Page 7 - ATA 3 Feb"15
P. 7
Tuesday 3 February 2015
Colorful Children’s Carnaval Parades Enjoyed by All!
Grand Children’s Parade the families who actively and events.
and Noord Children’s Pa- participate in most of the Continued on Page 14
rade are largely those of major Carnaval activities
ORANJESTAD - Children big day, dancing and gyrat-
and small, with their fami- ing its way from Cheng’s
lies, friends, balloons and Supermarket in Bubali all
feathers in tow came out the way to the Centro di
in droves on Saturday and Bario in Noord. The Grand
Sunday for a weekend of Children’s Parade in Oran-
fabulous Children’s Pa- jestad on Sunday began
rades in Oranjestad and inland at the Dakota Enter-
Noord – two of the many tainment Center in Dakota,
in a procession of proces- and after winded its way
sions that make up what towards Oranjestad to the
are Aruba’s annual Carna- delight of Carnaval enthu-
val festivities. The colorful siasts made its way right
Noord Children’s Parade back to where it started in
celebrated its magnificent Dakota! The excited young
50th Anniversary this Satur- people who made up the
Tuesday 3 February 2015
Colorful Children’s Carnaval Parades Enjoyed by All!
Grand Children’s Parade the families who actively and events.
and Noord Children’s Pa- participate in most of the Continued on Page 14
rade are largely those of major Carnaval activities
ORANJESTAD - Children big day, dancing and gyrat-
and small, with their fami- ing its way from Cheng’s
lies, friends, balloons and Supermarket in Bubali all
feathers in tow came out the way to the Centro di
in droves on Saturday and Bario in Noord. The Grand
Sunday for a weekend of Children’s Parade in Oran-
fabulous Children’s Pa- jestad on Sunday began
rades in Oranjestad and inland at the Dakota Enter-
Noord – two of the many tainment Center in Dakota,
in a procession of proces- and after winded its way
sions that make up what towards Oranjestad to the
are Aruba’s annual Carna- delight of Carnaval enthu-
val festivities. The colorful siasts made its way right
Noord Children’s Parade back to where it started in
celebrated its magnificent Dakota! The excited young
50th Anniversary this Satur- people who made up the