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Saturday 23 June 2018
Timeshare Industry Survey Presented By ATSA
ORANJESTAD ― In honor the timeshare. The survey isfaction and behavioral
of celebrating the 40 an- also asked about how im- intentions, such as repur-
niversary of the Timeshare portant a variety of sales chase intentions and posi-
Industry in Aruba, a report and marketing factors tive word of mouth inten-
was commissioned by the were in their final decision tions related to Aruba and
Aruba Timeshare Associa- to purchase a timeshare in timeshare on Aruba.
tion, ATSA, to provide an Aruba. The last section of the sur-
overview of the island’s The second section of the vey assessed basic de-
timeshare landscape from survey was designed to mographics including the
data collected in 2017. The capture timeshare usage number of times that the
report was commissioned and destination expendi- timeshare owner had been
in collaboration with Aruba tures. The survey did this by to Aruba, current country
Tourism Authority, ATA, and asking such questions as of origin, gender and age,
prepared by the University what type of usage plan and average household in-
of Aruba, UA. people have, how many come.
people were in their party, Overall, the survey was
The following is the second and the amount of money a thorough compilation
article in a series of six, sum- that their party had spent of questions to timeshare
marizing the study. during their time on Aruba, owners in order to help
As the recognized voice including maintenance identify who they are, what
of vacation ownership in fees paid, and other fees they enjoy about their time-
Aruba, ATSA wanted to paid. The survey also asked share experiences on Aru-
achieve five primary re- specifically about the ba, and how that may be
search objectives, by the amount of money spent reflected in their spent on
survey: on things such as food and Aruba and their behavioral
1) Identify the motivations beverage, shopping and intentions related to time-
and marketing factors for other activities that added share on Aruba.
timeshare purchases on mately 3,410 surveys were ditures, timeshare quality economic value to the is- Source:
Aruba; completed and used as and satisfaction, and de- land. Data from the respondents
2) Determine the timeshare part of the data analysis. If mographics. The third section assessed was collected via ATA’s on-
usage and economic ex- the surveys were not 100% The first section about time- timeshare quality and sat- line survey tool, the data
penditure of timeshare completed, the items that share acquisition and pur- isfaction and looked at to- set was cleaned up and
owners; were not responded to chase asked timeshare tal quality of the timeshare any incomplete responses
3) Determine the potential were not used in assessing owners about how and and destination aspects, and outliers were identified
direct and indirect eco- the results for that item. when they acquired their the atmosphere of Aruba, and removed from analysis.
nomic impact of the time- The online survey was used timeshare in Aruba. It also and the distinctive charac- There were a total of 3,410
share industry for 2017 on to ensure that there was a asked about what the teristics of Aruba in the per- useable surveys collected
Aruba; large, representative group owners paid for their time- ception of the timeshare from timeshare owners
4) Explore the timeshare of timeshare owners rather share and what their mo- owners. done by the Aruba Tourism
owner perceptions of qual- than what could only be tives were for purchasing It also asked about the sat- Authority (A.T.A.). q
ity and satisfaction with the collected in face-to-face
timeshare data collection with time-
industry in Aruba; share owners currently on
5) Explore the demograph- island.
ic variables of owners to Students from the University
determine if there are sig- of Aruba did a similar survey
nificant differences in per- with timeshare owners that
ceptions of the Aruba time- were on island during Sep-
share product. tember and October 2017.
The survey for the current The surveys were done in
data collection was de- person on Aruba and had
veloped by using a previ- a more widespread base
ous survey done in 2008 of the origins of timeshare
led by Dr. Ryan Peterson. owners. The response num-
The survey instrument was ber was 358 out of 399 re-
adapted from that original quested to participate for
survey. a response rate of 89.72%.
During the months of July The survey questionnaire
and August 2017, A.T.A. set had four sections: time-
up the survey which was share acquisition and pur-
sent to U.S. residents that chase, timeshare usage
were registered as Aruba and destination expen-
timeshare owners. Approxi-