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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 15 February 2023
            History of Carnival in Aruba

                                                                                    The  third  era  of  Aruba’s  carnival
                                                                                    began  when  the  native  Aruban
                                                                                    and English groups joined to plan
                                                                                    the first public carnival for the en-
                                                                                    tire  island,  under  a  (temporary)
                                                                                    Central Carnival Committee. With
                                                                                    Club Tivoli as a host, the represen-
                                                                                    tatives of various social clubs held
                                                                                    a  meeting  to  coordinate  their  ef-
                                                                                    forts  for  a  single,  unique  Carnival
                                                                                    parade  in  Oranjestad,  combining
                                                                                    steelband, floats and musicians in
                                                                                    costumes and masks. The Carnival
                                                                                    Committee organized the first Car-
                                                                                    nival Queen election.               organizer of the Carnival festivities,
                                                                                                                        however, it was not the only one: In
                                                                                    In  1957,  the  tradition  of  having   1981, Tivoli Social Club established
                                                                                    two big parades began; the first in   the Lighting Parade.
                                                                                    San Nicolas and the second in the
                                                                                    capital  of  Oranjestad.  After  eight   Nowadays,  Aruba’s  Carnival  has
                                                                                    years,  Calypso  and  Roadmarch     grown to become one of the big-
                                                                                    became  an  integral  part  of  the   gest in the Caribbean, with an en-
            (  –  Each  year  in  can style. These seasonal festivities  Carnival season with the introduc-  tire  month  of  parades  and  activi-
            January and February, Aruba cel-    were mainly centered around Hal-    tion of Calypso contests.           ties.
            ebrates another edition of its popu-  loween,  Christmas  and  Carnival,
            lar and impressive Carnival season.  and became the first step on the  1966-present                         For  more  information,  visit  https://
            The  incredible  atmosphere  and  road  to  the  carnival  celebrations  The first year of this era was known
            cultural diversity during carnival is  that we know today.              for the establishment of SAC – The   carnival/arubas-carnival-history/
            definitely something that you need                                      Aruban  Carnival  Foundation.  This   To  see  more  photographs  of  the
            to experience. Carnival has its ori-  1945-1954                         committee  was  founded  at  ex-    history  of  Aruba’s  carnival,  visit
            gins  in  the  1920s,  and  it  evolved  During  these  years,  the  Lago  Re-  actly 11:11am on the 11th day of   the  archives  of  the  National  Li-
            through  different  cultural  influenc-  finery began reaching its employ-  the  11th  month,  known  as  Fools   brary of Aruba
            es to arrive to what we know and  ment peak, with most of the recruit-  Day. The Committee was the main     search?query=carnaval+arubaq
            love today.                         ing  done  in  the  English-speaking
                                                islands  in  the  Caribbean,  namely
            1921-1945                           Trinidad, Jamaica and British Guy-    Carnival 2023 schedule
            The  first  signs  of  Carnival  celebra-  ana.  These  English-speaking  mi-
            tions began in 1921, when some of  grants were the first to organize a    THURSDAY FEB 16                   SUNDAY FEB 19
            the many social clubs would have  parade in San Nicolas for the allied    LIGHTING PARADE SAN NIOLAS        BURNING OF MOMO – CARNIVAL 69
            parties  with  costumes.  These  par-  victory in World War II. It was these   SAN NICOLAS 8PM-2AM          CARNIVAL HARBOUR ARENA
            ties would take place at the ven-   immigrants  who  enriched  Aruba’s                                      7PM-9PM
            ues  of  the  social  clubs  and  were  Trinidadian-style Carnival.       SATURDAY FEB 18
            primarily  elite  balls  with  European                                   SAN NICOLAS GRAND CARNIVAL        MONDAY FEB 20
            style,  like  debutant  balls  and  cos-  Meanwhile,  the  carnival  celebra-  PARADE                       CARNIVAL MONDAY
                                                                                      SAN NICOLAS 12PM-6PM
            tume parties to celebrate the fes-  tions of Carnival at the social clubs                                   TUESDAY FEB 21
            tivities  of  the  season.  After  some  were  becoming  bigger  and  big-  SUNDAY FEB 19                   OLD MASK PARADE
            years, the Americans in San Nico-   ger.  Every  club  had  a  Carnival   ARUBA’S 69TH GRAND CARNIVAL       SAN NICOLAS 8PM-12AM
            las who were working at the Lago  Queen election on the island, and       PARADE
            Refinery introduced their own cele-  the  first  parades  were  organized   ORANJESTAD 11AM-6PM             WEDNESDAY FEB 22
            brations for the season, with Ameri-  by Aruba’s oldest social club, Tivoli.                                ASH WEDNESDAY
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