Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16
local Monday 3 october 2022
After almost two years,
Quota International of Aruba is back with its Fundraising Picnic Dansant
a press conference last Picnic Dansant will take
week, the president of Quo- place on the 27th of No-
ta International of Aruba for vember at the Renaissance
2022-2023, Luzina de Greef Conference Center, from
said that the organization is 2pm to 5pm. Simon said the
organizing their Fundrais- theme for this year is ‘Back
ing Picnic Dansant for the to the 80s’, and because
month of November. a lot of people have been
asking how to prepare for
Having finished their ‘Break- this day, she said that they
ing the Silence’ week, De need to prepare a dashing
Greef commented that it outfit.
was very successful, with
more than a hundred peo- To fill the event with rhythm
ple registered to check and music, the band Azu-
their hearing at FEPOH and car will be present. Simon
The Specialist. Quota Inter- mentioned there will also
national of Aruba, as orga- be food and drinks, and
nizers were very glad to see every fund that is raised on
that the Aruban communi- this day will be given back
ty is becoming more aware to the community in need
about taking care of their of help.
She also said that Quota In-
Ivi Simon, vice-president of ternational of Aruba in the
FEPOH said that Quota In- past has made donations During the Covid-19 pan- aging to hearing, and for problems and infections,
ternational of Aruba didn’t of up to 100,000 florins, but demic, FEPOH detected this reason, Quota Interna- which are considering the
organize any activities dur- because of circumstances, that the demand for hear- tional of Aruba encourages second most prevalent
ing two years because of the amounts have been re- ing care increased in Aru- people to be aware of this cause of hearing loss. A rec-
the pandemic, and right ducing, to reach 40,000 flo- ba, they don’t know if this is and prevent irrevocable ommendation is to reduce
now, with a lot of enthusi- rins. “We want to go back because people stayed at damage. She explains that the amount of machin-
asm they are announcing to at least 50,000 florins in home a lot more because loud sounds can be ma- ery operating at the same
the Picnic Dansant, an ac- fundraising for next year”, of pandemic rules, or other chinery at work in construc- time; keeping electronics
tivity she said is awaited by Simon said. unknown reasons. What is tion or industry, printing and at a safe volume; not lis-
many people. important is that the orga- fabrics, and it’s for this rea- tening to music with head-
nization has been notic- son that these workplaces phones during more than
ing, particularly at school, have safety measures in one hour per day, while
children and youth whose place. keeping them at a volume
hearing is not as it should below 60%; use protection
be. For this reason they From a young age it is im- when working with sound;
feel the need to continue portant to take care of dry both ears carefully af-
giving information on how hearing and follow all rec- ter shower or going into the
to take care of hearing, ommendations. This in- pool, to avoid that water
since once a person loses cludes not subjecting the gets inside and causes an
their hearing, they cannot ear to very intense sounds infection. q
get it back. This happens in order to avoid auditory
slowly, and often the per-
son doesn’t notice that it’s
happening. This is why it’s
very important to check
tour hearing. They also rec-
ommend not using head-
phones with a high volume.
The organization also said
that normally during the
carnival season there are
campaigns to take care of
your ears, but people are
not aware of loud sounds
for the rest of the year. For
example during new year
with fireworks, sometimes
people stand close and
don’t notice that it’s just
as loud as a carnival trail-
er and can also ruin their
hearing. Simon said that all
loud sounds are very dam-