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Friday 28 april 2023 locAl

            Create museum memories

            ORANJESTAD      —    Muse-   dacion  Museo  Aruban),      downtown Oranjestad.
            ums are an integral part of  which  is  a  foundation  set
            conserving  and  honoring  to maintain, preserve, and     These  historical  buildings
            cultures,  and  Aruba  is  no  protect the Aruban cultural   were  formerly  the  proper-
            exception.  Our  Island  has  sector, history, and nature.   ty  of  the  Ecury  family.  The
            a  wide  selection  of  vari-  The  museum  of  Industry  is   “Ecury Complex”, is a clus-
            ous museums for our locals  open daily from 9 am till 6   ter  of  single  and  two-story
            and visitors to see. Take this  pm.                       historic  buildings,  mainly
            opportunity  to  learn  about                             Dutch  colonial  architec-
            our island and experience  For     more     information,   ture from the late 19th and
            a different day beyond the  check  out  their  Facebook   20th  century  on  a  plot  of
            beach. Let us introduce to  page  Museum  of  Industry    approximately 1.700 m2.      final  design  for  the  exhibit  ern  exhibition  techniques.
            you these museums.           Aruba.                                                    was completed in Novem-      The new permanent exhibit
                                                                      In  1997,  the  Aruban  Gov-  ber  2007  and  the  perma-  gives  the  visitor  an  insight
            Museum of Industry Aruba     Archaeological Museum of     ernment  bought  the  com-   nent  exhibit,  financed  by  into  the  cultures  that  in-
            The Museum of Industry is lo-  Aruba                      plex  for  the  National  Ar-  the  Aruban  Government  habited  the  island  in  Pre-
            cated in San Nicolas—bet-    The  Archaeological  Mu-     chaeological      Museum  and  the  Union  of  Cultural  Historical  and  Early  Histori-
            ter known as the art capital  seum  of  Aruba  is  located   project. In 2004, a financial  Organizations   (UNOCA),  cal times. The museum also
            of Aruba. This museum ex-    at Schelpstraat 42 in down-  agreement     was   signed  opened in July 2009.          hosts attractive public pro-
            hibits the industrial history of  town Oranjestad. The reno-  with  the  European  Devel-                           grams,  including  lectures,
            gold,  aloe,  phosphate,  oil  vated  historic  Ecury  com-  opment Fund and in 2006,  At  the  new  location,  the  educational projects, tem-
            and tourism through elabo-   plex  in  the  area  has  been   restoration  and  construc-  National   Archaeological  porary  exhibits  and  work-
            rated  displays  and  multi-  transformed  from  a  fam-  tion  work  began  on  the  Museum Aruba disposes of  shops.
            media installations.         ily home to a modern mu-     monumental buildings and  approximately  500  m2  for
            The  Museum  of  Industry  is  seum  that  preserves  Aru-  the  soon-to-be  exhibition  its  permanent  exhibit.  This  The  museum  is  open  dai-
            situated in the Water Tower  ba’s  Amerindian  cultural   space. In December 2007,  exhibit conveys information  ly  from  9:30  am  till  4:30
            in San Nicolas and narrates  heritage.  This  21st  century   the  key  to  the  complex  on the origin and culture of  pm.  For  more  information
            Aruba's  industrial  history,  museum  is  especially  de-  was delivered and the mu-  the  first  inhabitants  of  the  check  out  the  Facebook
            which  began  in  the  19th  signed  to  preserve  valu-  seum’s  employees  moved  island  through  archaeo-       page Museo Arqueologico
            century.  The  Water  Tower  able  artifacts  dating  back   to  the  new  location.  The  logical  objects  and  mod-  Nacional Aruba. q
            was built in 1939 and con-   to  the  Pre-Ceramic  period
            sists  of  three  sections:  the  of 2500 BC.
            substructure, the high-rising                                         Prepaid High-Speed Internet
            vertical shaft, and the tank  In  the  late  1980’s,  AMA
            at the top. The Water Tow-   identified  its  need  for  an                anywhere on the island
            er  was  purchased  by  the  adequate  housing  for  its
            Monuments Fund in 2003 so  collection  and  activities.
            it can be restored and pre-  After  studying  various  op-
            served  as  one  of  Aruba's  tions,  a  project  proposal
            monuments.  The  Museum  was  drawn  up,  including
            of Industry is part of Aruba  the acquisition and restora-
            Museum  Foundation  (Fun-    tion of historical buildings in

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