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A26    u.s. news
                        Diamars 1 Juni 2021

                        Mississippi reckons with ending pay boost for the unemployed

            (AP) — Katrina Folks says                                                              McCarrol’s  company  has  every full-time position, add-
            she  has  tried  everything                                                            about  69  of  its  89  positions  ing medical, vision and den-
            she  can  think  of  to  find                                                          filled. Sometimes, it can’t run  tal  benefits.  The  Biloxi  res-
            work  since  losing  her  job                                                          all of its machines because it  taurant is one of five Shaggy’s
            in  September  because  of                                                             doesn’t have enough employ-  locations  and  has  about  90
            the  coronavirus  pandem-                                                              ees, or it has to shut down a  employees.
            ic.                                                                                    shift.  Supervisors  are  run-
                                                                                                   ning  machines  and  driving  “There’s  a  lot  of  coast  res-
            The    39-year-old   mother                                                            forklifts  because  they  can’t  taurants  that  are  having  to
            from Hattiesburg used to do                                                            find people to fill the roles.  close  on  certain  days  of  the
            data entry at a law firm, and                                                                                       week because they don’t have
            she  has  health  issues  that                                                         At  the  Half  Shell  Oyster  enough employees that want
            require  her  to  work  from                                                           House  seafood  restaurant  to get paid, you know, $7.25
            home.                                                                                  in  Flowood,  manager  Jalen  an hour to cook in the kitch-
                                                                                                   Loggins said he has had simi-  en,” Roberts said.
            She  said  she  has  been  do-                            to  us  asking  for  additional  lar  experiences.  The  restau-
            ing  three  interviews  a  week  Folks  said  the  governor’s  assistance  because  they  have  rant is hiring for all positions.  He said he wants employees
            and bought WiFi and a com-   decision  means  her  current  work  available,  but  they  did                        to know they are valued.
            puter to try to make herself a  weekly check of $491 will go  not have individuals coming  “We’ve  had  people  show  up
            stronger  job  candidate.  But  down to nothing.          in to interview for positions,”  to  orientation,  do  the  2  1/2  “Have  a  little  empathy,  you
            she  hasn’t  been  able  to  find                         Cook said. “They don’t have  hour  orientation,  and  then  know?”  Roberts  said.  “We
            work that will accommodate  “I’m terrified, to be honest,”  the  workers  to  provide  the  never show back up,” he said.  just want to make it so em-
            her weekly doctor’s appoint-  Folks  said.  “I  just  can’t  live  service that they offer.”                        ployees  have  a  livable  wage
            ments.                       off of that.”                                             Like  many  businesses,  Half  where they not only just take
                                                                      The department has taken to  Shell  started  an  incentive  care of themselves, they can
            “Every  time  I  put  in  an  ap-  About 90,000 people were re-  social media in recent weeks  program,  offering  a  $300  take care of their families.”
            plication and they call me, I  ceiving  the  $300  unemploy-  to  encourage  businesses  to  sign-on  bonus  and  another
            seem to hit a brick wall,” she  ment supplement for reasons  report applicants who refuse  $300 after three months.  Folks said she’s losing hope of
            said.                        related  to  the  coronavirus  job offers while still collect-                         finding a job before the June
                                         pandemic at the start of May,  ing  unemployment.  The  Many  places  are  taking  cre-  12 deadline. Tasks like buying
            Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves  according  to  the  Mississippi  state  set  up  an  online  portal  ative  approaches  to  attract  clothes  for  her  11-year-old
            announced May 10 that Mis-   Department of Employment  where employers can submit  employees.                       son have become a source of
            sissippi  will  opt  out  of  the  Security.              applicants for investigation.                             stress.
            $300-a-week  federal  supple-                                                          MGM  Resorts  International
            ment  for  people  who  lost  Reeves,  a  Republican,  said  Cook  says  reports  have  and  Beau  Rivage  Resort  &  “I’m  literally  having  to  go
            their  jobs  during  the  CO-  he made the decision to stop  surged  since  the  state  began  Casino  in  Biloxi  held  a  job  to  churches  and  beg  them
            VID-19 pandemic, as well as  accepting the federal supple-  pushing  employers  to  make  fair  featuring  ice  sculptures  to  help,”  she  said.  “It’s  em-
            other  programs  that  offered  ment  after  consulting  with  them.                   and live dancers. The Shrimp  barrassing,  I’ve  worked  my
            extended support for the un-  business  owners  and  em-                               Basket  restaurant  chain  is  whole life, and now I have to
            employed.                    ployees.                     Charita  McCarrol  is  human  raffling  off  a  new  car.  Jack-  ask people for help, and I’m
                                                                      resources  manager  at  Great  son  restaurant  owner  Jeff  not one to do that.”
            At  least  24  Republican-led  Even  though  most  capacity  Southern Industries, a pack-  Good  held  a  hiring  carnival
            states  in  the  U.S.  have  now  restrictions  and  other  coro-  aging  company  in  Jackson.  with games, balloons and ice  Folks  said  there’s  a  miscon-
            decided  to  end  federal  un-  navirus   regulations   have  She  said  she  has  used  the  cream.                ception  that  people  still  on
            employment  benefits  early,  been  lifted  for  businesses,  state’s portal to make reports                        unemployment  from  the
            months before they were set  they  still  aren’t  able  to  re-  and  she  sees  a  lot  of  people  Workers   are   demanding  pandemic  are  lazy,  and  that
            to expire in September 2021.  cover fully because they can’t  abusing the system.      more  than  they  were  before  they don’t want to work. She
            That means millions of peo-  find  employees,  said  Erma                              the pandemic, employers say.  said that’s not true for her.
            ple will lose support. People  Cook,  director  of  the  office  “You can’t get people to come
            in  Mississippi,  one  of  the  of  re-employment  assistance  to work,” McCarrol said. “It  Matt  Roberts,  general  man-  “I’m  just  stuck  between  a
            poorest states in the country  at Mississippi Department of  has  been  an  absolute  night-  ager at Shaggy’s Biloxi Beach,  rock  and  a  hard  place  right
            with the lowest-paying jobs,  Employment Security.        mare in the world of staffing  said  the  restaurant  is  fully  now,” Folks said. “It feels like
            will be among the first to lose                           agencies.”                   staffed  since  it  raised  pay  to  there’s no way to get me out
            benefits.                    “Employers are reaching out                               a guaranteed $15 an hour for  of it.”

                              Hundreds gather at historic Tulsa church's prayer wall

            (AP)  —  Hundreds  gathered  ing  and  leveling  a  35-square-block  As  the  ceremony  came  to  an  end,  But that event was scrapped late last
            Monday for an interfaith service  area. Estimates of the death toll range  participants  put  their  hands  on  the  week after an agreement couldn’t be
            dedicating  a  prayer  wall  outside  from dozens to 300.               prayer wall along the side of the sanc-  reached  over  monetary  payments  to
            historic Vernon African Method-                                         tuary while a soloist sung “Lift Every  three  survivors  of  the  deadly  attack,
            ist  Episcopal  Church  in  Tulsa’s  Barber,  a  civil  and  economic  rights  Voice and Sing.” Traffic hummed on  a  situation  that  highlighted  broader
            Greenwood neighborhood on the  activist,  said  he  was  “humbled  even  a nearby interstate that cuts through  debates over reparations for racial in-
            centennial of the first day of one  to stand on this holy ground.”      the  Greenwood  District,  which  was  justice.
            of  the  deadliest  racist  massacres                                   rebuilt after the massacre but slowly  Disagreements  among  Black  leaders
            in the nation.                      “You can kill the people but you can-  deteriorated 50 years later after homes  in  Tulsa  over  the  handling  of  com-
                                                not kill the voice of the blood.”   were taken by eminent domain as part  memoration  events  and  millions  of
            National civil rights leaders, includ-                                  of urban renewal in the 1970s.      dollars in donations have led to two
            ing the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Wil-  Although the church was nearly de-  Monday’s slate of activities commem-  different  groups  planning  separate
            liam  Barber,  joined  multiple  local  stroyed in the massacre, parishioners  orating the massacre was supposed to  slates  of  events  marking  the  massa-
            faith leaders offering prayers and re-  continued to meet in the basement,  culminate with a “Remember & Rise”  cre’s  100-year  anniversary.  In  addi-
            marks  outside  the  church  that  was  and it was rebuilt several years later,  headline  event  at  nearby  ONEOK  tion to the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre
            under  construction  and  largely  de-  becoming a symbol of the resilience  Field,  featuring  Grammy-award-  Centennial  Commission,  the  Black
            stroyed when a white mob descended  of  Tulsa’s  Black  community.  The  winning singer and songwriter John  Wall Street Legacy Festival scheduled
            on  the  prosperous  Black  neighbor-  building  was  added  to  the  National  Legend  and  a  keynote  address  from  a  series  of  separate  events  over  the
            hood in 1921, burning, killing, loot-  Register of Historic Places in 2018.  voting rights activist Stacey Abrams.  Memorial Day weekend.
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