Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
Monday 26 october 2020 locAl
Splendid wine pairing dinner at Sunset Grill
PALM BEACH — Who says
we can't have fun - even
during a pandemic? With
social distancing and safe-
ty protocol in place Sunset
Grille’s door opened Sat-
urday night to welcome
you for an exquisite wine off autumn and the Gold-
pairing dinner: food by Le eneye Pinot Noir made the
Grand Chef Matt Boland fall complete. We contin-
and Duckhorn Vineyards ued with a Rack of Lamb,
wines presented by Pepia firm but juicy, exactly right.
Est’s Raymond Kok. It was combined with a
Canvasback Cab. Rich
Modern steakhouse Sunset Dark Chocolate Pot de
Grille at the Hilton Aruba Crème, paired with Decoy
Caribbean Resort & Ca- Zinfandel ended the culi-
sino is known on the island nary feast.
for high quality food in an We had to let this all sink
elegant setting against an in to realize that we really
elegant price too. If you missed tasting life like this.
ever wonder how wine and The excellent dishes, the
food delight tastes, be sure supreme wines and the
to sign up for a night like good conversations were
this. The first course was a all present during Sunset
winner already, the Carib- Grille’s splendid Duckhorn
bean Lobster Salad was Vineyards Wine Dinner. We
presented like a diva, and heard through the grape
the combination with the vine that more is coming
Duckhorn Sauvignon Blanc soon, keep following us to
turned out simply divine. make sure you are part of it
Delicious Veal Chop kicked next time. q