Page 6 - AHATA
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a8 local
Monday 26 october 2020
Foundation Ajudo Na Aruba (FANA):
Volunteers reach out to feed the Arubans in need
ORANJESTAD — In an in-
terview with the Dutch An-
nelot Muijres, founder of the
official Foundation Ajudo
Na Aruba (FANA) mean-
ing helping Aruba, Aruba
Today heard about the
growing poverty of the lo-
cal people due to the CO-
VID-19 crisis and the finan-
cial situation on the island.
“We feed 12.000 mouths
per month, the requests for
help are skyrocketing while nine persons so all different. food or money (to buy
the donations are falling Notable is the baby boom food), diapers, formula or
behind. right now, approximately even toys and clothing,
nine months after carnival. every single item donated
The 12.000 mouths per We have many newborns is valuable to them. If you
month come from 400 which costs a lot of money would like to join this good
to 450 families per week and many young mothers cause and support Aruba,
which are provided with cannot provide. FANA of- feel free to donate or con-
week packages by FANA, fers breast feeding assis- tact the organization if
Muijres says. “We have tance, baby formula and you require more informa-
families between two and pampers and therefore tion. ALL of the donations
we need donations really are used to help families in
bad.” She also notices that need.
most of the Aruban regis-
tered are now out of their Powered by volunteers
saving money and still are “We are doing this all with
unemployed plus without love and the help of our
the financial support of the fantastic volunteers. We
government. Many also thank you all from the
inform her that the official bottom of our hearts. The
food bank and the Red project depends on the
Cross are full so are unable tremendous effort of them
to register them and they as they –together with our
consequently turn to FANA. fantastic donors - make this
“Our requests for registra- foundation a success.”
tions rise while our dona-
tions are decreasing. Ajudo
na Aruba is run completely Continued on Page 9
by donations, whether it’s