Page 17 - ATA
P. 17

                    Tuesday 24 april 2018

            The Leatherback Season

            has started last weekend

            at Eagle Beach

            EAGLE BEACH - Every year  only were the volunteers re-
            the  volunteers  of  Turtuga-  lieved with the sign that the
            ruba  will  start  the  first  of  turtles  really  have  started
            March  with  the  monitoring  now. Also the tourists of the
            of  several  Aruban  beach-  Low  Rise  Hotel  Area  were
            es,  looking  for  tracks  and  very  glad.  Like  many  of
            nests of sea turtles.        those tourists the Sea Turtles
                                         have been “repeat guests”
            Last  year  the  first  Leather-  for many years. We cannot  They  don’t  live  in  the  Ca-  beach to nest.        the sea turtles their dark na-
            back  nest  was  found  at  miss them!                    ribbean,  but  in  the  Atlan-                            tal beaches, not only now,
            March  16,  this  year  it  took                          tic Ocean, were they feed  It takes about twenty years  but also in 20 years.
            till  last  weekend  for  the  The Leatherback Sea Turtle  on Jelly Fish. But to lay their  before the Leatherback will
            first  two  nests,  one  in  front  is the biggest of the seven  eggs they always return to  be mature, and just 1 out of  More  information:  Face-
            of  Manchebo  and  one  in  species  of  sea  turtles  still  their natal beach. Sea tur-  1000 will make it to maturity.  book Turtugaruba Founda-
            front  of  Tara  Building.  Not  alive.                   tles need a dark and quiet  Let’s do our upmost to give  tionq
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