                                                                                    “It’s liberating taking on a
NEW YORK (AP) — It’s the        ish, clad in a gauzy Valen-                                                                                             female role where she’s
world’s oldest profession.                                                                                                                              doing things that woman
It’s very popular with ama-     tino frock but with her de-                                                                                             aren’t ‘supposed’ to do,”
teurs. With or without mon-                                                                                                                             Keough says.
ey changing hands, sex          signer heels comfortably                                                                                                 “And it made me think a
reigns as a transaction that                                                                                                                            lot about sex: Why there’s
stimulates no end of long-      dislodged from her bare                                                                                                 so much attention to it,
ing, curiosity and obsession.                                                                                                                           why it’s so secretive, why
No wonder “The Girlfriend       feet — in stark contrast to                                                                                             some people think it’s bad.
Experience” should seduce                                                                                                                               I didn’t come up with a lot
viewers with this business of   her performance as Chris-                                                                                               of answers.” That’s not sur-
companionship between                                                                                                                                   prising, since the series fur-
a high-end female escort        tine (escort nom de guerre:                                                                                             nishes few answers to the
and her satisfied clients.                                                                                                                              many questions it poses.
A dramatic series of 13 half-   Chelsea), who is as poised,                                                                                             Meanwhile, the sex scenes
hours premiering on Starz                                                                                                                               presented their own chal-
with two episodes Sunday        sleek and elliptical as this                                                                                            lenges.
at 8 p.m. EDT, “The Girl-                                                                                                                               “You’re not really having
friend Experience” comes        sexy show.                                                                                                              sex with the other actors
from producer Steven So-                                                                                                                                but you’re doing every-
derbergh, loosely based         But as it glides through its                                                                                            thing else: the motions, the
on his 2009 film, and stars                                                                                                                             kissing, the being very inti-
Riley Keough as an ambi-        narrative, whether in the                                                                                               mate. And you have to do
tious young woman who                                                                                                                                   it for take after take. It gets
acknowledges she’s try-         office or the bedroom, is                                                                                               tiring.” Even all that heavy
ing to burn the candle at                                                                                                                               breathing: “I’d get dizzy-
three ends: She’s a promis-     “The Girlfriend Experience”                                                                                             headed,” she says with a
ing law student in Chicago                                                                                                                              laugh.
who lands a coveted in-         really about sex?                                                                                                       “I was thinking a lot about
ternship with a prestigious                                                                                                                             Christine and who she is
law firm at the same time       “The show to me is about                                                                                                before we began shoot-
she follows a gal pal into                                                                                                                              ing,” she says.
a $2,000-an-hour sideline       control,” says Soderbergh.                                                                                              “I don’t want to do some-
offering a “girlfriend expe-                                                                                                                            thing if I don’t understand
rience” for men of means        “This is a really interesting                                                                                           it, because it feels like
and premium urges.                                                                                                                                      fraud. But by the time we
Market value? A fair ex-        venue to explore a charac-                                                                                              started, I had gotten to
change?                                                                                                                                                 a place where I was like,
“They’re paying for some-       ter who is discovering that                                                                                             ‘OK, I think I get it.’”
body who’s giving them                                                                                                                                  Soderbergh thinks she got
something they’re not get-      she has power and that she                                                                                              it.
ting otherwise in their life,”                                                                                                                          “Riley has such a sense of
says Keough, floating a         likes control. And what’s         In this March 30, 2016 file photo, actress Riley Keough attends                       security as a performer,”
commonsense reply.                                                the premiere of her show “The Girlfriend Experience” in New                           he says. “She truly seems to
In a recent interview, the      also interesting is that, as      York. The 13-episode series premieres Sunday at 8 p.m. EST, and                       behave as though there’s
26-year-old actress displays                                      is loosely based on Steven Soderbergh’s 2009 film.                                    not a camera there. q
                                often happens in life, this
                                                                                                                                      Associated Press
                                idea of control, even in a

                                context that SEEMS to be

                                very prescribed, is still an il-  “All life is transactional,”     cal and emotional lives.”
                                                                  says Kerrigan. “Here, we         Then, with the literal flip of
                                lusion.”                          were very interested in          a coin (Kerrigan won the
                                                                  a woman who goes into            toss), they divvied up which
                                And therein lurk the pres-        these ready-made situa-          episodes each would di-
                                                                  tions to be very intimate        rect.
                                sures on a woman who              with her clients: The ques-      At the core of their tale
                                                                  tion is, how intimate can        is Christine/Chelsea, and
                                (while keeping up her law-        she really be? And how           tackling this multifaceted
                                                                  does this role collide with      role was no small chal-
                                school grades and navi-           the others in her life?”         lenge for Keough.
                                                                  By collaborating on the          Wed to stuntman Ben
                                gating the gender politics        scripts, line by line, Kerrigan  Smith-Petersen, she is a
                                                                  feels he and Seimetz coun-       grandchild of Elvis Pres-
                                of the law firm where she         terbalanced male and fe-         ley and a daughter of Lisa
                                                                  male points of view: “We         Marie Presley and musi-
                                hopes to excel) is selling        looked at the characters —       cian Danny Keough, and
                                                                  Christine and the rest — as      already has an impressive
                                men the personal touch            individuals, not as a man or     list of film credits including
                                                                  a woman, then tried to un-       “Mad Max: Fury Road,”
                                while struggling to maintain      derstand their psychologi-       ‘’The Runaways” and

                                professional boundaries.

                                To bring the series to life,

                                Soderbergh paired film-

                                maker Lodge Kerrigan and

                                actress-filmmaker  Amy

                                Seimetz (“I thought the

                                show would benefit from

                                male and female cross-

                                talk”), who began by jointly

                                writing the 13 episodes.

LeVar Burton: ‘It was

time’ to remake ‘Roots’ 

THOMAS ADAMSON                  tory, particularly after the      Burton is the executive di-      View of the stand of the new tv series “Roots” at the MIPTV, Inter-
Associated Press                election of Barack Obama,         rector of the new “Roots,”       national Television Programme Market, Monday, April 4, 2016, in
PARIS (AP) — LeVar Bur-         the United States’ first black    which will debut on the His-     Cannes, southern France.
ton was initially skeptical     president.                        tory Channel next month.
of remaking “Roots,” the        “It was time — almost 40          The all-star cast includes                                                                           Associated Press
groundbreaking miniseries       years had passed. It made         Laurence Fishburne, Forest
that launched his career in     sense. If we want to keep         Whitaker, Anna Paquin and
1977.                           these stories alive in the        Jonathan Rhys Meyers, with
But Burton, who played a        cultural consciousness, we        newcomer Malachi Kirby
young Kunta Kinte, over-        have to reinvent them and         as a young Kinte.
came those concerns after       retell them,” he said. The        The cast was on hand
seeing the educational val-     current political climate in      earlier this week at MIPTV,
ue in helping the new gen-      the U.S., he said, “has trig-     Cannes’ annual television
eration of Americans better     gered a fear, an underlying       fair, which rolled out the
relate to the plight of slaves  sense of disquiet that was        red carpet for the world
and African-American his-       there all along.”                 premiere of the reboot.q
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