Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210601
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A30     world news
                        Diamars 1 Juni 2021

                           China easing birth limits further to cope with aging society

            (AP)  —  China’s  ruling                                                                                            ages  of  60  for  men,  55  for
            Communist  Party  said                                                                                              white-collar  female  workers
            Monday  it  will  ease  birth                                                                                       and 50 for blue-collar female
            limits to allow all couples                                                                                         workers.
            to have three children in-
            stead  of  two  in  hopes  of                                                                                       The  potential  change  is  po-
            slowing  the  rapid  aging                                                                                          litically  fraught.  Some  fe-
            of  its  population,  which                                                                                         male  professionals  welcome
            is adding to strains on the                                                                                         a chance to stay in satisfying
            economy and society.                                                                                                careers,  but  others  whose
                                                                                                                                bodies are worn out from de-
            The  ruling  party  has  en-                                                                                        cades of manual labor resent
            forced birth limits since 1980                                                                                      being required to work lon-
            to restrain population growth                                                                                       ger.
            but  worries  the  number  of
            working-age people is falling                                                                                       The  fertility  rate,  or  the  av-
            too fast while the share over                                                                                       erage  number  of  births  per
            age 65 is rising. That threat-                                                                                      mother, stood at 1.3 in 2020,
            ens to disrupt its ambitions to  own have little impact on the  eration won’t live long.”  ed last year was down nearly  well below the 2.1 that would
            transform China into a pros-  trend.                                                   one-fifth from 2019.         maintain the size of the pop-
            perous consumer society and                               China,  along  with  Thailand                             ulation.
            global technology leader.    Couples  say  they  are  put  and some other Asian econo-  About  40%  were  second
                                         off by high costs of raising a  mies,  faces  what  economists  children, down from 50% in  China’s birth rate, paralleling
            A ruling party meeting led by  child, disruption to their jobs  call the challenge of whether  2017,  according  to  Ning  Ji-  trends in other Asian econo-
            President Xi Jinping decided  and the need to look after el-  they can get rich before they  zhe,  a  statistics  official  who  mies, already was falling be-
            to  introduce  “measures  to  derly parents.              get old.                     announced the data on May  fore the one-child rule. The
            actively  deal  with  the  aging                                                       11.                          average  number  of  children
            population,” the official Xin-  Comments  on  social  me-  The  Chinese  population  of                             per Chinese mother tumbled
            hua News Agency said. It said  dia  Monday  complained  the  1.4  billion  already  was  ex-  Chinese  researchers  and  the  from  above  six  in  the  1960s
            leaders  agreed  ”implement-  change does nothing to help  pected to peak later this de-  Labor Ministry say the share  to  below  three  by  1980,  ac-
            ing the policy of one couple  young  parents  with  medical  cade  and  start  to  decline.  of working-age people might  cording to the World Bank.
            can  have  three  children  and  bills,  low  incomes  and  gru-  Census  data  released  May  fall to half the population by
            supporting measures are con-  eling work schedules known  11 suggest that is happening  2050. That increases the “de-  Demographers  say  official
            ducive to improving China’s  popularly as “996,” or 9 a.m.  faster  than  expected,  adding  pendency ratio,” or the num-  birth  limits  concealed  what
            population structure.”       to 9 p.m. six days a week.   to  burdens  on  underfunded  ber  of  retirees  who  rely  on  would  have  been  a  further
                                                                      pension  and  health  systems  each  worker  to  generate  in-  fall  in  the  number  of  chil-
            Leaders  also  agreed  China  “Every  stage  of  the  problem  and  cutting  the  number  of  come for pension funds and  dren  per  family  without  the
            needs  to  raise  its  retirement  hasn’t  been  solved,”  said  a  future  workers  available  to  to  pay  taxes  for  health  and  restrictions.
            age  to  keep  more  people  in  post on the popular Sina We-  support  a  growing  retiree  other public services.
            the  workforce  and  improve  ibo blog service signed Tchai-  group.                                                The ruling party says it pre-
            pension  and  health  services  kovsky.  “Who  will  raise  the                        Leaders  at  Monday’s  meet-  vented  as  many  as  400  mil-
            for the elderly, Xinhua said.  baby?  Do  you  have  time?  I  The  share  of  working-age  ing agreed it is “necessary to  lion potential births, averting
                                         go out early and get back late.  people 15 to 59 in the popu-  steadily implement the grad-  shortages of food and water.
            Restrictions   that   limited  Kids  don’t  know  what  their  lation fell to 63.3% last year  ual postponement of the legal  But demographers say if Chi-
            most  couples  to  one  child  parents look like.”        from 70.1% a decade earlier.  retirement age,” Xinhua said.  na  followed  trends  in  Thai-
            were eased in  2015  to  allow                            The group aged 65 and older                               land, parts of India and other
            two,  but  the  total  number  Another,  signed  Hyeong-  grew to 13.5% from 8.9%.     It gave no details, but the gov-  countries, the number of ad-
            of  births  fell  further,  sug-  mok,  joked  bitterly:  “Don’t                       ernment  has  been  debating  ditional  babies  might  have
            gesting rule changes on their  worry about aging. Our gen-  The 12 million births report-  raising the official retirement  been as low as a few million.

                                 Chaos in African parliament after 'I'll kill you' threat

            (AP) — There was mayhem at a meeting of  “I’ll  kill  you  outside.  Outside  this  room,  I’ll  kill  identified lawmaker said he was not trying to kick
            the  African  Union’s  parliament  Monday  as  you.  I’ll  kill  you,”  Malema,  a  notoriously  fiery  Majodina but rather trying to kick a cellphone out
            lawmakers  scuffled  over  a  ballot  box  and  a  leader of a far-left opposition party in South Africa,  of  the  hand  of  another  lawmaker  recording  the
            man  appeared  to  aim  a  head-high  kick  at  a  was heard saying while pointing his finger at Kone.  chaos on his phone.
            female colleague amid shouts that there were
            people armed with guns in the room.             It all stems from a disagreement between a block  “It’s quite a rough and chaotic situation now, and
                                                            of  countries  from  West  Africa  and  a  block  from  the matter is about the election and rotational prin-
            Numerous scuffles broke out on the floor of the  southern  Africa  over  whether  the  presidency  ciple,” Majodina told SABC.
            meeting in Midrand, South Africa, as a disagree-  should move around the various regions of Africa
            ment over the process to elect a new president for  on  a  rotational  basis.  The  last  two  presidents  of  As the mayhem unfolded, other lawmakers shout-
            the AU’s legislative body boiled over. The scenes  the Pan-African Parliament have been from West  ed into their microphones that there were “armed
            were broadcast on South Africa’s national broad-  Africa and there’s never been a president from the  men in the room” and called repeatedly for police
            caster the SABC. The Pan-African Parliament elec-  south in the short history of the parliament, which  and  security.  They  claimed  that  they  were  being
            tion was suspended while leaders worked out a way  came into existence in 2004.                 threatened by a group of South Africans with guns.
            forward.                                                                                        Majodina said there were no guns in the room.
                                                            As tempers again frayed Monday, lawmakers wres-
            The  election  had  already  been  postponed  last  tled over a white ballot box at the front of the room  African  and  international  relations  expert  Dr.
            Thursday  when  a  staff  member  working  at  the  that was meant to hold the vote papers for the elec-  Charles  Sinkala  told  the  SABC  that  the  scenes,
            venue  near  Johannesburg  tested  positive  for  the  tion. Two women first fought over the box, trying  broadcast on television in South Africa, were em-
            coronavirus. But that meeting last week also first  to rip it out of each other’s hands. Other members  barrassing.
            revealed the tensions when South African lawmak-  of the parliament then joined the tussle. Then, an
            er  Julius  Malema  was  heard  threatening  Malian  enraged male lawmaker ripped off his suit jacket  “We do not expect elected leaders to behave like
            lawmaker Ali Kone in the midst of the sitting.  and aimed a kick in the direction of female mem-  such horribles,” he said. “Look at the footage ... it’s
                                                            ber  Pemmy  Majodina  of  South  Africa.  The  un-  adults who need adult supervision.”
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