P. 21

sportsFriday 29 May 2015

New French Open challenges await Williams, Djokovic, Murray

HOWARD FENDRICH Serbia’s Novak Djokovic is treated for an injury in the second round match of the French Open Murray meets 20-year-old
AP Tennis Writer Nick Kyrgios. There hadn’t
PARIS (AP) — For Serena tennis tournament against Luxembourg’s Gilles Muller at the Roland Garros stadium, in Paris, been a teenager in the
Williams, it was a bad men’s third round at Ro-
right elbow that led to France, Thursday, May 28, 2015. Associated Press land Garros since 2008, but
some shaky serving and a now there are two: Kokki-
dropped set. alone, 52 in all. She double-faulted two-time Australian Open nakis and Croatia’s Borna
For Novak Djokovic, first it “I was a little bit nervous eight times and allowed champion. Coric, 18.
was a balky right hip that (in the) first set,” Friedsam Friedsam to accumulate Even if she is 15-3 against Coric eliminated 33-year-
needed treatment from a said, “and I think Serena 15 break points, four of Azarenka, including wins old Tommy Robredo, who
trainer; later came an em- was a bit nervous, too.” which were converted. in the 2012 and 2013 U.S. was seeded 18th, 7-5, 3-6,
barrassing mistake. The American was particu- “I know my level is liter- Open finals, Williams ac- 6-2, 4-6, 6-4, and now will
For Andy Murray, it was a larly subpar with her serve, ally 100 times better than knowledged: “I do know if meet Jack Sock, a 22-year-
time warning from the chair which she said she hasn’t I played today,” the 19- I play the way I did today, I old American.
umpire and losing a set for been able to work on prop- time major champion said, probably won’t be winning “All of them — Kyrgios,
the first time in six matches erly in practice because of rolling her eyes, “so I think my match. So I’m going to Kokkinakis and Coric —
against his opponent. an elbow injury that led her I take more solace in the have to step it up a level.” are showing some great
While nine-time French to withdraw from a clay- fact I can play better, as The top-seeded Djokovic skills and potential to be
Open champion Rafael court tournament in Rome opposed to the fact that and Murray, seeded No. ... top players,” Djokovic
Nadal won in straight sets this month. that’s the best I could play. 3, both will take on talent- said. “But it’s a long way
on a cloudy, windy Thurs- “I’m not using it so much as Then I would be in trouble.” ed young Australians for ahead.”
day, some red dirt got in a weapon,” Williams said Next comes 27th-seed- berths in the fourth round. Djokovic proclaimed the
the machine for three of about her serve. “So hope- ed Victoria Azarenka, a Djokovic faces 19-year-old pain in his upper right leg
the other biggest names at fully it will get better.” former No. 1 player and Thanasi Kokkinakis, while “nothing serious, really” af-
Roland Garros. That trio put ter taking a medical time-
those moments aside and out late in the second set
reached the third round, of his 6-1, 6-4, 6-4 win over
where more significant Gilles Muller. For a few min-
challenges could await. utes, things did not look
“I know I’m capable of promising for Djokovic —
playing great tennis,” the prone on the court, getting
top-seeded Williams said. massaged by a trainer.
“Just haven’t seen it yet.” But he eventually moved
Calling her performance a step closer to complet-
“not professional,” Williams ing a career Grand Slam.
was sloppy as can be for There was a gaffe at 4-1 in
stretches in a 5-7, 6-3, 6-3 the third set, though, when
victory over 105th-ranked Djokovic casually watched
Anna-Lena Friedsam, a a ball by Muller sail long
German who had never but touch the edge of his
won a Grand Slam match racket before hitting the
until this week. court.
Williams committed 21 un- The point went to Muller,
forced errors in the first set who broke there.q

Contador extends lead; Gilbert
wins 18th stage of Giro d’Italia

Ryder Hesjedal of Canada, right, crosses the finish line ahead A member of an early utes, 15 seconds, with Aru title for testing positive in
of the overall leader Aberto Contador, left, at the end of breakaway, Gilbert re- third, 6:05 behind. the 2010 Tour.
the18th stage of the Giro d’Italia, Tour of Italy cycling race from quired just over four hours “I’ve been working to win Gilbert won the world title
Melide, Switzerland, to Verbania, Italy, Thursday, May 28, 2015. to complete the 170-kilo- this race for four months in 2012 and also has titles
meter (106-mile) leg from and every day I’m getting in many single-day clas-
Associated Press Melide, Switzerland, to closer,” Contador said. sics. The Belgian rider also
Verbania, which included Stage 19 and 20 are both won Stage 12.
VERBANIA, Italy (AP) — Al- attack on the leg’s big one top-category climb grueling mountain legs, Two other members of the
berto Contador increased climb, while former world shortly before the finish. before Sunday’s finish in breakaway, Francesco
his lead on the 18th stage champion Philippe Gilbert Astana riders Mikel Landa Milan. Bongiorno and Sylvain
of the Giro d’Italia on posted his second victory and Fabio Aru fell behind Contador is attempting Chavanel, finished sec-
Thursday with a well-timed in this year’s race. due to a crash before the to become the first rider ond and third, 47 seconds
climb to Monte Ologno, since Marco Pantani in and 1:01 behind Gilbert,
and that’s when Conta- 1998 to win the Giro and respectively.
dor attacked, riding by Tour de France in the Contador finished 6:05 be-
himself for most of the as- same year. hind while Landa and Aru
cent and opening up a A two-time Tour cham- were 7:18 back.
significant gap from the pion, Contador won the Damiano Cunego, the
other contenders. Giro in 2008 and was also 2004 winner, fell and with-
Contador extended his triumphant in Milan in 2011 drew early on while with
lead over Landa to 5 min- but was stripped of that the breakaway.q
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