Page 6 - ATA
P. 6

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 23 June 2018

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Costa Linda

                                                                                                   of  anticipation  to  enjoy  home!
                                                                                                   with our children this beau-
                                                                                                   tiful Island. The main reason  We hope to continue hav-
                                                                                                   is its people, the CLBR staff  ing a good health to keep
                                                                                                   Members  are  so  welcom-    coming to Aruba and Cos-
                                                                                                   ing  and  special  that    they  ta  Linda  for  many  years.
                                                                                                   make  you  feel  at  home  Thank  you  for  sharing  with
                                                                                                   from the moment you enter  us and for granting us such
                                                                                                   the Resort with their greet-  a marvelous vacation.”
                                                                                                   ings  and  acknowledge-
                                                                                                   ment as if they saw a fam-   Vieira Posada Family q
                                                                                                   ily  member  coming  back

            EAGLE  BEACH  —  Recently  Ms. Darline de Cuba repre-     home away from home for
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  senting  the  Aruba  Tourism  so many years on behalf of
            ity  honored  Goodwill  Am-  Authority,  and  members  the Government of Aruba.
            bassador  and  of  Aruba  as  of  Costa  Linda,  Mrs.  Miri-
            a token of appreciation for  am  Rodriquez,  Mrs.  Gloria  “We are members of  Cos-
            visiting  the  island  for  more  Janga  bestowed  the  cer-  ta  Linda  Family  since  22
            than  22  years  and  more  tificate of the Ambassadors  years ago when we came
            consecutive years.           and  handed  some  pres-     the first time to Aruba and
                                         ents  to  the  honorees  and  bought  right  away,  it  was
            Honorees were: Victor Vie-   thanked  them  for  choos-   love  at  first  sight!  Since
            ira  and  Maria  Posada  resi-  ing Aruba as their vacation  then,  each  year  we  book
            dent of Medellin Colombia.   destination  and  as  their  our airline tickets with a lot
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