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                                                                                                           local Friday 28 april 2023

            Board of Advisory:

            If there is no change in policy, the fund for
            the elderly will exhaust within a decade

                                                                      taking  place  for  health,
                                                                      care and aging, maintain-
                                                                      ing  the  sustainability  of
                                                                      health care funds from AZV
                                                                      and SVB will remain a chal-  tions must be taken.         growing demand increases

            (Oranjestad)—In an annual                                 lenge.  Prevention,  promo-                               the upward pressure on the
            report for 2022, the Board of  Also,  because  of  the  ef-  tion  for  a  healthy  life  style  With  this,  the  conclusions  financing  of  AZV  and  the
                                                                                      information  from  the  research  carried  quality of care it provides in
            Advisory has recently elab-  fects  of  aging  within  the                                                          the future.
            orated  on  the  challenges  labor market and the rela-   serve as basic elements of  out in 2018 by the Depart-
                                                                      a health policy, according  ment  of  Public  Health
            that the aging problem on  tionship  between  workers     to SER.                      Aruba  (DVG)  regarding  In terms of treatments and
            Aruba  may  bring.  On  the  and  those  unemployed,                                   long-term  medical  care  in  benefits  for  older  adults,
            other  hand,  the  emerging  this  can  create  deterio-  SER has also made a series  Aruba,  confirms  a  further  the  problem  of  aging  has
            challenges of the econom-    rating  effects  in  the  busi-  of concrete recommenda-  increase  in  pressure  and  important  consequences.
            ic demand are particularly  ness  environment  in  the    tions to the government to  importance for action.        As a result of the doubling
            related  to  the  structure  of  long  run.  For  this  reason,   guarantee good quality of                         aging population, not only
            care.                        the  entity  indicates  that  it
                                         is  very  important  to  real-  care  for  the  elderly.  These  The  continuous  growth  of  will  there  be  more  elderly
                                                                      recommendations  include  the group of people whose  adults  who  received  the
            Inspired by a problem cre-   ize productive reforms and   support  for  informal  care,  average  age  is  increasing  AOV benefit, but an elderly
            ated  in  the  labor  market,  investments  in  benefit  of   participation of the elderly  has  an  impact  on  public  adult  will  be  receiving  this
            the  Board  of  Advisory  has  the potential growth in the   and the quality of care.   health and care. Looking at  benefit for a longer period
            indicated  that  there  is  an  economy.                                               the  high  concentration  of  of  time.  Because  of  this,
            increasing  pressure  that                                A  report  published  in  2022  spending in health among  there  is  a  need  for  more
            will  emerge  on  the  eco-  According  to  the  board,   on the efficacy and effec-   the highest age groups, the  financial resources to guar-
            nomic growth. Aging—and  we  cannot  just  focus  on      tiveness of medical care in  problem of aging will bring  antee  this  payment  in  the
            add  to  that  the  shortage  the  challenges  of  the  de-  Aruba  and  commissioned  an increase in total spend-  future.
            in  the  market—may  make  mographic  development         by  the  Ministry  of  Health  ing on care.
            the  economy  grow  slow-    on  the  side  of  economic   and  Sports,  affirms  that                              Because the benefits need
            er, or may even decrease  offers,  but  we  also  have    there is a need for a short-  This  is  mainly  caused  by  to be paid to a part of the
            growth all-together.         to  consider  the  demand.   term  emergency  plan  for  this  group  that  most  often  population that increasing-
                                         This  way,  there  will  be—
            Another concern in this as-  with  the  push  of  the  ag-  the  care  of  elderly  adults  have  chronic  conditions  ly becomes bigger, if there
                                                                      and  that  in  the  sector  of  or  even  several  at  once.  is no change in policy, the
            pect  is  that  the  shortage  ing  population—a  bigger   residential care, there is an  The increase in the cost of  fund for the elderly will ex-
            may bring detrimental con-   demand in care and as a      emergency  for  which  ac-
            sequences to the loan ser-   consequence,  a  demand                                   medical  care  due  to  the  haust within a decade.q
            vice  for  touristic  products,  for  workers  in  the  health
            with  negative  effects  on  sector.
            the  quality  of  product  de-  This development does not
            livery and eventually, rates.  stand on its own, but goes
                                         hand-in-hand with a com-
            The  entity  remarks  that  plete  modification  of  the
            coming  out  of  the  demo-  assistive structure, the asso-
            graphic evolution, in a par-  ciation  formation  and  the
            ticipation  of  employment  investments  in  the  installa-
            of equal age, the number  tion of care.
            of unemployed people will
            increase.                    In  its  advisory  report  of
                                         2019  titled  “Policy  on  the
            Despite the problem of ag-   elderly - care and welfare:
            ing, the growth of GDP per  a  turnaround!”,  the  Board
            capita  will  probably  de-  of  Social  Economics  (SER)
            pend  more  on  the  devel-  pleads  for  a  complete
            opment of work productiv-    change  in  the  way  Aruba
            ity, and in the long run, this  generally   regards   and
            can  be  the  force  behind  treats the structure of care,
            economic     growth.   The  policies and the well-being
            question remains if this also  of the elderly.
            counts for Aruba.
                                         SER    concluded      that
            They    have    highlighted  achieving  quality  and  at-
            that  considering  the  type  tention  for  the  elderly  is
            of  labor  offers  in  the  non-  predetermined by the rate
            diversified  economy  on  of health as well as the ac-
            the  island,  the  shortage  in  tive  participation  from  the
            the  labor  market  cannot  entire population from birth
            be accommodated for an  till death.
            increase in level of educa-
            tion and labor productivity  They have stated that while
            in the Aruban community.     there  are  no  other  visions
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