Page 22 - AWEM 20-Feb-2015
P. 22

22 AWEMainta Diabierna, 20 Februari 2015

Horoscoop feb. 20, 2015                                               Letter to the Editor

                 ARIES: Talentonan scondi den arte, musica, baile,    Gentlemen:
                 ta manifesta cu mayor forsa. Sigui cultiva, supera,
                 studiando i mehorando den tur aspecto di bo bida     I could not help but notice the following discrepancy in your  “Kingdom of the Netherlands—
                 pa e aña aki.
                                                                      Aruba: Concluding Statement of the 2015 Article IV Mission, dated February 13, 2015” report
                 TAURO: Controla tur locual ta yalusi, desaroyando
                 mayor siguridad den bo mes. Amor solamente por        
                 biba den libertad.
                                                                      In # 4  reported “narrowing of the fiscal deficit to 5¼ % of the GDP in 2014” is incorrect
                 GEMINIS: No falta bo promesanan i sigui dilanti,
                 religiosamente cu bo plannan di dieta i ehercicio    because of one of the following mistakes:
                 pa mehora bo salud. Pone tur idea cu ta crusa dor
                 di bo mente den accion.                              Possible mistake # 1: The GDP reported by the Central Bank of Aruba for 2014 is Afl 4,750.5M

                 CANCER: Duna i cumpli den e medida di bo forsa.                                         At 5¼ %, the deficit equates to Afl 249.4M
                 Dieta i ehercicionan ta converti awor den un
                 obligacion cu bo mester cumpli cune.                                                    The in November 2014 approved budget for 2014, referred to a Afl 441M

                 LEO: Lo social ta cobra forsa y intensidad, pero     		                     deficit.
                 semper bou di control. Bo ta topa un hende cu ta
                 stima bo i un cu ta odia bo tambe.                   Possible mistake # 2:  If the deficit is at 5¼% of the GDP and is Afl 441.8M as per approved

                 VIRGO: Ordo, harmonia i balansa den                  		                            2014 budget , then the GDP would stand at Afl 8,415.2M, which is \		
                 situacionnan di cil di bida, ta laga bo supera
                 exitosamente. No yega na extremo i desaroya          		                            certainly not the case.
                                                                      Possible mistake # 3:  The approved 2014 budget deficit of Afl 441M was converted to U.S.
                 LIBRA; Haci un estudio profundo di bo i di bo
                 pareha prome di compromete. Casanan ta               		                            Dollars at the rate of Afl 1,77/US$ 1.00. equating to US$ 249.4M                         
                 enfrenta realidad cu antes nan ta nenga di acepta.
                                                                                                               249.4M is 5¼% of 4,750.5M, but the currency denomination is hereby

                                                                      		                            mixed up.

                                                                      The ratio should be corrected to, a deficit of Afl 441.8M of the GDP of Afl 4,750.5M, being
                                                                      Of which the “possible mistake # 3” is the most plausible; please correct me if I am wrong,
                                                                      otherwise have same corrected in your report.
                                                                      While looking forward to your news, I remain,
                                                                      Norman L. Kuipéri,
                                                                      Byronstraat  # 10, Oranjestad, Aruba
                                                                      Cel:  +297 592 0700

SCORPIO: E tormenta cu bo a haña bo aden di                           TIPO DI CAMBIO OFICIAL
 nanza, ya a pasa i a laga bo fuerte i sabi pa traha
                                                                      Valido pa 20 februari 2015
cu bo placa sabiamente.                                                                                           t’e 11or mainta

SAGITARIO: Explora teritorionan nobo, estudio i                       Placa Extranhero              Bank Papieren  Wisselen, Cheque  Benta
prepara bo profesionalmente cu e futuro ta hopi                                                                    Reis Cheque en    na
prometedor si bo supera den tur sentido.                                                                           Over Boekingen    Publico

CAPRICORNIO: Tin mas forsa y decision pa tuma                         US Dollar                        1.77 1.78                     1.80
e iniciativa. Na e momentonan di crisis ta aparece
e lider cu ta responde energeticamente na cualkier                    CAN Dollar                       1.40 1.42                     1.44
                                                                      Engelse Pond Sterling            2.68 2.73                     2.79              Provision di Devisa 1.3%
AQUARIO: Aunke pa bo, bo famia ta hopi
importante, awor pensa un tiki mas riba bo mes.                       Zwitserse Frank per CHF. 100 187.68 188.40 189.20                              Segun articulo 12 di Afkondigingsblad
No sigui siendo victima ni martir di niun hende.                                                                                                           di Aruba 1991 nr.GT 32.
                                                                      Ned.Ant. Gulden per ANG. 100     98.00 100.00 biljetten 100.20
PISCIS: Bo ta exigiendo demasiado awor cu                                                                            chq./overboeking 100.00           Banco Central di Aruba ta defini
relacion na bo trabou i esey ta hiba bo na perde                                                                                                         e tipo di cambio oficial pa e
perspectiva di lo realmente ta cumbini na e                           Japanse yen per JPY. 10.000 148.30 149.65 151.16
momentonan aki.                                                                                                                                         cambionan di placa extranhero.
                                                                      Euro per XEU. 100                200.97 202.81                 204.85
                                                                                                                                                     BANCO DI CARIBE
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